In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Scourge Hound from the Battle of Raven Wood two player starter for Wrath of Kings.
Time to get these painted no I think a a game first!
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Scourge Hound from the Battle of Raven Wood two player starter for Wrath of Kings.
Time to get these painted no I think a a game first!
Watch as Matt assembles the Shaltari Gharial Command Grav Tank for Dropzone Commander from Hawk Wargames.
For those of you thinking about DZC I highly recommend it. Super easy to learn and next to no clunk in the rules.
Watch as Matt easily assembles the Scourge Desolator for Dropzone Commander. This model bring destruction to the Battlefield.
Swing by the booth at Gen COn to get a look at Dropfleet.
In this Figure Forge Matt Assembles the Post Human Republic starter for Dropzone Commander from Hawk Wargames. The Post Human Republic turned it’s back on humanity long ago and is no longer recognizable as humans, but they are clearly cyborgs.
Once they are painted we will start playing some DZC.
In this Figure Forge Matt Uses the Jager from Dream Pod 9 to show you how to pin a gear for Heavy Gear Blitz. The Jager is the work horse of the Southern army.
Watch for our Kickstarter coming very soon.
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Music Black Black Hole performed by 3 Minute Pop Songs
Thank You Music Alley for pod safe music
In this Figure Forge Matt assemble the General Purpose Cadre for the Southern Army for Heavy Gear Blitz. I did quite a bit of editing on this video because the gears are so similar. I decided to cut a lot of the repetition out for you. The end result is complete instructions for one gear and about 30 minutes less video time.
Music Black Black Hole performed by 3 Minute Pop Songs
In this Figure Forge video watch as Matt assembles Qesnef of the Dungeons and Dragons limited edition line from Gale Force 9. Matt has some helpful tips in this video. Some of the pieces are delicate.
You can learn more about Qesnef at Gale Force 9.
In this Box breaking Matt tears open the main battle tank for the South. Then he assembles it. Make sure you assemble yours after the video – Matt noticed some things that could have made his life easier. All in all the Visigoth will be a fine edition to your build.
You can learn more about Heavy Gear at Dream Pod 9.
For those of you going to Con on the Cob in the fall we will be running intro games att the con.
In this Figure Forge Matt grabs his glue, knife and a file to tackle the task of assembling the FCC starter for the Mercs Miniatures Game
If you want to learn how to play MERCS they have more than a few videos on their blog.