Warning the exhibit hall is quite loud. Bryan Pope , producer and creator of the smash hit Mage Wars, from Arcane Wonders shows his support to Through Gamer Goggles by signing Copies of Forged in Fire. These copies are available as a pledge on Through Gamer Goggles Kickstarter you can find it here. I have to put a special thanks out to Arcane Wonders for making this happen – especially Bryan Pope.
The Convention Experience is Live on Kickstarter
I am proud to announce that our Kickstarter project is live! The project is all about what it means to attend a convention on a media level as well as an attendee. Which is really pretty loaded. But it is really so much more than those simple words. The project reflects who we are at Through Gamer Goggles.
It will go beyond just footage of the convention and create personal experiences of backers. It took me quite a bit of time to figure out a way that I could give this project back to those who support it with a little more meaning.
Check it out on Kickstarter!
Help Unleash the Kuzaarik for Freeblades by DGS Games
About two years ago I had the opportunity to sit down with Tom Meier at Origins Game Fair. In that interview I had my first chance to take a look at the game Freeblades. You can learn just about everything you need to know about the company and the game in this video. The most important and appealing information for me is the fact that their system has the same rules base from role playing to skirmish to a large scale squad based game.
The Convention Experience a Project by Through Gamer Goggles
Real soon we are going to launch our Kickstarter project the Convention Experience. While most of the details will be brought to you by the project I wanted to take some time and share with you why this is personal to me. Sometimes I feel that the blog is too impersonal and you don’t get to see how passionate I am. That is something that bothers me. This is my opportunity to share something with you that goes beyond mere coverage and start to make the change.
When I was challenged to start this blog by my friend, Ryan Hale, it was intended that the coverage was going to be news, reviews and the blending of real life with gaming. I think I’ve had some great successes and that I am still trying to find my footing in some areas. With almost 300 YouTube videos published it is clear where I’ve succeeded. But I feel a need to do more, I am going to return the original vision and add more real life to the blog. I really can’t think of a better place to start than Gen Con.
VivaJava: The Dice Game
From the Myth project update
We also plan to launch MegaCon Games next KS during the month of March. It is called MERCS: Recon. It is a fully cooperative game in the MERCS world. The game will launch with game rules and how to play videos. It has been ready for a bit now, but we wanted to start shipping Myth before we launched it. Every delay in shipping pushed Recon back further and tested our patience more.
Games and Gears Battle Boards less than 10 days left on the Kickstarter
A message from Ross Thompson
“This is Ross from Soda Pop Miniatures and Ninja Division! We are excited to be a part of the Games & Gears Battle Board Kickstarter, where we have designed three of their Battle Boards. The Hellscape Board, the Anima Tactics Board and the Anime Wars Board. These Battle Boards are detailed injection modeled plastic and come up-painted so that you can apply your hobby skills are create the board in anyway you want. ”
Below is a slide show of some of the boards.
Games and Gears Battle Boards
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At Con on the Cob Jason Hardy ran a seminar on the Shadowrun universe. He covered the following What is Shadowrun, Shadowrun 5 overview, what’s next for Shadowrun, writing and drawing for Shadowrun, what kind of character to play, and philosophy. I hope you enjoy it.
If you listened you are as excited as I am about Shadowrun’s future.
No Quarter Magazine #50
$7.50 SRP
No Quarter hits a significant milestone with issue #50. To celebrate, we’re offering articles focused on classic WARMACHINE models and events, including a Gavyn Kyle Files article on Coleman Stryker, a Guts & Gears article on the Storm Guard, and an exciting playable scenario recounting the pitched battles at Point Bourne.
Never miss an issue!
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Limited Edition Black Mamba from Dream Pod 9 for Heavy Gear. The Black Mamba was the Limited edition figure at Gen Con 2012. It can also be purchased online with the South super bundle
Music Black Black Hole
Performed by Three Minute Pop Songs
Thank You Music Alley
Terms for use of music at Music Alley.