Aug 042015

At Gen con one of the very first things I had the opportunity to do was to sit down with Neil Fawcett from Spartan Games.   It was the first time they visited us in the states and I think it’s the beginning of many more.

I did two interviews with them where we chat about Firestorm Armada, the return of Uncharted Seas, Dystopian Wars, Planetfall, and of course HALO. The first is below.  I had to refilm it because of the background noise, Neil has a soft voice.   I wasn’t going to keep this interview at all, but there is enough in it that we didn’t cover in the second interview that I couldn’t ignore it.

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March Firestorm Armada Releases

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Mar 102013

FAZR01 Zenian League RSN Starter Fleet
As one of the most popular Alliance Nations, the Zenian League RSN now makes its appearance as a Starter Fleet. Inside this bundle you get 1 x Battleship, 3 x Cruisers and 6 x Frigates. The models are a combination of pewter and resin and you also get Statistic Cards and 10 x Acrylic Flight Stands. Please Note: This Starter Fleet comes in a large blister and is not boxed.





FAEX02 TA-4 Star Port
Originally designed by the Terran Alliance, this superb feat of space engineering has stood the test of time. With its four hanger bays and lethal weapon systems a Star Fort is an excellent addition to any Firestorm Armada fleet. The model is also an ideal addition to scenario and campaign settings, acting as a perfect victory objective.





FAEX03 Geminon Class Repair Station
The Geminon Repair Station acts as a hub for space-based ship repairs and can be fielded by any race. Prolific in its use across the galaxy, the toughness of this installation, which is commonly fielded in the middle of combat zones, is respected by ship commanders.



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Box Breaking Terran Alliance Starter

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Aug 062012

In this Box Breaking David busts open the Terran Alliance Starter for Firestorm Armada from Spartan Games.  David has had a lot of fun destroying fleets with his Terrans so he just wants to share.



Thanks for watching.  David is very excited that we are starting to cover the Spartan Games lines.  Coverage may seem to be sporadic at  first but it will pick up soon.



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Firestorm Armada Campaign Guide

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Jul 272012

Firestorm Armada Campaign Guide 1: Marauders of the Rift

Marauders, pirates, raiders, corsairs, call them what you will, this full colour Firestorm Armada Campaign Guide delivers to you page-after-page of thrilling information to take your space combat games to a new level. Six new factions are introduced, including the audacious Oroshan Imperium, along with statistics for numerous space vehicles, mercenary fleets, new in-game mechanics, a full campaign background and tabletop scenarios for you to game.

June Releases for Firestorm Armada

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Jun 082012

Firestorm Armada Hardback Edition Master Rulebook

A complete list of stats, background stories, imagery… The Hardback Edition Master Rulebook has everything! This updated edition features the established core rules presented in a clear and concise fashion. It includes the latest errata and streamlined rules for Game Set-up, Terrain, Boarding and Wings. The opportunity has also been taken to include new photography, diagrams and illustrations throughout the book, complete with Fleet Lists for each nation and the current Firestorm Armada MARs; the perfect way to begin your campaign of terror in the Storm Zone!

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Releasing this month from Spartan Games

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Nov 072011

Spartan Games has a track record for making November a busy month. Here is a list of releases that will be available in the US by the 30th.


– Dreadnoughts and Destroyers for every fleet in Firestorm Armada

– 5 scenery models for Dystopian Wars

– 5 Covenant Of Antarctica models for Dystopian Wars (naval battle group models now available separately)

– Phase 3

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