Ares Games and Gremlin Project announce new Sword & Sorcery board game

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Aug 052015

swordAres Games and Gremlin Project announce new Sword & Sorcery board game

Legendary heroes fight the forces of evil in a new fantasy cooperative game designed by the team who created Galaxy Defenders

July 26th, 2015 – Heroes with unique powers are called back from death to save the kingdom and break the spell that binds their souls, in the new game developed by Gremlin Project and due to be published by Ares Games in 2016: Sword and Sorcery, an epic-fantasy cooperative board game, where one to five players fight together against the forces of evil, controlled by the game system itself.

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Warhammer 40,000: Conquest LCG: The Great Devourer Expansion In June

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May 052015

conquestWarhammer 40,000: Conquest LCG: The Great Devourer Expansion



“There is a cancer eating at the Imperium. With each decade it advances deeper, leaving drained, dead worlds in its wake. This horror, this abomination, has thought and purpose which function on an unimaginable, galactic scale, and all we can do is try to stop the swarms of bio-engineered monsters it unleashes upon us. We have given the horror a name to salve our fears; we call it the Tyranid race, but if it is aware of us at all, it must know us only as Prey.”

–Inquisitor Czevak at the Conclave of Har


Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce The Great Devourer, the first deluxe expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Conquest!


A new horror approaches – a ravenous species, sweeping through space and filled with an insatiable hunger. This horror is known by many names: the Great Devourer, the Doom of All Things, the Penance of the Elder Gods. To the Imperium, they are the Tyranids – biologically engineered super-predators perfectly adapted to slaughter and harvest new biomass from conquered worlds. Their numbers are legion. Their hunger is as boundless as space itself. Their only goal is to devour and destroy until the galaxy is lifeless and dead. Now, they have come to the Traxis sector.


Two Tyranids warlords lead these horrific creatures into battle, each offering a very different play style. In addition to these warlords and their signature squads, you’ll find a host of new units, supports, events, and attachments to support the Tyranids, including an entirely new type of unit, the synapse unit. The Tyranids aren’t the only ones to benefit from this expansion, however. Every other faction must make its stand against the Great Devourer in the Traxis sector, and brand-new unique characters help them to battle the Tyranid threat.

Warhammer 40,000: Forbidden Stars from FFG in June

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May 042015

forbidden starsWarhammer 40,000: Forbidden Stars



Bring fire and bring shell and heap all upon the pyre. With flame and gun we shall make an end to the withered husk that is human life. And in the blazing furnace of battle we shall forge anew the iron will of a yet stronger race.

–Warhammer 40,000


The shifting Warp Storms that surround the long lost Herakon Cluster have finally abated, leaving the ancient treasures and planets within this sector open to the rest of the galaxy. Now, the great factions of the galaxy mobilize their fleets and race to establish a foothold. The reward for successful domination surpasses all other concerns, and the price for conquering this sector will be paid in lives.


Forbidden Stars challenges you and up to three other players to take command of a mighty fighting force: the Ultramarines chapter of Space Marines, the Eldar of Craftworld Iyanden, the Evil Sunz Ork clan, or the World Eaters Warband of the Chaos Space Marines. Each faction offers unique armies and play styles, but your goal remains the same – to claim the key objectives selected for your faction. These objective tokens are scattered throughout the Herakon Cluster, but your opponents are sure to defend your objectives against you.


You’ll need to build massive armies and command them in unending war to best your enemies and claim your objectives. The fight for the Herakon Cluster is brutal and bloody, and you will either stride triumphant over the bodies of your fallen foes, or they will do the same to you. Will you survive and be hailed as a conquering hero? Or will your only epitaph be on a list of those who lost everything in the Herakon Cluster?


2-4 players

Not Really Sure What to Title this Warmonger Leaves 40k

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Nov 292011

I found this interesting and felt I should share it.   It is an interesting look at the mentality of GW and its fans.  It is a look from the outside in.    Here is the link to this video.  If you watch with an open mind it is humorous and maybe even enlightening.


I will try and find the video he is responding to also.


Her is part one to the video he is responding to.


And part to his response to questions from followers. Continue reading »

Box Breaking New Necron Models

 Box Breaking, Gaming News, Necrons, Warhammer 40K  Comments Off on Box Breaking New Necron Models
Nov 102011

All right Gamers, here you go our Necron Box Breaking.  In this box breaking we reveal the Necron Immortals,  Deathmarks,  Necron Triarch Praetorians, Lychguard, Necron Ghost Ark, Doomsday Arc, Necron Catacomb Command Barge, and the Annihilation Barge.   Holy cows!  That is a lot of material.



Check back soon for Figure Forge Building the Necron Catacomb barge/ Anihillation Barge with rare earth magnets (in at least 2 parts).  That’s right one model two vehicles.


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