Dec 062011

If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to read Matt’s article  first.  (Things might make a little more  sense that way, but I don’t guarantee that they will.)

Yes, while at Con on the Cob I spent a bit of time getting  to know the Silvervine game system, its creators, and many of the players.  I was amazed by the diversity of players –  all ages, genders, personalities, and gaming experience were well represented.  I was intrigued by the concept – the openness  of the system, the fantasy-steampunk setting, and the clear presentation of the  core principles of the system.  The  enthusiasm of the creators is infectious – they truly love gaming, and I am  continually amazed by the amount of work that has gone into their  products.  In short, Silvervine was my  torrid affair of Con on the Cob. Continue reading »

Dec 052011

For those of you that don’t know what Silvervines Game System is you can visit their website here. For those of you that don’t want to leave (thank you) Silvervine is basically a RPG that incorporates thematic character creation with a cinematic narrative of almost dice-less roleplaying.  At least that is the best one sentence description of he game that I can come up with.

Moving on, in the not so distant past Ryan and I had the opportunity to interview the gang from Silvervine.  When I say gang I mean the creator’s and designers of the game.  If you like what you hear here I am sure you will meet them all.  At that point in time I was a little bit lost about what the system had to offer.  In fact I thought it was probably a bogus system.  The stories they told us in the interview were just too ridiculous for this game to work.  I mean how can anybody (not on acid) play a sandwich?  That’s right somebody created a sandwich as their character.  But, Ryan wasn’t as preoccupied as I was at Con on the Cob – he gave them far more time than I did.  In fact he was sold on the game.  I was leery, very leery. Continue reading »

L5R imperial Histories coming in January

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Dec 022011

L5R: Imperial Histories

$39.99 SRP


The Imperial Histories recount the triumphs of the Emerald Empire and the most noble Emperors who have lead it in shining glory. Maintained by the dutiful Miya and the devoted Ikoma families, the Imperial Histories are a testament to the Emperor’s unfailing leadership and the never wavering loyalty of his servants. All samurai of the empire can look upon them and be assured of the imperial family’s unquestionable judgment and guidance of the Emerald Empire.

At least, the official imperial histories are such.  The truth…much more interesting. The Imperial Histories pulls back the curtain on many tumultuous eras of the Emerald Empire; revealing not only the glories of the Rokugani, but also their failings and tribulations. Providing a wealth of information for players and GMs alike, this tome serves as a resource for playing in various times of the Empire, or bringing elements of those times to your characters and campaigns.

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Dec 012011


It all started on a rainy Saturday morning. I was spending the weekend visiting my cousin Lance. We were supposed to ride four-wheelers, but the bone-chilling downpour dashed those plans. So, we did what most adolescent males did in 1988. We turned on that 8-bit wonder, the Nintendo Entertainment System. After some Ninja Gaiden and Contra, we slid in Final Fantasy. The music entranced me, the graphics befuddled me, the gameplay bonded to me. The game touched me mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It was a whirlwind weekend romance that I would never experience again. A few years later, I received a Super Nintendo for Christmas, and by Easter had finally saved enough money to purchase Final Fantasy II. I ate, slept, and breathed that game; until Final Fantasy III came out.

Those games, and others like them (oh ChronoTrigger, how I miss thee), engaged me unlike any other. Undoubtedly, it is the level of story-telling which goes into those games which makes them the best. And as great as they were (and still are), and as much as I loved them (and still do), I always felt like something was missing – as though the experience could be so much more personal and interactive in a way that would really allow me to be a part of the game, and not just an almost passive observer. I didn’t know it at the time, but video game RPG’s had become my gateway drug to a deeper addiction.

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Roleplaying Etiquette for the Players

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Nov 212011

It has been a long time since I have role played.  I am getting ready to start a campaign in a system yet to be determined .  I am leaning towards Rifts or Ninjas and Superspies.  I haven’t played Rifts since 1998 and I am longing for a session.

Enough about what game system we will play.  The thought of playing has reminded me that sometimes things that shouldn’t need to be said must be said.   Huh?  hat in the world am I talking about?  Well, you’re a player what do you think?

Have you ever been sitting around a game table and caught a wiff of something that just doesn’t belong at the game table?  Have you ever been frustrated out of your mind because another just won’t stop talking?  Have you ever not wanted to play your character because one character in the part just makes you feel inferior?  If so you just might want to read this article.

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Box Breaking: Pathfinder Beginner Box

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Nov 152011

All right in this Box Breaking we have the Beginner Box set for Pathfinder from Paizo Publishing.  If you are thinking about playing Pathfinder RPG this might just be the thing you need to watch.


I ahve waited to delve into Pathfinder RPG for oh about a year.  This box set will give me that opportunity.

If you check back in a day or so we will have a character creation video using this box set.

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Oct 052011


Last week I provided an overview of depression. This week I shall take a look at its connection with gaming. I’ve been gaming for fourteen years, and have had the opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful people – folks that I gladly call “friend.” And there is one thing that I have noticed about the gamer population compared to the general population. I believe that the rate of depression in gamers is higher than that of the general population.

Gamers & Depression

Why is that? Are depressed people drawn to gaming? Or does gaming make one more depressed? Or is it simply a coincidence, or faulty observation on my part?

We can eliminate that last question based on the proven fact that I am always right. (Which, by the way, is another source of my depression. It is an incredible burden to be right all the time 😀 .)

The second question seems counter-intuitive: How can something “fun,” like playing games, make you feel depressed? Sure, many of the games we play are competitive, and no one likes to lose; losing can put one in quite a funk. But at the same time we recognize that “it’s just a game,” so the prospect and experience of losing are not that emotionally traumatic. Furthermore, many games, especially RPG’s are cooperative, allowing everybody to “win.”

Therefore I’m brought back to the first question: Are depressed people drawn to gaming? I think that there is some solid evidence to indicate this probability.

First, depression makes it difficult to socialize with other people, but gaming provides a “bridge” to social interaction. It’s easier to address another person through the medium of a game, with its rules and structure, compared to trying to strike up a conversation with someone at “regular” party.

Second, it gives the depressed person something to do. Lack of activity and motivation are the most difficult parts of depression to deal with. Gaming, at the very least, is an activity to focus on and participate in. Thus gaming is the vehicle by which one can combat that lack of motivation and activity.

I’m sure there are other reasons (which a qualified sociologist or psychologist could explain) why gamers seem to have a higher rate of depression than the general population, but these two stand out strongest to me. Continue reading »

Ethics in RPG’s: Part 2: The Ethical Theories in D&D

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Sep 132011

Introduction: The System

In this second part on Ethics in RPG’s I am attempting to apply the major Ethical Theories to the alignment system of Dungeons & Dragons.  I’m using D&D 3.5 as my “base,” but this easily applies to 4th Edition, Paizo’s Pathfinder and any other similar “two axis” alignment system.

What is a “Two-Axis Alignment System”?  That’s my label for how D&D 3.5 models their alignment chart.  There are two axes: 1) Good-Evil, 2) Law-Chaos to create their well-known alignment chart.

The Purpose however, is to help the reader in creating a fuller, deeper character.  To better understand your character’s motivations creates a better role-playing experience for all.

Direct Correlations

I begin with the most natural intersections between the Ethical Theories and particular alignments.

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Sep 082011

As I taught a college level Ethics course for a local university I began to think about the interactions and relationships between the major ethical theories/viewpoints and the alignment systems of the role-playing games we all enjoy.  I like alignment systems, they help define a character.  However, these systems can be found to be lacking as is evidenced by the number of arguments generated between players and game masters concerning a character’s actions.  These debates can be great.  Anyone who knows me knows that I love a good argument.  But often such “alignment debates” degenerate into shouting matches without any resolution (other than the GM saying “do that and I’ll kill your character”).

Therefore I am sharing with you a very brief introduction to the major ethical theories.  Consider this a supplement to the alignment systems.  Once you understand the theories, I’d like you to try and see if and how they apply to your characters.  You could even reflect it on your character
sheet.  For example, in D&D it could read: “Alignment: Lawful Good (Utilitarian),” or “Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Relativist).”

Each of the following ethical theories attempts to define that which is “good” by creating a philosophical/ethical system that can be applied to various situations.  To complicate matters further, one can mix all of this with any number of religious views.  In fact, many have grow out of, or in reaction to, a particular religious viewpoint.  Nonetheless, I hope that the following helps inform your character generation process, giving you a
deeper background, and informing your choices at the gaming table.

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Malifaux June Releases

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May 132011

I was just  looking over the Malifaux June releases

  • Resurectionists Guild Autopsies
  • Neverborn Collodi Box Set
  • Outcasts Desperate Mercs 2 poses

As usual these models look good. I am looking forward to painting  the mercs.  Here is a link to the images in the Malifaux forums.


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