In this Episode Matt assembles the Sampson APC for Heavy Gear. From Dream Pod 9.
The Sampson is a real work horse in the NuCoal army.
In this Episode Matt assembles the Sampson APC for Heavy Gear. From Dream Pod 9.
The Sampson is a real work horse in the NuCoal army.
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Hooper for Heavy Gear Blitz. The Dragonfly is one of the new VTOL’s for the Heavy Gear Blitz game from Dream Pod 9. The model is smooth, no eloquent and assembles quickly.
I only need like ten more of these!
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Hun. Which is a tank for the the Southern Army in Heavy Gear Blitz from Dream Pod 9. It is a pretty straight forward build. It shouldn’t take more tha 10 minutes.
The Hun is a light tank with a standard load out.
In this Figure Forge Matt Uses the Jager from Dream Pod 9 to show you how to pin a gear for Heavy Gear Blitz. The Jager is the work horse of the Southern army.
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Music Black Black Hole performed by 3 Minute Pop Songs
Thank You Music Alley for pod safe music
In this Figure Forge Matt assemble the General Purpose Cadre for the Southern Army for Heavy Gear Blitz. I did quite a bit of editing on this video because the gears are so similar. I decided to cut a lot of the repetition out for you. The end result is complete instructions for one gear and about 30 minutes less video time.
Music Black Black Hole performed by 3 Minute Pop Songs
In this Figure Forge Matt tackles the assembly of the Illithid Raiding Party from Gale Force 9 for Dungeons and Dragons. GF9 produces these limited edition minis that are all a high quality that contain a great balance of detail for both the skilled and unskilled painter.
You can learn more at Gale Force 9.
In this Figure Forge video watch as Matt assembles Qesnef of the Dungeons and Dragons limited edition line from Gale Force 9. Matt has some helpful tips in this video. Some of the pieces are delicate.
You can learn more about Qesnef at Gale Force 9.
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles Drizzt Do’Urden the iconic Drow character created by R.A. Salvatore. He takes time sharing with you his thoughts and concerns about potential weaknesses of the models. Drizzt is a two model kit produced by gale Force 9.
You can learn more about Drizzt Do’Urden at Gale Force 9.
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles one sprue of the Scourge faction from the Dropzone Commander 2 player starter. Dropzone Commander is produced by Hawk Wargames.
You can learn more about Dropzone Commander at Hawk Wargames.
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles one sprue of the UCM from the Dropzone Commander two player Starter. It took Matt about 30 minutes to assemble the models. That means the UCM force will take about 90 minutes to assemble. I hope to have the Scourge force up by the middle of next week.
You can learn more about Dropzone Cammander at Hawk Wargames.