In this Flip Through Matt takes a look at the first book of the Coalition Wars Campaign The Seige on Tolkeen for Rifts from Palladium Books. this starts the story of Tech VS. Magic in the Rifts universe – well I mean makes truly volatile.
Currently running a campaign that is leading up this part of Rifts history.
In this episode of Role-Play Ramblings Matt talks about planting seeds. Which in this conversation is a combination of foreshadowing, note taking, listening and even closure.
This is something that I think newer GM’S struggle with, but once it’s learned it is very rewarding.
I this episode of Role-Play Ramblings Matt Lemke shares his gaming experiences with problem players, some of them include the wallflower, philosopher, rules lawyer and even the instigator. This short message is for Role-players at all levels of experience, but is most beneficial for GM’s. These tips can be applied to any game system.
If you like this please like it please give it a thumbs up on YouTube and if you know someone who would enjoy it please share. I had a lot of fun coming up with this seasons content and I would love to continue.
Next episode (targeted for Thursday) is “Who’s Telling the Story”. Is it the GM’s Story or the players?
Special Thanks to Owen K.C. Sthephens and Ryan Hale for their extra input on this season. I also have to thank all of my backers for making this happen. I wouldn’t have had the drive to do this without their support!
In this episode of Words with Sean Patrick Fannon and I talk about Savage Rifts. Sean shares with us the origins of this wonderful idea and some new mechanics. I think Sean is especially happy with the new Juicer rules, I know I am.
This is super exciting for me. I have been playing Rifts off and on for nearly thirty years and I love it each time. For me this is the perfect way to explore Savage Worlds a game that I have been putting off for about 4 years now.
In this episode Matt talks about he temperament of your character. If you are interested in the personality test talked about here is the link. Also, the book Matt keeps referencing is Plot Versus Character by Jeff Gerke
I’ll admit this approach is a little bit of work when you first get started, but it’s well worth the reward.
What does it mean to have character? If you are like most players you will start defining your path by picking your race and rolling some stats. Then you pick a class and maybe an alignment, and then you gear up for adventure. For many that’s all there is to creating a character, but for what I believe to be a much more exciting experience, personality needs to be bred into the character. I don’t mean a superficial background that is created by a few random rolls; I mean one that gives a certain amount of depth to one’s personality thus influencing thought patterns. Creating a character like that is a challenge that introduces ethical challenges that go beyond an alignment or dispositions established by a particular game system.
I approached Kevin at Gen Con and asked to do an interview. He was happy to chat about everything Palladium Book does while dropping some eggs about the future.
I’m looking forward to some great things for Robotech, Palladium, and Rifts.
Do you like webcomics? We at Through Gamer Goggles sure do, especially when those webcomics are based on Role-Playing Games! And that is why we reached out to J.E. & E. Flint, the creators of The Chronicles of Loth.
I first met J.E. through the website “Explorers Unlimited,” a play-by-post site dedicated to Rifts and other Palladium Books games. So what goes into the creation of a weekly webcomic? “Mostly spite,” they say. Listen in and find out more.
TGGN Player
A big THANK YOU to the Flint brothers, for taking the time to sit down with us. You can find The Chronicles of Loth by clicking here: (the only thing you have to loose is a lot of time).
This is the first in a series of articles about “Character” Creation? What do I mean by that? (Especially the part with “Character” inside quotation marks.) I mean, all the parts that are not covered in the basic mechanics of a particular RPG’s character creation system. I mean the creation and development “universal” aspects of an RPG character – personality, attitude, behavior, motivation, psychology, etc. I mean those parts that are at the heart of the “Role-Playing” experience (as opposed to the “roll-playing” experience).Continue reading »