Aug 042013

In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Limited Edition Black Mamba from Dream Pod 9 for Heavy Gear.  The Black Mamba was the Limited edition figure at Gen Con 2012.  It can also be purchased online with the South super bundle


Music Black Black Hole
Performed by Three Minute Pop Songs
Thank You Music Alley
Terms for use of music at Music Alley.

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Heavy Gear Assault on Kickstarter

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May 212013

About a year ago Stompy Bot Productions began developing Heavy Gear Assault.  They managed to keep a lot of the details secret, but just about everyone realized the game was going to be influenced by Heavy Gear Arena.  I have been waiting a long while to find out about all the details.  I’m happy to let you know about their  Kickstarter.

You can also join John Ngyuen on Through Gamer Goggles News Tuesday night 9:00 P.M. E.S.T. at

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May Releases for Heavy Gear

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Apr 292013

Dream Pod 9 is currently taking preorders on their online store

imageSouthern Military Police Cadre
(2 Black Mamba MPs, 2 Iguana MPs, and 1 Cobra MP Gear pewter miniatures
and extra parts.)
DP9-9286…………………………. $49.95 USD
This product will phase out the MP Shields Five Pack (DP9-9164)

Southern Visioth Main Battle Tank (DP9-9292, 29.95 USD)

Southern MP Decals Pack (DP9-9289, 6.75 USD)

All of these products are available for preorder and will ship Friday May
17th, 2013.

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DP 9 Consolidates Rules Resources

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Apr 182013

- logo DP9 b&wConsolidated Rules Resources

We’ve taken all of the current errata posted across our Gear UP e-zines
and books, and consolidated them into a single file for easy access. In
addition to the errata file which also includes the Post 1940 Upgrades for
the North and Peace River, we have also made available the Duelist Rules
from Perfect Storm and the Veteran Survivor & League Rules from Terra Nova
Gambit as a free download for our fans. Lastly, the Beta Threat Values
published in Gear UP 5 are included here for ease of access. Don’t forget
that you can download the Heavy Gear Blitz Core Rules Field Manual for
free on Drive Thru RPG. Enjoy!

Heavy Gear Blitz Core Rules Field Manual

Heavy Gear Blitz Errata & Post 1940 Upgrades (North & Peace River)

Heavy Gear Blitz Optional League Rules and Survivor Upgrades.pdf


Heavy Gear Blitz Optional Duelist Rules.pdf

Heavy Gear Blitz Beta Threat Values

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Dream Pod 9 Announces the 2013 Golden Gear Painting Competition

 Arena, Blitz, Dream Pod 9, Featured, Heavy Gear  Comments Off on Dream Pod 9 Announces the 2013 Golden Gear Painting Competition
Oct 042012

The Gang at DP 9 has announced their 2nd annual painting competition.  So all you gear heads should take look and enter.  I think I am going to give it a whirl this year.  Maybe if I sabotage the other entries I will stand a chance.




So there you have it the whole package.

Sep 242012


In this Box Breaking Matt takes a look at the Heavy Gear limited edition Black Mamba.




You can visit Dream Pod 9 to learn more about Heavy Gear.  For a limited time Dream Pod 9 is offering their rules for free click the gear on the left side of your screen.  Plus they are making room in the warehouse,  several titles can be found here at up to 50% off.

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Box Breaking # 44 Heavy Gear Voltigeur

 Arena, Blitz, Box Breaking, Dream Pod 9, Featured, Heavy Gear  Comments Off on Box Breaking # 44 Heavy Gear Voltigeur
Sep 242012

Matt takes a look at the Voltigeur for Heavy Gear. The Voltigeur is for the NuCoal faction.









If you would like to learn more about Heavy Gear you can visit Dream Pod 9

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Sep 092012

Now available, our new Jungle series bases and more Techno bases.

25mm Hex Jungle Bases (sold individually) 25mmHexJ $2.00

25mm Hex Jungle Base 5-Pack 25mmHexJ5 $7.00

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Aug 282012

In this Box Breaking Matt opens up a Drake for Heavy Gear.   This model was made available at Gen Con 2012 in a limited quantity.  This model has a lot of options to it.  It is going to be a challenge for me to put together.

Music Black Black Hole performed by 3 minute Pop Songs.

You can learn more about Heavy Gear here.

Thank You Music alley for providing pod safe music.

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Heavy Gear Interview with John Nguyen and Jason Dickerson at Gen Con 2012

 Arena, Blitz, Conventions, Dream Pod 9, Gen Con 2012, Heavy Gear, Interviews  Comments Off on Heavy Gear Interview with John Nguyen and Jason Dickerson at Gen Con 2012
Aug 222012

In this interview Jason and John discuss the next Field Manual “Forged in Fire”.  We talk about the changes to force lists and how the Nucoal is the new concept of building.   They drop some names of gears in the new videos.   We even managed to get our hands on the Drake, Box Breaking by Saturday.  Both John and Jason have been involved with Heavy Gear for a long time, it becomes evident when we spring  the question on them about their favorite era.


If you would like to learn more about the Heavy Gear universe you can get the Gear Up Magazine here.

If you want to get the rules for free click the Field Manual on the left hand side of your screen.

If you want to learn more about Heavy Gear Arena go like Stompy Bot here.

If you liked this interview +1 it and like us on facebook.  Our social media links are on the right hand side of your screen.

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