@Gen COn 2019 I interviewed Chris Pond from Warcradle Studios and we discussed Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus, Firestorm Armada, and Lost World Exodus.
I look forward to a lot more Wild West Exodus and Dystopian Wars!

@Gen COn 2019 I interviewed Chris Pond from Warcradle Studios and we discussed Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus, Firestorm Armada, and Lost World Exodus.
I look forward to a lot more Wild West Exodus and Dystopian Wars!
At Gen con one of the very first things I had the opportunity to do was to sit down with Neil Fawcett from Spartan Games. It was the first time they visited us in the states and I think it’s the beginning of many more.
I did two interviews with them where we chat about Firestorm Armada, the return of Uncharted Seas, Dystopian Wars, Planetfall, and of course HALO. The first is below. I had to refilm it because of the background noise, Neil has a soft voice. I wasn’t going to keep this interview at all, but there is enough in it that we didn’t cover in the second interview that I couldn’t ignore it.
DWEX18 The Black Wolf Aerial Battle Group
As his horde of Mercenaries grows, Captain Vladimir Nikinov, or the ‘Black Wolf’ as he is infamously known, has now complemented his deadly naval forces with a devastating Aerial Battle Group. At the heart of this new force is the massive and most intimidating Retribution Sky Fortress, one of the most impressive flying models in the world of Dystopian Wars. The Retribution is designed to act as a mobile command centre for Nikinov should be choose to leave his famed Death Bringer Submarine, and as such the Retribution hammers enemy models with withering fore weapons, brutal rocket batteries and crushing bomb attacks. In support of this beast are three Chimera medium airships, also armed with fore guns and rocket batteries, and supporting these are five small Wrath airships, armed with fore and aft turrets. The arrival of aerial mobility to Black Wolf forces makes them an even more dangerous foe to fight off, both as a standalone force or as mercenaries hired by the various nations of the Dystopian World. Only one fleet is spurned by Nikinov, that of the Russian Coalition, the Admirals of which have orders to kill the Black Wolf on sight. Contains: 1 Retribution Class Sky Fortress, 3 Chimera Class Medium Airships, 5 Wraith Class Airships, 16 SAS Tokens, 3 Movement Trays & Micro Dice, 1 TAC Deck and Tokens & Templates. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.
The Black Wolf Naval Battle Group
Led by the ruthless “Black Wolf” Captain Vladimir Nikonov, this mercenary fleet strikes fear into the hearts of Admirals the world over. Selling his services to the highest bidder the Black Wolf is a hunter without equal, excelling at coordinating his ships in lightning fast assaults to cripple the enemy before they know what has hit them. Spearheaded by the Death Bringer Class Submarine, frequently commanded by Nikinov himself, this Fleet of hardened warriors strikes hard at the enemy. First, the devastating gunnery of the Nemesis Class Battle Cruisers and the maneuverable firepower of the Fury Class Corvettes softens the enemy, weakening their defenses and leaving them disorientated and reeling. Then the Reaper Class Attack Drone-Subs deployed by Manticore Class Support Skimmers close in for the kill, in support of the Death Bringer itself. Together, these Submarines blast asunder the remaining enemy ships as they attempt to flee from the awesome might of the Black Wolf Battle Group.
Contains: 1 Death Bringer Class Large Submarine, 2 Acrylic Echo Templates, 2 Nemesis Class Battle Cruisers, 2 Manticore Class Support Skimmers, 12 Reaper Class Attack Drone-Subs, 8 Fury Class Corvettes and 10 Tiny Flyer Tokens. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.
Captain Vladimir Nikonov had a reputation as a daring and unconventional officer even before joining the Russian White Navy’s submarine development programme in 1861. He had honed his skills as a destroyer commander, running ‘unofficial’ covert missions in the Black Sea against the Ottoman navy, as part of the Stavka high command’s brief to assess the defences of the Dardanelles. However, such skills also inflated Nikonov’s substantial ego. Wiry of build, dark-haired and charismatic, his subordinates nicknamed him ‘Black Wolf ’ for both his appearance and hunting prowess. He came to think of himself as more of a corsair than a naval officer; styling himself upon such piratical legends as Blackbeard Teach and Sir Francis Drake.
Dystopian Wars: Ottoman Empire: Hisar Class Mobile Airfield (13)
$50.00 SRP
The perfect centerpiece for any Ottoman Empire force, this Hisar Class Mobile Airfield is a giant walking bastion, armed with huge bombards, formidable turrets and a double airfield for launching dogged tiny flyers. Take advantage of the powerful ‘Firtina Generator’ which allows this monstrosity to not only cloak itself in storm clouds to impair enemy fire, but also create storms that can hamper enemy maneuver and obscure their line of sight.
The most exciting feature of this model is that it is fully amphibious! You can bring the Hisar to battle on land or sea, meaning there is no escaping the wrath of this terrorizing beast.
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Federated States of America: Battle Flotilla (10)
$55.00 SRP
Centering on a formidably powerful Dreadnought, a Battle Flotilla brings the most potent ships available to a Federated States Naval Fleet to the fight. Each armed with powerful guns and unforgiving rockets, these fine ships will blast aside anything that dares to stand against them.
1 x Enterprise Class Dreadnought
2 x Princeton Class Gunships
3 x Springfield Class Escorts
4 x Guilford Class Destroyers
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Federated States of America: Armored Assault Group (14)
$45.00 SRP
Centering on a large and dangerous Tennessee Class Land Ship, supported by the rapid firing turrets of the Reno Tanks, an Armored Assault Group affords an incredible amount of firepower and is a fine addition to any Armored Force.
1 x Tennessee Class Land Ship
3 x Triumph Pattern Reno Class Command Tanks (can also make 3 x Reno Class Medium Tanks)
4 x Pioneer Class Small Tanks
6 x Defiance Class Small Robots
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Federated States of America: Support Flotilla (17)
$35.00 SRP
Able to support the rest of the fleet with squadrons of buzzing tiny airplanes, the Flotilla’s Fleet Carrier is essential to any commander who has victory on their mind. Further protected by a full complement of Escorts and well-armed Corvettes, a Support Flotilla makes a shrewd addition to any Naval Force.
1 x Saratoga Class Fleet Carrier
6 x Springfield Class Escorts
4 x Revere Class Corvettes
6 x Tiny Flyer Tokens
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Federated States of America: Aerial Battle Group (5)
$52.00 SRP
Inside this box is a Federated States of America Aerial Battle Group, the building block from which to grow an air force or a fine addition to any Land or Naval Fleet. The tenacious Valley Class Airship adds a great deal of firepower, and combined with the fast and effective Lee Class Scoutships, gives a versatile and powerful tool to any Federated States Commander’s arsenal.
1 x Valley Class Airship
4 x Lee Class Scoutships
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Federated States of America: Aerial Robot Group (7)
$62.00 SRP
The Aerial Battle Group is made up of John Henry and Freedom Class Flying Robots – unique trademarks of the Federated States that have a fearsome reputation across the globe. Both variants are incredibly powerful and fast machines that are able to hunt down enemies on land, in the air or at sea. Nothing can escape their wrath!
3 x John Henry Class Robots and
4 x Freedom Class Small Flying Robots
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Federated States of America: Ground Fortifications (3)
$47.00 SRP
With an impenetrable Bunker Complex and two steadfast Towers, the Federated States can lay claim to great tracts of the battlefield. The massive revolving turrets thundering from atop these fortress walls will turn back any foe encroaching their territory, and any who do get too close will have their crews picked off by deadly sharpshooters. Ground Fortifications make a useful addition to an Armored Fleet, or can make a fun addition to Scenario games.
2 x Tower Sets
1 x Bunker Complex
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Covenant of Antarctica: Battle Flotilla (12)
$64.00 SRP
Centering on a formidably powerful Dreadnought, a Battle Flotilla brings the most potent ships available to an Antarctican Naval Fleet to the fight. Armed with advanced particle accelerators that can tear through several ships at once or hunting in packs to bring down the largest prey, these menacing ships are capable of taking on anything that stands in their way.
1 x Prometheus Class Dreadnought
3 x Zeno Class Armored Cruisers
3 x Galen Class Escorts
5 x Plutarch Class Destroyers
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Covenant of Antarctica: Hunter Flotilla (9)
$39.00 SRP
Complex lens arrays focus the energy weapons of the Fresnel Support Cruisers into devastating blasts from across huge distances, whilst the elusive Corvettes dart under enemy fire to chase down vulnerable targets. Finally, the terrifying Aronnax stalks the enemy beneath the waves, before surfacing to rend hulls with its giant metal jaws.
1 x Aronnax Class Submersible
3 x Fresnel Class Support Cruisers
5 x Thales Class Corvettes
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Covenant of Antarctica: Support Flotilla (14)
$43.00 SRP
Able to support the rest of the fleet with hordes of flying drones, the Flotilla’s Fleet Carrier brings with it its own set of long range weapons to help bring down the enemy. Further protected by a full complement of Escorts and the mysterious Callimachus Class Time Dilation Orb, able to teleport ships and obstruct enemy attacks, a Support Flotilla makes a shrewd addition to any Naval Force.
1 x Pericles Class Drone Fleet Carrier
1 x Callimachus Class Time Dilation Orb (Waterlined)
6 x Galen Class Escorts
6 x Tiny Flyer Tokens
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Covenant of Antarctica: Armored Support Group (17)
$43.00 SRP
Made up of the most fearsome armored fighting machines, an Armored Support Group makes a worthy addition to any Armored Force. The enormous Mobile Airfield and its supporting Orpheus Drone Controllers are able to fill the sky above with dozens of flying drones – fast and versatile they can be used to obliterate the enemy, or keep your own forces safe and sound. This box also brings a squadron of Colossus Class Small Robots. Working as a coordinated pack, they are able to use their long range energy guns to assist your effort for dominance on the battlefield.
1 x Herodotus Class Mobile Airfield
3 x Orpheus Class Drone Controllers
9 x Tiny Flyer Tokens
4 x Colossus Class Small Robots
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Covenant of Antarctica: Aerial Battle Group (9)
$75.00 SRP
The Covenant of Antarctica Aerial Battle Group is the building block from which to grow an air force or a fine addition to any Land or Naval Fleet. With its Large Flyer and a Squadron of both Medium and Small Flyers, all equipped with a multitude of shield generators and far reaching weaponry, an Aerial Battle Group is a fearsome prospect for any opponent.
1 x Daedulus Class Large Flyer
3 x Icarus Class Medium Flyers
5 x Pytheus Class Small Flyers
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Covenant of Antarctica: Armored Walker Group (14)
$47.00 SRP
The masters of battlefield manipulation, this Armored Walker Group headed by a towering Time Dilation Orb gives Covenant Commanders control of time and space! Supported by Janus Small Walkers to move valuable infantry across the battlefield, and with crushing, high velocity firepower from the quartet of Skorpios Bombards, this Group is a fine addition to any Armored Force.
1 x Callimachus Class Time Dilation Orb
3 x Xenophon Class Small Walkers
4 x Skorpios Class Heavy Bombards
6 x Infantry Tokens
Models unpainted and unassembled.
Dystopian Wars: Covenant of Antarctica: Ground Fortifications (3)
$47.00 SRP
Commanding gunnery housed within heavily reinforced structures, these Fortifications are sure to dominate their sector of the battlefield. Erecting these towering bastions on sites they deem particularly valuable, the Covenant’s armed forces make excellent use of their far reaching gunnery and advanced generator technologies.
The Ground Fortifications make a useful complement to an Armored Fleet, or can make a fun addition to Scenario games.
2 x Tower Sets
1 x Bunker Complex
Models unpainted and unassembled.
DL: Britannia: Terrier Ironclad
$75.00 SRP
Striking a balance between speed, durability and firepower, the Terrier Ironclad is the perfect expansion to a Kingdom of Britannia force. Able to engage any opponent whilst weathering all but the heaviest attacks, the Terrier provides a steadfast iron anchor for the Britannian gun line. Any foe foolish enough to approach the Terrier head on will be blasted by its relentless 122-Pdr Gun, whilst the sponson mounted AT Rifles deter any attempted flanking assaults. As well as this devastating array of firepower, the Terrier holds a powerful shield generator within its hull – a sparking energy field to disrupt incoming fire.
Models unpainted and unassembled.
DL: Britannia: Black Watch Infantry (5)
$24.00 SRP
Resplendent in the traditional kilts and tartan that are their regimental heritage, the Black Watch are a striking sight on the battlefield. Trained to the same exacting standards of musketry as all Britannian Rifle Regiments, the Black Watch also have a notable proficiency in close-quarter combat. With a list of battle honors as impressive as it is intimidating, the elite Black Watch are famed as some of Britannia’s finest fighting soldiers.
Models unpainted and unassembled.
DL: Prussian Empire: Landwehr Infantry Section (5)
$24.00 SRP
The Prussian Empire has a long standing tradition of compulsory conscription and, in times of war, the Landwehr are raised in great numbers to defend their homes and the Emperor’s territories. These valiant soldiers are not to be underestimated, for while they lack the experience of the crack Grenadier Regiments, they compensate with zeal and dedication. When well commanded, they are more than equal to anything the enemy can throw at them.
Models unpainted and unassembled.
DL: Empire of the Blazing Sun: Sun Ke-Ho Ironclad
$102.00 SRP
Fast, tough and deadly from every angle, the Ke-Ho Ironclad’s unconventional design in no way hampers its capacity for destruction. Often seen speeding forward amidst a spearhead of Kote Armored Transports, the Ke-Ho’s unique mechanisms keep it operating efficiently even after sustaining heavy damage, ensuring that its brutal firepower will never cease.
Whether laying down smoke screens to cover the advancing Infantry, picking off Tankettes with bursts from its sponson mounted weaponry, or bearing down on the enemy with its wide-mouthed cannon, the Ke-Ho is both the shield and the sword of the Divine Empress’ armies.
Models unpainted and unassembled.
DL: Empire of the Blazing Sun: Imperial Rifles Infantry Section (5)
$24.00 SRP
Markedly distinct from the fearsome Ashigaru and garbed in crisply-cut uniforms, the Imperial Rifles are a model of discipline and modern precision. However, their heritage has not been forgotten for they are armed with a modernized Teppo, a powerful, long-ranged rifle descended from the early Tanegashima firelocks. On the field, the Imperial Rifles support the advance of their Ashigaru brethren with volley after devastating volley from their arrow-straight firing lines.
Models unpainted and unassembled.
DL: Federated States of America: Armored Infantry Section (5)
$24.00 SRP
Heavily protected against conventional munitions and even deadly gas weaponry, the Armored Infantry Regiments have earned a fearsome reputation across the world as elite shock troops. Often sent barreling deep into enemy lines secure within a Patriot, they emerge to storm the strongest of redoubts with their state-of-the-art Automatic Carbines. Once entrenched, there is little that can displace these tough and resolute soldiers from a valued position.
Models unpainted and unassembled.