Watch as Matt takes a look at Vanifer and the Fire Priest from Gale Force 9 for Dungeons and Dragon.
Vanifer is part of the Dungeon and Dragons collector series from Gale Force 9.
Flip Through Curse of Strahd
In the Flip Through Matt takes a look at the Curse of Strahd for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition from Wizards of the Coast. Curse of Strahd revisits the iconic campaign setting of Ravenloft.
Ravenloft is always cool, but this rendition has me anxious.
Flip Through Princes of Apocalypse
In this Flip Through Matt takes a look the the Princes of the Apocalypse. This adventure can be played for months. Watch as Matt Shares the basics with you.
I’m super excited for this, my children know nothing the the Temple and I believe they will all die
Matt Speaks Role-playing 3 The Role of Character part 2
In this episode back up a little bit and shares his thoughts on how attributes can play into the personality of your character. I introduce a character in this episode that is going to become a staple for us in this series. So I hope that you will join me for character creation from the ground up.
Next week we will move into races.
Flip Through D&D Next Player’s Handbook
Matt takes a look at the D&D Next Player’s Handbook.
He pauses every now and then to share some thoughts, especially about how the book focuses on character creation.
Matt’s Response to Dungeons and Dragons 5th ed
First if you haven’t read Ryan’s post you should start here. It contains links to the information that we base our reactions on.
Before we get too involved here is my brief D&D history.
I started playing in 1981. I took a break in Middle School. Started back again in ’86. The play experience carried me into 2nd edition. I remember that the transition was a simple one and I enjoyed proficiencies. I stopped playing again sometime in the mid 90’s.
2002-ish I started to play again. This time it was 3.5. Again it was a simple step into the the new edition. Oddly enough I didn’t miss the things that were changed. I missed the things that were used for background, like the GM description chart, and the random dungeon building chart from the DMG.
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Announced
From the Wizards of the Coast Press room…
It seems that D&D 5th edition will be given a special premiere at Gen Con 2012…
Until then Wizards of the Coast plans on lending us their ear.
From the Press Release:
“We have begun obtaining feedback from a limited Friends & Family playtest consisting of internal employees and their gaming groups and soon we will be expanding that group to consist of members from our existing body of playtesters. Then at the D&D Experience convention in late January, Wizards of the Coast will conduct a special playtest of ideas currently in development.”