Ultimate Intrigue Review

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Jan 132017

20161229_115649Ultimate Intrigue

Published by Paizo Publishing

The latest of the Ultimate series books is packed with a ton of themed information. This is a gem for any espionage player or GM. Ultimate Intrigue features the Vigilante base class, new archetypes, feats, intrigue systems, social combat, new spells, and gear.

Vigilante base class has some pretty cool perks. The first and the coolest is the ability to have dual identities – like Batman! The class has the option for each identity to have a different alignment. My GM would have a lot of fun with that concept, and as a player it would be a great challenge to role-play. Beyond that you get to pick a path of specialization as an avenger or a stalker. An avenger gains an attack bonus equal to the character level, while a stalker capitalizes on stealth to gain 1d8 precision damage on flanked, flat-footed or otherwise unaware foes. This increases 1d8 every two levels. There are also several Vigilante talents. My favorite has to be Blind Spot. It allows the character to hide from creatures with special senses like Tremor Sense. That’s something I could have used in my last adventure.

There are of course several new archetypes in Ultimate Intrigue, and while many of them are specialized most can be used without too much difficulty. My favorite is the Guild Breaker, a Ranger who specializes in taking down an enemy organization. The difference is that the bonuses they get are applied to an enemy organization instead of to a favored enemy. This archetype also gets Deep Cover, which allows bonuses to Bluff and Disguise against the enemy organization.

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Box Breaking 202: Let Them Eat Cake From Osprey Games

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Jan 102017

Matt takes a look at Let Them Eat Cake. Let Them Eat Cake is a game of committees, medals and cake. Players elect officials, earn medals, raise generals , and most importantly eat cake.

I haven’t played Let Them Eat Cake, but I’m a fan of games that involve bluffing, and I’m a bigger fan of cake.

 Posted by at 9:50 AM

Flip Through: Pocket Core Rule Book and Bestiary for Pathfinder

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Jan 052017

In this Flip Through Matt takes a look at the Pocket Bestiary and the Pocket Core rule book for the Pathfinder role-playing Game. When I first heard about the pocket books I didn’t know what to think, but I have a good idea now.


Stop back soon for my Flip Through on the Curse of the Crimson Throne.

 Posted by at 10:09 PM

Role-Play Ramblings 2.7: Romancing the Character

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Jan 022017

In this episode of Role-Play Ramblings Matt talks with guest Jason Bulmahn at Gen Con 2016 about how to introduce romance into your game sessions.


I always have a good time talking with Jason Bulmahn.  This was certainly no exception.  Being a GM for my teenage boys you can only imagine what kind of trouble I’m stirring up with potions of love.

Role-Play Ramblings 2.5: Spotlighting

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Jan 022017

In this episode of Role-Play Ramblings Matt discusses spotlighting. Which is the art of allowing player characters shine at the right point in time for them to become integral to the story.

I have been GMing for about 30 years and I still find this to be one of the most difficult things to do!

Role-Play Ramblings 2.3: Story Telling

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Jan 022017

In this Role-Play Ramblings Matt talks about Story telling, He shares some of the pitfalls he has experienced as a GM and he talks about how writing fiction differs from writing an adventure.

This is probably a topic I will come back to in the future, it’s one of those rare topic where you can always learn and apply something.

Role-Play Ramblings 2.2: Planting Seeds

 Featured, Role-Play Ramblings Season 2, RPG's  Comments Off on Role-Play Ramblings 2.2: Planting Seeds
Jan 022017

In this episode of Role-Play Ramblings Matt talks about planting seeds.  Which in this conversation is a combination of foreshadowing, note taking, listening and even closure.


This is something that I think newer GM’S struggle with, but once it’s learned it is very rewarding.

Role-Play Ramblings 2.1 Note Taking

 Featured, Role-Play Ramblings, Role-Play Ramblings Season 2  Comments Off on Role-Play Ramblings 2.1 Note Taking
Jan 022017

To start Season two of Role-Play Ramblings Matt talks about the importance of note taking in an RPG.  He covers who should takes notes and  when some of the better times for taking them are.



I had a lot of fun filming this episode.  It took me a lot longer than I thought it would to play three people, but I had a blast.  I hope to do more like this in the future.

Bomb Squad Play Through Review From Tasty Minstrel Games

 Board Game Reviews, Featured, Review, Tasty Minstrel Games  Comments Off on Bomb Squad Play Through Review From Tasty Minstrel Games
Dec 312016

In this Play Through Review Matt demonstrates the good and bad about  Bomb Squad.

This is the first gam I have ever played with a revealed hand mechanic and I like the way Tasty Minstrel Games worked it in.

Figure Forge 76 Gharial for Dropzone Commander

 Dropzone Commander, Featured, Figure Forge, Hawk Wargames  Comments Off on Figure Forge 76 Gharial for Dropzone Commander
Dec 202016

Watch as Matt assembles the Shaltari Gharial Command Grav Tank for Dropzone Commander from Hawk Wargames.

For those of you thinking about DZC I highly recommend it.  Super easy to learn and next to no clunk in the rules.