Matt Speaks Role-playing 3 The Role of Character part 2

 Articles about better playing, D&D, Featured, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, Shadowrun  Comments Off on Matt Speaks Role-playing 3 The Role of Character part 2
Dec 112014

In this episode back up a little bit and shares his thoughts on how attributes can play into the personality of your character.  I introduce a character in this episode that is going to become a staple for us in this series.  So I hope that you will join me for character creation from the ground up.



Next week we will move into races.

Weasel Pants Productions Produces Redshirts

 Board Games, Gaming News  Comments Off on Weasel Pants Productions Produces Redshirts
Apr 292012


$ 20.00 SRP

Redshirts is a fast paced screw-your-buddies style card game, with simple mechanics and a humorously irreverent take on a certain classic sci-fi television series. Everyone in the Galactic Space Corps knows that the most successful starship Captains go through junior enlisted crewmen like a fat kid goes through cupcakes. In Redshirts, you will: -Assemble and lead an away team of heroic yet disposable characters at a variety of locations. -Examine every mission in detail to determine the crewman with the very best chance to succeed, and then send someone else. -Turn your starship into a slaughterhouse as wave after wave of underlings rush to their death like a pack of lemmings with teleporter technology! Be the first to eliminate every Redshirt on your ship and demonstrate that you have what it takes to lead…from the rear!

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