Aug 152016

At Gen Gen Con Kevin and I chatted about Robotech Tactics, Rifts and  all things Palladium.  Kevin answers some good questions in here that are from Ben Parker, Jorel Levenson, Marnie Jefferson, Matt Trotta, Graham Bailey,  Oscar Mardones Schopflin, and Dave Knighthawk. Thanks guys.

It’s always a good talk when I get to sit down with Kevin.  I managed to ease drop a bit and while I can’t tell you what I heard I can affirm the plans for Robotech Tactics and Rifts are just out of this world.


The Drake is only about 50 pieces, but it seems like two hundred.

Box Breaking 173 Robotech RPG Tactics Artillery Battlepods

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Nov 032015

Watch as Matt opens up the Robotech RPG Tactics Artillery Battlepods.  The models on these sprues are variants on the Regult battlepods.  I love these models and I’ll be bringing you more very soon.

Look for events at AnCon and Origins.

Aug 082015

In this interview Kevin and I talk about the new Robotech book for the space marines.  Wave 2 loose target date, and the projects on his back burner.

I’m really looking forward to the the upcoming Rifts releases.   Wave 2 looks promising,  everyone I talked to, in the industry and fans, loved the models that were on display.

Basic game Mechanics of Robotech RPG Tactics

 Gaming News, Palladium Books, Robotech RPG tactics  Comments Off on Basic game Mechanics of Robotech RPG Tactics
May 262015

In this video we go over the basic game mechanics of Robotech RPG Tactics



In the near future I’ll get you a full game.

Words With Kevin Siembieda 2 Robotech RPG Tactics POH 2015

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May 212015

In this interview we talk all about Robotech RPG Tactics.  We cover everything from its origin to where Kevin Siembieda would like to see it go.  I have seen Robotech in play and I think it will be around for a long time.

Kevin said they might not do another open house but I think he had too much fun.

Figure Forge 65 Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod for Robotech Tactics

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Mar 242015

In this Figure Forge Matt glides through assembling the Qel-Gulnau Recovery Pod fro Robotech RPG Tactics from Palladium Books.  This is one of the easier models to assemble for Robotech Tactics.

Just a few more models to put together and paint before we can play.

Figure Forge 64 Tomahawk Destroid Robotech RPG Tactics

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Mar 182015

In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Tomahawk Destroid for Robotech RPG Tactics From Palladium Games. Watch as he assembles the model with relative ease – drying time.



Just a few more models to assemble and we can move into game play.

Figure Forge 62 Regult Battlepod for Robotech RPG Tactics

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Mar 042015

In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Regult Battlepod for Robotech RPG Tactics.  This model flew together.

The day is drawing closer when all will be assembled!  Will it be before Palladium Open House?  I’m not sure.  They certainly won’t be painted before then.

Jan 272015

In this Flip Through I take a look at the rule book for Robotech tactics.  If you are thinking about playing the game here is what the book hold for you.

I will be doing a full game review shortly after I finish putting together all the models.  Check back next week for some more assembly videos.

Figure Forge Regult Recon Pod For Robotech Tactics

 Featured, Figure Forge, Palladium Books, Robotech RPG tactics  Comments Off on Figure Forge Regult Recon Pod For Robotech Tactics
Jan 062015

In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Zentraedi Regult Recon Pod for Robotech Tactics Palladium Books.   Watch Matt struggle through this one.  He advises you watch the whole show before assembling your model.




I hope I have the chance to bring these models to Adepticon.   If not I’m really looking to play soon.