Dystopian Legions Rules Download

 Spartan Games  Comments Off on Dystopian Legions Rules Download
Oct 272012

Well have you been wondering about Dystopian Legions?  Well think no more, read instead.


From Spartan Games

“The Dystopian Legions 80 page Quick Play rulebook, which is included in every starter set, is now available to download from the Spartan Games website. It covers all areas of the game mechanics you will need to play a full game of Dystopian Legions, along with descriptive examples and colour diagrams to aid understanding. It can be used as a step-by-step guide, taking you from building your forces and setting up your Game Board, through each phase of a Turn Sequence, and how to work out who has won once the game is over.


So if you’ve ordered Dystopian Legions already why not have an early look before your stock arrives? And if you’re still wondering if Dystopian Legions is right for you, or if it will live up to the success of Dystopian Wars, here’s a chance to judge for yourself:”

Dystopian Legions Download 

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Hydra Preview from Dream Pod 9

 Dream Pod 9, Featured, Heavy Gear  Comments Off on Hydra Preview from Dream Pod 9
Oct 232012

The Forged in Fire Southern Field guide is right around the corner and the guys over at Dream Pod 9 wanted you to get a look at the Hydra.   One of the new resin kits that will be released in the near future.


Doesn’t that just make you want play a Strider?

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We Didn’t Playtest This: Legacies From Asmadi

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Oct 182012

We Didn’t Playtest This: Legacies

Available now

$ 15.00

Playtest: Legacies contains more new cards with a unique twist: You get to write on them. Many of the cards will instruct you to write names or words, causing the effects to permanently change! We recommend getting a Sharpie brand marker for card-writing-on. Legacies can be played stand-alone, or combined with the other Playtest games.

I know I’m getting this and I think Asmadi has a great idea on this one why not check it out?

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Crow and the Pitcher From 5th Street Games

 Card Games, Game Night, Games and Education, Gaming News  Comments Off on Crow and the Pitcher From 5th Street Games
Oct 122012

Crow and the Pitcher

$ 12.00

Available Now

A trick taking game based on the Aesop fable, “The Crow and the Pitcher”. Players attempt to fill Pitchers by playing Stone cards from their hand. However, the highest card played may not always win…

Get this now at 5th street games and  play with your kids, mine can wait till it gets here

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Box Breaking # 48 Thunderstone Advance from AEG

 AEG, Board Games, Box Breaking, Featured  Comments Off on Box Breaking # 48 Thunderstone Advance from AEG
Oct 082012

In this Box Breaking Matt takes a look at AEG’s Thunderstone Advance Tower of Ruins.   If you are teetering take a look at what you get in the game.  It likes like it is a semi-cooperative game, more on that when we play.


Check back soon for our review and a play session,  I hope to have a few games in before giving a full game review.  You can follow Thunderstone Advance and learn more about the Root of Corruption Expansion here.

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Oct 032012


Paul Eaglestone’s A World Aflame is an alternate/real history miniatures game. The interwar is set in the years 1918 to 1939. While there are no lists to the game he does provide some sample lists. Nor is there a particular scale to play in, he uses 28mm.



The rules set offers a unique rules that took me a little getting used to. The oddest thing for me is the army construction. With the absence of point values the units become more equipment or initiative based. Initiative is probably the most important factor in the game, since the game uses alternate activations that follow in initiative order. Outside of Construction the rules are fairly simple, that is just like most miniature games you roll the dice to achieve a target number.


There are a couple of simple rules that add flavor to the game. The best of these is a deck of Chance cards. Each card is an event that can be used. These can be anything from sniper to extra ammunition.

If I played A World Aflame on a regular basis I would probably drop the communication and ammunition tracking rules. While they add a certain amount of flavor to depict the era, I think the upkeep isn’t worth the trade.


All in all it is a well written set of rules with a tremendous amount of freedom for game play and scenarios that you create. It isn’t a tournament style game. I think you could create some pretty amazing campaigns though. If you are a Flames of War player the lack of scenarios in the book will slow you down at first.


So is it worth your two cents? It really depends on who you are. If you are a casual player then it a sure thing. If you are looking for a game that is a break from competitive play this is a good way to go. If you are a competitive player looking for competition this is not your best choice.

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BlackRock City From Blackrock Edtions

 Board Games, Gaming News  Comments Off on BlackRock City From Blackrock Edtions
Oct 032012

BlackRock City

$ 24.15

Released Date: Oct 2012

You are the Chief of your group of outlaws and you must win a maximum of gold and silver by attacking banks and stagecoaches. You will have to be clever to estimate the number of outlaws needed to attack; and watch out for the Sheriff and your opponents!This game is played in rounds. Each round, players bid on the right to perform the next bank robbery, using the members of there robber band (outlaws). The winner of the bid attacks the city, which will often net him some gold and give him new outlaws (by freeing them from prison). However, which city is attacked is determined by the difference between the winning bid and the lowest bid. So, bids from the other players will influence the winner’s gains. The player with the second highest bid will attack the stagecoach and gain some silver.The game ends when no player has an outlaw left or all players refuse to bid on a given round. The player who has collected the most gold and silver wins the game.

Come see this and more from Blackrock Edtions on their site. This site will need translated

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Help Me! From Asmodee

 Asmodee Editions, Board Games, Game Night, Gaming News  Comments Off on Help Me! From Asmodee
Oct 012012

Help Me!

$ 25.00

The spirits of nature are in danger! Can you help? By making use of your bluffing and tactical skills, carefully move the game tile while trying to determine the identity of your opponent’s creatures. •A variant to the game play for 3 and 4 players, without the addition of any pieces. •Superb illustrations. •A cunning game appreciated by players of all ages. The box contains: 36 tiles and the game rule book.


To see more of their games go visit them at Asmodee edition: board games

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City Of Horror From Asmodee

 Asmodee Editions, Board Games, Gaming News  Comments Off on City Of Horror From Asmodee
Sep 292012

City Of Horror

$ 50.00

In City of Horror, you’re playing a group of humans faced with a zombie invasion. The struggle against the dead is important, but your own survival is vital! To win, you’ll have to make alliances but also betray your companions. A game is played over 4 turns. Each turn represents one hour of time before reinforcements arrive. These turns are played out similarly: zombies arrive, players move one of their characters and then each location is resolved (power and attack). At the end of the 4 turns of play, the player with the most victory points (characters, food and antidote) wins the game. But be careful: to get into the helicopter, the players will have to make sure each of their living characters has been vaccinated. The box contains: 7 site tiles; 3 road tiles and a water tower area; 1 water tower; 21 character cards; 21 character tokens; 1 woman with baby character token; 40 zombie tokens; 30 colored bases; 36 movement cards; 40 action cards; 20 invasion cards; 6 explosion markers; 1 starting player marker; 12 food tokens; 16 antidotes; 1 zombie leader marker; 3 caches to be used when parties to less than 6 players; and 6 markers to indicate the color of the player.


To see more of their games go visit them at Asmodee edition: board games

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Sep 262012

Dixit Jinx

$ 14.99

Release date: Oct. 19th 2012

Jinx is a new Game in the Dixit family but unlike the original game the drawings are not realistic illustrations depicting scenes but images halfway between abstraction and figuration. During the game 9 cards are exposed in a square 3×3. The active player draws a locator map that will show him one of the nine cards with which he will play. This location is held secret. The player must now speak, sing, act out something that makes thinking about this card just like in “Dixit”. The other players go around and point to the card they think is correct but beware! Only one player can point a given card. Once a player has chosen the right card, the turn stops (although some have not chosen). The player who finds the right card keeps it (each card gives a victory point). Players who erred give their cards to the player active. But if neither player gets it right card, the active player must return one of the cards previously won.


To see more of their games go visit them at Asmodee edition: board games

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