Aug 152016

At Gen Gen Con Kevin and I chatted about Robotech Tactics, Rifts and  all things Palladium.  Kevin answers some good questions in here that are from Ben Parker, Jorel Levenson, Marnie Jefferson, Matt Trotta, Graham Bailey,  Oscar Mardones Schopflin, and Dave Knighthawk. Thanks guys.

It’s always a good talk when I get to sit down with Kevin.  I managed to ease drop a bit and while I can’t tell you what I heard I can affirm the plans for Robotech Tactics and Rifts are just out of this world.


The Drake is only about 50 pieces, but it seems like two hundred.

In Her Majesty’s Name from Osprey Publishing – Review

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Apr 292015

IHMIn Her Majesty’s Name is a miniatures war game that is set in a steam pink setting of 1895. Small bands of of figures are assembled to fight over the objectives you establish. This is a skirmish game where you will generally field not more than ten models per player. Written by by Craig Cartmell and Charles Murton the book totals 64 pages costs about 15.00 and is also available as a pdf. If you know of any book published by Osprey publishing you already know the quality you’re getting.

This Skirmish game can be bloody quick. I’ve had games last as little as 15 minutes or as long as an hour. Play is pretty smooth, it uses an alternate activation system where models take turns following the model play of move and shoot.

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