Countdown to Gen Con Just 4 Days Left

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Aug 082014

Sorry I didn’t post Yesterday,  I had a a ton of computer problems.


Anyway, with only four days left I was reminiscing about conventions I had been to in the past.  one of the things that came to my mind was Mech Pods


These massive cockpits Are rolled off the trucks and made ready for players to ensue all kinds of Battletech carnage.   Virtual World Entertainment has done a great job with the programming for all metal mashing mayhem.  Any one can easily climb in and get lost piloting an Atlas.  The only problem I have is I haven’t hear anything about the this year.

Box Breaking 98 Southern Special Infantry for Heavy Gear Blitz

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May 062014

specinfantryIn this Box Breaking Matt takes a look at the special infantry models for the Southern army in Heavy Gear Blitz. These sculpts are unique because each has six poses that reflect the special weapons infantry  can carry in HGB.





Heavy Gear Blitz is produced by Dream Pod 9.

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May 012014

hetaroiIn this episode Matt takes a look at the Hetaroi Spark for the Southern army in Heavy Gear Blitz.  The Hetaroi Spark is a hover tank used by the Southern army. Watch and take a look at the detail this model has been given  by Dream Pod 9




Check Back soon for the Figure Forge on this model.  I may even use the Hetaroi for a painting tutorial, I will clearly demonstrate my lack of skill.

For more information you can always visit Dream Pod 9

Thanks to Music Alley for pod safe music

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Heavy Gear Assault on Kickstarter

 Arena, Blitz, Featured, Heavy Gear  Comments Off on Heavy Gear Assault on Kickstarter
May 212013

About a year ago Stompy Bot Productions began developing Heavy Gear Assault.  They managed to keep a lot of the details secret, but just about everyone realized the game was going to be influenced by Heavy Gear Arena.  I have been waiting a long while to find out about all the details.  I’m happy to let you know about their  Kickstarter.

You can also join John Ngyuen on Through Gamer Goggles News Tuesday night 9:00 P.M. E.S.T. at

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DP 9 Consolidates Rules Resources

 Arena, Blitz, Dream Pod 9, Featured, Gaming News, Heavy Gear  Comments Off on DP 9 Consolidates Rules Resources
Apr 182013

- logo DP9 b&wConsolidated Rules Resources

We’ve taken all of the current errata posted across our Gear UP e-zines
and books, and consolidated them into a single file for easy access. In
addition to the errata file which also includes the Post 1940 Upgrades for
the North and Peace River, we have also made available the Duelist Rules
from Perfect Storm and the Veteran Survivor & League Rules from Terra Nova
Gambit as a free download for our fans. Lastly, the Beta Threat Values
published in Gear UP 5 are included here for ease of access. Don’t forget
that you can download the Heavy Gear Blitz Core Rules Field Manual for
free on Drive Thru RPG. Enjoy!

Heavy Gear Blitz Core Rules Field Manual

Heavy Gear Blitz Errata & Post 1940 Upgrades (North & Peace River)

Heavy Gear Blitz Optional League Rules and Survivor Upgrades.pdf


Heavy Gear Blitz Optional Duelist Rules.pdf

Heavy Gear Blitz Beta Threat Values

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Sep 092012

Now available, our new Jungle series bases and more Techno bases.

25mm Hex Jungle Bases (sold individually) 25mmHexJ $2.00

25mm Hex Jungle Base 5-Pack 25mmHexJ5 $7.00

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Aug 142012

I don’t know why I didn’t share this sooner.  I should have been smart enough to show you this when DP 9 announced Summer Blitz.  With Gen Con only being a few days away I thought I would share some information with you about Heavy Gear.   The really cool part is the rules are a free download for a short while.

Don’t forget to click the link on the left to get your free copy of the rule books.

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