Ben and I chat about the release of the Syrinscape creator beer and chasing dice.
We also talk about flame wars and some of his weirder customer service stories.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 34: Star Trek with Chris Birch
Chris Birch of Modiphius Entertainment tells me about Star Trek and his new tabletop game Airfix Battles. I’m so glad they are doing a beta test too.
I think one of the coolest things about the Star Trek RPG is going to be the use of the forume.
Sorry about the weird cut in the video, my memory card filled up and didn’t relay to the next card right.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 33: All Quiet on the Martian Front
In this interview with Iron Clad Games we discuss the stae of all Quiet on the Martian Front and whatthe plans are for the not so distant future.
I’m so happy to see this rise from the ashes.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 32: Aegis Preview
Aegis is a robot wargame where you outmaneuver and out build your opponent to victory. Aegis is being produced by Greenbrier Games.
I would like to see Aegis with 4 players.
Mantic Games at Gen Con 2016
I really don’t know where to start. Ronnie is such a character maybe we should start with him. It’s short but it’s all the time he had on Sunday.
What did you catch? Blaine is going on an adventure. At Mantic Saturday I heard rumors about Dungeon Saga in Space, and a Kings of War skirmish game. I really can’t wait for that.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 28: Palladium Books
At Gen Gen Con Kevin and I chatted about Robotech Tactics, Rifts and all things Palladium. Kevin answers some good questions in here that are from Ben Parker, Jorel Levenson, Marnie Jefferson, Matt Trotta, Graham Bailey, Oscar Mardones Schopflin, and Dave Knighthawk. Thanks guys.
It’s always a good talk when I get to sit down with Kevin. I managed to ease drop a bit and while I can’t tell you what I heard I can affirm the plans for Robotech Tactics and Rifts are just out of this world.
The Drake is only about 50 pieces, but it seems like two hundred.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 26: Jeff Combos on Hollow Earth Expedition
Jeff Combos of Exile Game Studio give me an introduction to Hollow Earth. I Think of it as Journey to the center of the Earth, X-men, and Indiana Jones all worked into one great story.
The setting of Hollow Earth sounds amazing. I really can’t wait to find out how the mechanics are unique.
I had the chance to sit down with the crew of Arc Dream Publishing at Gen Con and we talked about everything Delta Green. It’s long but there is a lot of good info in here if you are just starting out.
This was one of my more interesting interviews at Gen Con this year.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 24: Privateer Press the Pressganger Program
James is the quartermaster for Privateer Press and he oversees the Press Gangers. We discuss how he sees the program maturing in the next year or so.
New rules for the game brings a refreshed vision for the Press Gangers.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 23: Realm Works overview
A demo of the Realm Works product from Lone Wolf. They demonstrate the features using an example from the Emerald Spire for Pathfinder, a future release. What I like about this is the fact that you can do a fog of war type of game for your party. More importantly is the fact that you double check your work before revealing it to the party.
This will be ideal for some many gae groups it’s not funny. Where I think it will see a lot of use is in remote games.