Warhammer 40K: Traitor Guard vs. Necrons – 2,000 points

 Battle Reports, Games Workshop, Necrons, Warhammer 40K  Comments Off on Warhammer 40K: Traitor Guard vs. Necrons – 2,000 points
Sep 212012

Hello everyone!

ShaneHM here reporting on my shiny new army with battle report to go along with it.  For those that don’t know me, I ran the 40k league at Game Empire: San Diego for almost 7 years.  I play in tournaments once or twice a year (and tend to do well), but I usually prefer a more leisurely pace to my competitive fun.  Enough about me though!

After playing two games of 6th edition it became apparent that my Ork Green Tide army just wasn’t as good in the new edition.  I had been slowly converting my Imperial Guard over to Chaos and decided it was time to fully turn their backs from The Emperor’s light.  I sold off anything that was painted loyalist colors and used the money to buy some of those sexy Forge World Traitor Guard models.

While going through this process, I decided that I wanted to try out the new psychic powers.  After drawing up list after list, I put together this army that is pretty off the wall and incredibly fun to play.  It’s not the most competitive, but this is what I’ve been enjoying most so far in 6th edition 40k.  To add some flavor and killing power, I’m using Grey Knights as a base with Imperial Guard allies (blasphemy, I know, but Chaos loves blasphemy!).  I’m only using Inquisitors and Henchmen from the GK book, so you can’t cry cheese too loudy.  These two armies have the cheapest Psykers, so I maxed out on HQs.  On with the list:

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Figure Forge Assembling the Necron Lychguard

 Figure Forge, Necrons  Comments Off on Figure Forge Assembling the Necron Lychguard
Nov 262011

In this episode of Figure Forge Danny builds the two poses for the Necron Lychguard from Games Workshop.  He also talks about how much he is looking forward putting them on the battlfield.  If you are a Necron player you will enjoy this installment because it makes building your army look easy.


Come back soon For the Deathmarks and the Immortals, meanwhile if you like what you have seen please follow us on twitter and +1 us.

Figure Forge: Building the Necron Command Barge

 Figure Forge, Necrons  Comments Off on Figure Forge: Building the Necron Command Barge
Nov 122011

In this episode of Figure Forge Danny Assembles the Necron Command and Annihilation Barge.  He uses rare earth magnets to show you how easy it is to have both models for a little bit more than the price of one.


Warning this model contains small parts and therefore is a little complicated. It is a long video.   You should also note that Danny is an expert at gluing his fingers together – you are not.


I suggest getting a soda and some popcorn.


Well we learned a lot from this one.  In the future we will do large models in at least two parts.

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Box Breaking New Necron Models

 Box Breaking, Gaming News, Necrons, Warhammer 40K  Comments Off on Box Breaking New Necron Models
Nov 102011

All right Gamers, here you go our Necron Box Breaking.  In this box breaking we reveal the Necron Immortals,  Deathmarks,  Necron Triarch Praetorians, Lychguard, Necron Ghost Ark, Doomsday Arc, Necron Catacomb Command Barge, and the Annihilation Barge.   Holy cows!  That is a lot of material.



Check back soon for Figure Forge Building the Necron Catacomb barge/ Anihillation Barge with rare earth magnets (in at least 2 parts).  That’s right one model two vehicles.


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Figure Forge Assembling the Necron Destroyer

 Figure Forge, Warhammer 40K  Comments Off on Figure Forge Assembling the Necron Destroyer
Nov 082011

That’s right we are building Necrons.  In this episode of Figure Forge Danny assembles a Necron Destroyer for Warhammer  from Games Workshop.





Later this week we should have a couple of the new Necron box kits up for you.

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Gw Strikes Again

 Gaming News, Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy  Comments Off on Gw Strikes Again
Jun 022011

Well, not really the news is just filtering down to us.  It appears that the GW price hikes have really ticked off the Australians.  Yes that is right, so much in fact that they have started a Facebook petition page.  The concerns they have are the price hike, and the quality of the new Citadel fine cast.   Please take  the time to go to the  petition and read it over.   It is a good one.   It will give even the most disillusioned player an eye opener.  As if that isn’t enough, Gw has attacked The Australian market again by placing an embargo on UK sellers.   This embargo restricts sellers from selling to certain countries.   Here is what Maelstrom Games posted about GW’s new policy.



While Gw can’t stop sellers from making the international sale – they can.  Games Workshop exercises their power very well by bullying vendors.  If they catch a a vendor in violation of their policies they will simply stop selling to them.


Gw has been showing their true colors for sometime now.  As a result it looks like players are uniting and saying shove it.  Go get  em Australia – best of luck.

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