New Dust Tactics Products From Fantasy Flight

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Oct 052012

Dust Tactics: Operation “Hades”

$ 44.95

The fifth campaign expansion for Dust Tactics, Operation “Hades” permits dynamic new play experiences. It introduces rules for subterranean warfare, superhuman soldiers, new skills, and richly detailed information about the city and battleground of Zverograd. It also offers players thirty-one tiles, a Zverograd city poster, a map of the Zverograd metro, six scenarios, and over two dozen objectives to serve as the basis of their own scenarios. Finally, Operation “Hades” marks the arrival of Winter Child, the game’s first superhuman soldier.  Key Selling Points • The fifth campaign expansion for Dust Tactics • Introduces new rules for tense and dramatic underground fighting • Brings to life the war-torn city of Zverograd, the campaign’s setting • Offers six new scenarios and presents players with tools to build their own • Marks the arrival of Winter Child, the game’s first superhuman.

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Dec 012011


It all started on a rainy Saturday morning. I was spending the weekend visiting my cousin Lance. We were supposed to ride four-wheelers, but the bone-chilling downpour dashed those plans. So, we did what most adolescent males did in 1988. We turned on that 8-bit wonder, the Nintendo Entertainment System. After some Ninja Gaiden and Contra, we slid in Final Fantasy. The music entranced me, the graphics befuddled me, the gameplay bonded to me. The game touched me mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It was a whirlwind weekend romance that I would never experience again. A few years later, I received a Super Nintendo for Christmas, and by Easter had finally saved enough money to purchase Final Fantasy II. I ate, slept, and breathed that game; until Final Fantasy III came out.

Those games, and others like them (oh ChronoTrigger, how I miss thee), engaged me unlike any other. Undoubtedly, it is the level of story-telling which goes into those games which makes them the best. And as great as they were (and still are), and as much as I loved them (and still do), I always felt like something was missing – as though the experience could be so much more personal and interactive in a way that would really allow me to be a part of the game, and not just an almost passive observer. I didn’t know it at the time, but video game RPG’s had become my gateway drug to a deeper addiction.

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Tabletop Quality a Miniatures Painting Guide.

 Gaming News, Miniatures  Comments Off on Tabletop Quality a Miniatures Painting Guide.
Sep 052011

Have you ever heard the phrase table top quality?  Did you wonder what it means?   Well, if you know or think you know what table top quality means read on and I will share with you my findings.  We will attempt to do this by not siding with any one view (I will still pick on stereotypes though), but instead by defining it based off reading articles, and forum posts from Dakka Dakka, Bolter and Chainsword, Cmon, and game manufacturer’s websites.


When I first decided to write this article I thought I had a good understanding of the phrase.  I was wrong.  I discovered that a  part of the “painting” community is loud enough that that they are heard.  Not only are these people loud they are rude.  You will find comments like”table top quality is just another way of saying ” , and “tabletop quality is just an excuse for you not wanting to play me”.  So if you are a new player or painter who plays you are forewarned that you will be up against this kind of mentality.  I suggest you steer clear of these people as best you can while you are learning to paint.

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