Gen Con 2018 Video Blitz Funded in Under 24 hours!

 Featured, Kickstarter, Road to Gen Con 2018  Comments Off on Gen Con 2018 Video Blitz Funded in Under 24 hours!
Jun 202018

Those of you that follow me know that the Gen Con Video Blitz is a relaunch of our canceled Season 8 Kickstarter. I knew I was going to fund pretty early on, but I didn’t expect to achieve it before Monday! So how did I know? I think, in part, it was because I already had some publicity from the  full season Kickstarter attempt.  The clincher was when I saw people pledging that I had never heard of. I knew that it was going to go all the way.  We still haven’t had everyone hop back on board yet from the previous project, and we are moving through stretch goals already!  While I am it it check this out:
Through Gamer Goggles Gen Con 2018 Video Blitz -- Kicktraq Mini

Not bad for twenty hours!

With that said the first stretch goal has already been met, which is the Road to Gen Con 2018.  The Road to Gen Con is my crazy way of communicating with people before the show. I did this a couple of years ago and I had a blast.  One of the first things I will do for the Road To Gen Con is create a landing page for it.  Then I will start reaching out to publishers for some inside information to promote them at Gen Con. There will be live Kickstarter videos on the topic of Gen Con – schedule coming soon.  The Road to Gen Con will also include the most complete miniature and RPG release I can muster.  No board games BGG has cornered the market on that one.

There are a lot of stretch goals to unlock and the rewards are awesome so don’t hesitate to check it out!

bruce wwx spyfall








For more great rewards check out the Kickstarter!

I’m so glad that so many people believe in what Through Gamer Goggles does, and I’m even happier they want to be a part of it.

Thank you,

Matt Lemke




May 212018


Over the years I’ve been able to write several articles and film over 2000 videos for the gaming industry; most of those are published on my YouTube Channel.  In the beginning there were minis, then RPGs, food, and then board games. Now there is everything – which is great but it’s clear my fans are role-players, wargamers, and then board gamers.

To be successful I have to slow down and listen to you more.  That’s why this year is the year of community. I have reflected on the numbers, and you want me to talk about Pathfinder, D&D, wargames, and everyone loves my convention coverage.  Then there are those of you that love my Box Breakings – don’t worry they’re not going anywhere! Some of you have also been talking with me about the production quality of my videos. I appreciate the feedback, and that’s why I’m shooting for a new camera this year.

In order to do all of this I need to make some changes; these are not necessarily in any particular order. One thing I will be evaluating is launching new channels that focus on specific genres, but that is something I want you to help me decide.


Build a bigger stronger community                 IMG_1851

  • Facebook groups – private
  • Community feedback chatsMeet ups
  • Push forward with RPG
  • Consistent Flip Throughs
  • More Role-Play Ramblings
  • Run at least one game per con

Bring back wargaming to my channel

  • Terrain building
  • Battle reports
  • More game specific content
  • New show Wargame Wandering – not confirmed yet
  • Board games
    • Box Breakings remain and improve
    • More reviews or how tos
    • Fiction and technical content
  • My game world                                                IMG_2194
    • Tools
    • Adventures
    • Monsters
    • Magic
    • NPCs
    • Short stories
  • I would like to organize events again!
    • I used to organize events like a mad man and I miss it.
    • I would love to create my very own game con!
    • This is kind of lofty right now.
  • More conventions
    • I would like to make Origins, Gen Con, and Adepticon staples for every season.
    • Gary Con and Paizo Con would be awesome too!

Wow, that’s a lot of stuff!  I currently commit about 20 hours per week to creating content for Through Gamer Goggles with more crunch hours around conventions.  Which for the content I produce is just about right. With some better organization I can do more. Heck, if I had it my way I’d be doing it 40-60 hours a week, but that’s just not realistic right now.



In order for Through Gamer Goggles to continue improving, I need you. I can’t possibly build a community without you. If you would like to help grow the Through Gamer Goggles community please check out our Kickstarter.  It’s full of all kinds of goodies like promos and digital copies!

Gen Con 50 Coverage 31: The Legend of Korra from IDW

 Featured, Gen Con 2017, IDW Publishing, Kickstarter  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 Coverage 31: The Legend of Korra from IDW
Aug 262017

Idw was debuting the The Legend of Korra miniatures game and I got to play the demo.  If you have ever wanted to bend you have to try this game! It really gives that feel.  Legend of Korra will be on Kickstarter in September.

I hope I have the funds to buy in on this one!

Looting Atlantis Review

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Sep 222015

Looting Atlantis designed by Nick Sauer

Published by Shoot Again Games on Kickstarter


Imagine you are a citizen of Atlantis and the continent is sinking due to a violent eruption.  Knowing that the your home is lost other citizens begin to flee.  You and the other players around you however, realize that the other civilizations are primitive in comparison so you begin Looting Atlantis to secure your family’s future.

Looting Atlantis is a race to gather as much Atlantean equipment as possible.  The only problems are that the lava is destroying everything, and other citizens are trying to thwart you.  Looting Atlantis combines a race against the clock, with card counting, critical thinking and a drafting mechanic.

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Aug 092015

Ronnie tells us about Dungeon Saga the Kings of war rules what’s new for Warpath and Daeadzone and the Dreadball ranking system that’s coming soon.

I played Dungeon Saga and it has a good feel to it.  What I mean by that is it’s not like some of the other dungeon crawl games on the market where you feel like your’e playing a board game.  In Dungeon Saga I felt like the mechanics blended well with the story too.   I will definitely be bringing more to you in the near future.

Words With Heath on Gods and Monsters @ Gen Con 2015

 Gen Con 2015, Kickstarter, Words With  Comments Off on Words With Heath on Gods and Monsters @ Gen Con 2015
Aug 082015

Heath from Altered Reality tells us about the Gods and Monsters game live on Kickstarter.  These figs are beautiful and huge!



I had the chance to watch this at Gen Con and it looks promising.  I would have filmed it for you but my camera was out of juice.

Words with Jeff from Scale Games Limited

 Featured, Gen Con 2015, Kickstarter, Scale Games LTD, Words With  Comments Off on Words with Jeff from Scale Games Limited
Aug 072015

In this interview Jeff and I talk about their level up line and Fallen Frontiers.  Jeff was the only one at the booth so this is a little choppy from all the edits.

I find that their minis will make you happy.

Cubicle 7 Entertainment launch Cold War espionage setting for Call of Cthulhu on Kickstarter

 Cubicle 7, Kickstarter, RPG's  Comments Off on Cubicle 7 Entertainment launch Cold War espionage setting for Call of Cthulhu on Kickstarter
Jun 252015

Cold War Packshot550Cubicle 7 Entertainment launch Cold War espionage setting for Call of Cthulhu on Kickstarter

Following on from their first two smash-hit Kickstarters, Cthulhu Britannica: London and The Lone Wolf Adventure Game, Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd have announced that their latest project – World War Cthulhu: Cold War – is now live on Kickstarter!

World War Cthulhu: Cold War is a new Call of Cthulhu setting full of thrilling espionage, tense horror and sudden betrayal set at the height of the Cold War in the 1970s. The tangled webs of the spymasters tear and rejoin, double and triple agents make their moves and counter-moves, and it’s hard to be sure which side you’re really working for. Nuclear destruction hangs over everyone, and a few people at the heart of western intelligence continue their personal battle against the insidious influence of a much older enemy…

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Mare Nostrum – Empires has unlocked 15 incredible Kickstarter stretch goals in its first 48 hours!

 Academy Games, Kickstarter  Comments Off on Mare Nostrum – Empires has unlocked 15 incredible Kickstarter stretch goals in its first 48 hours!
Jun 022015

mareMare Nostrum – Empires has unlocked 15 incredible Kickstarter stretch goals in its first 48 hours!
Kickstarter Early Bird Pledge Level ends Monday evening.

Click Here to see Kickstarter Page or to pledge at special price


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Calliope Games’ Titan Series Meets Funding Goal

 Calliope games, Kickstarter  Comments Off on Calliope Games’ Titan Series Meets Funding Goal
May 212015


Calliope Games’ Titan Series Meets Funding Goal

Ambitious project unites legendary designers to create library of casual games
Redmond, WA-May 21, 2015. Calliope Games’ Titan Series has met its funding goal of $135,000! The project unites legendary designers such as Richard Garfield (Magic: The Gathering), Mike Mulvihill (Golem Arcana), Paul Peterson (Smash Up), and Mike Selinker (Pathfinder Adventure Card Game). Together with Calliope Games, they’ll create a library of casual games designed to recruit fresh blood to tabletop gaming and serve as filler games for experienced players.

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 Posted by at 7:16 PM