Sep 092012

Now available, our new Jungle series bases and more Techno bases.

25mm Hex Jungle Bases (sold individually) 25mmHexJ $2.00

25mm Hex Jungle Base 5-Pack 25mmHexJ5 $7.00

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Hot Rod Creeps from Cryptozoic

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Aug 122012

Hot Rod Creeps

$ 44.99 SRP


After custom-creating the world’s most devilish racetrack using the puzzle-piece fittings and dozens of different track sections, the race begins! Each racer has his own team and his own custom 20-card deck filled with unique cards that will speed his Hot Rod around the track. Your deck is also your Gas Tank. If you run out of cards, you run out of gas! Contents Summary: • 188 Game Cards • Over 40 Track Sections • 6 Hot Rod Cars • 1 Sheet of Stickers • 1 Rulebook

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Warmachine Cygnar Avenger/Centurion/Hammersmith

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Jul 282012

Warmachine Cygnar Avenger/Centurion/Hammersmith

$ 34.99


Avenger/Centurion/Hammersmith—Cygnar Heavy Warjack (plastic) Caspian engineers developed the hulking Centurion to rival the size and strength of Khador’s warjacks. Its increased armor and heavy shield makes it one of Cygnar’s most durable designs, and its mighty piston spear can easily pierce the hulls of enemy warjacks. The Hammersmith swaps out shield and spear with massive twin forge hammers meant to flatten anything in its path, while the Avenger features a stun blade and a groundbreaking seismic cannon. Representing a step forward in Cygnaran technology, the seismic cannon fires sophisticated projectiles that can unleash a localized earthquake upon impact. This box set contains three color stat cards and one multi-part heavy warjack plastic model (PIP 31074). Included are all the components to assemble one of three heavy warjack variants: Avenger, Centurion, or Hammersmith. A player may field any number of these heavy warjacks in a Cygnar army. SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 31074 contains the same Mk II stat cards as PIP 31025 and PIP 31039. The model in this box represents the same figures as those PIPs in the game. However, the model in PIP 31074 is a new sculpt and therefore looks different from the models found in those PIPs. In addition, this model is plastic rather than metal. PIP 31025 and 31039 will no longer be available from Privateer Press beginning August 1, 2012.

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Jun 112012

Force on Force is a modern day skirmish game that has no standard line for its models.  In other words it is just a set of rules.  I had tha opportunity to play a quick game at Origins Game fair and I thought I would  share what I learned before I do the book review.  This is not in any way a complete game review and it is important you know that because you can only get so much out of a demo.

I was a little leery of the fact that there is not a miniatures line to go with the game.  After playing the game I am really starting to like the fact that you can proxy your models for your force.  It does two thing for me.  It saves money, and it makes it easy to play any force I want.  Those are important to me.

Force on Force is a simple game to pick up that allows you to apply tactics.  Which is a seemingly unique quality in a skirmish game in our current trending.  It was nice to play a game that wasn’t dependent on simple tricks and gimmicks to win a battle, or a game that requires the player to go first in order to win.  that isn’t the feel I received from playing the demo at all.

The rules are a little different though, well the dice mechanic is.  The system is set up so that different levels of units use different dice.   For example, using a popular motif for labeling units, core troop would use a d6 for their skill rolls while elite troops would be assigned a d8.    The basic concept is the bigger the die the better the troop.  On the flipside though the smaller the die the more likely you are to roll any given number.  For example, you have a 25% chance of rolling a 1,2,3, or a 4 on a d4.  The dice and type of unit are cross referenced  on charts to determine effects.  The other thing that I thought was cool wounded models have a chance of standing back up on their next turn.

If I was to base my opinion of Force on Force entirely on the demo it is certainly worth trying.  I did pick up a copy of the rules to review.  I hope to have it read by the end of next week and a book review written shortly after.



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Zig-Zag from Rio Grande Games coming soon

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Jun 112012

Zig Zag

$ 19.95 SRP


Each player has his own obstacle course that his figure must run. To run the course, the player must collect the right terrain cards – in the right order! But this is not an easy task, as all players are racing to get the cards they need at the same time. The game is played in rounds consisting of a terrain collecting phase and a running phase, which are repeated until one player’s figure reaches their goal card.

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Uncharted Seas June Releases for Spartan Games

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Jun 092012

Imperial Human Kingfisher Class Heavy Cruiser (1 model per blister)

The design of the Imperial Navy vessels is classical. The Kingfisher Class Heavy Cruiser is a majestic galleon that gracefully traverses the seas with its huge sails bulging in the wind and its mighty black powder cannons claiming victims on the horizon


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Box Breaking 10 Days in the USA

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Apr 032012

In this Box Breaking Ryan bust out  10 Days in the USA

10 Days in the USA is basically another destination in the 10-Days Travel Series. You have 10 Days in the USA – Travel the country by jet, car, and on foot. Plan your trip from start to finish using destination and transportation tiles. With a little luck and clever planning, you just might outwit your fellow travelers.  The first traveler to make connections for their 10 day journey wins the game.


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Mar 292012


$ 19.99 SRP

A minute to learn, a lifetime of fun! Blockers! is an exciting abstract strategy game that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Strategize! Block! Capture! Win! The goal of Blockers! is to create connected groups of your own tiles on the board, while trying not to capture too many tiles of the same color. A group is any connected set of like-colored tiles on the board. Diagonal connections don’t count. A tile that isn’t next to any tiles of the same color also counts as a group. At the end of the game, you’ll count the number of groups you have on the board, and the number of tiles you have of the color that you captured the most, and whoever has the fewest of these two things combined wins.

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Mar 262012

On our last game night we played Heavy Gear among others.

We are still learning about Heavy Gear and as a result we are still playing very basic games, 3 gears on 3 gears.  They are often short and vicious battles.   In every game there is always a surprise.   This game was no different it is a testament of how balanced I believe the game is.

Box cover of the first Heavy Gear computer game

Box cover of the first Heavy Gear computer game (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The two forces that faced off were 150 points or less.

Warrior w/bazooka




Dessert Viper

Mad Dog



We played on a 28″ by 24 Inch board with a lot of terrain.  The models were all deployed.   The dessert viper was the first to activate.  He stepped out from the Fuel silo and took a shot at the Warrior.   The  Warrior was in the open at sub optimal range – definitly worth the shot with a heavy grenade launcher.  The dice were cast 2 natural sixes compared to a one and a two.  We didn’t even finish the math, we just removed the model.  the rest of the first turn was spent jockeying for position.

On turn two my opponent had the opportunity to go first.  His Hunter came running around the corner towards the Mad Dog and the Dessert Viper and threw a hand grenade at the Mad Dog.  Each of the Gears took at least a box of Damage.  If memory serves the Hunter took 2 boxes.  Then the Dessert Viper moved forwward and Fired another grenade only to miss, with no end result.  His Jager, ostracized from the battlefield, kicked into ground mode and top speed in an attempt to get into combat.  The Mad Dog moved forward his minimum distance crashing into the Hunter.  The Hunter was no more.

On turn 3 The Jager dropped to combat speed and took a shot at the stunned Mad Dog.  It was a devastating blow, pieces of the mad Dog went everywhere,with a plume of flames.  The Desert Viper advanced and returned  ripping of about half the Jagers armor, while the Hunter kicked it into top speed.

On Turn four the Jager advanced and fired.  He lit up the Jager with a margin of six on the dice thus ending the pilots life.  The hunter dropped to combat speed and opened fire missing the Jager.

At the top of round five we had one Jager with half of its armor and an untouched Hunter.  The Jager won initiative and managed to hit the Hunter.  It was too little too late, sadly, the Hunter returned fire and ended the game.


That game is one of the most appealing things about heavy gear.  The game isn’t about a list.  It isn’t  just about how many dice you roll. In so many games it is about what you have to put on the table. In Heavy Gear it looks like it is more about how you use it


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New Titles from Palladium in March Rifts

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Feb 082012

Rifts: WB Black Market

$ 20.95 SRP

On Rifts® Earth, the Black Market is the most prevalent trader in weapons, contraband and magic items outlawed by the Coalition. Explore the day to day business of the market along with its smuggling routes, practices, policies and nefarious products. Encounter the five major Black Market factions in North America and foreign groups like the Yakuza, Green Scarf Sect and the Underground Railroads of Atlantis and the Vampire Kingdoms. -New O.C.C.s like the Con Man, Coyote and Venture -Black Market services, products, practices and customers. -Criminal jobs like the Enforcer, Hit Man and Defense Attorney. -Major smuggling corridors and routes through Coalition territory. -Smuggling methods, both magical and conventional. -The Five Factions of North America and other Black Market groups. -More equipment from Bandito Arms and specialized smuggling gear. -Tables for creating Traveling Merchants, Caravans, Market Outlets, Market Towns, Clubs and Bars, Body-Chop-Shops and more! -Information on the Coalition prison system and border security. -Written by Matthew Clements and Taylor White, with additional material by Kevin Siembieda and Alex Marciniszyn. 160 pages


Rifts: WB Northern Gun One

$ 20.95 SRP

The largest independent manufacturer of weapons, robots and adventure gear in North America is Northern Gun™. Located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, they have been the premier outfitter of mercenaries and adventurers for decades, and are a major hub for hiring military contractors. With a whole new product line to offer their customers, the future looks bright for Northern Gun™. -The arms giant Northern Gun profiled for the first time! -The Kingdom of Ishpeming, a puppet-state propped up by NG. -Full 109 P.A. catalog of Northern Gun products! -New weapons, power armor, vehicles, robots and adventure gear. -The Ishpeming military, essentially a framework for hiring mercenaries and privateers. -The NG Bounty Board, the largest collection of bounties and mercenary contracts anywhere on Rifts® Earth. -Hover trains, supply ships and sales outlets. -Northern Gun’s relationship with the Coalition States, Triax Industries, the Black Market and others. -Written by Matthew Clements. -Interior Artwork by Nick Bradshaw, Chuck Walton and others. -160 pages

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