May 212018


Over the years I’ve been able to write several articles and film over 2000 videos for the gaming industry; most of those are published on my YouTube Channel.  In the beginning there were minis, then RPGs, food, and then board games. Now there is everything – which is great but it’s clear my fans are role-players, wargamers, and then board gamers.

To be successful I have to slow down and listen to you more.  That’s why this year is the year of community. I have reflected on the numbers, and you want me to talk about Pathfinder, D&D, wargames, and everyone loves my convention coverage.  Then there are those of you that love my Box Breakings – don’t worry they’re not going anywhere! Some of you have also been talking with me about the production quality of my videos. I appreciate the feedback, and that’s why I’m shooting for a new camera this year.

In order to do all of this I need to make some changes; these are not necessarily in any particular order. One thing I will be evaluating is launching new channels that focus on specific genres, but that is something I want you to help me decide.


Build a bigger stronger community                 IMG_1851

  • Facebook groups – private
  • Community feedback chatsMeet ups
  • Push forward with RPG
  • Consistent Flip Throughs
  • More Role-Play Ramblings
  • Run at least one game per con

Bring back wargaming to my channel

  • Terrain building
  • Battle reports
  • More game specific content
  • New show Wargame Wandering – not confirmed yet
  • Board games
    • Box Breakings remain and improve
    • More reviews or how tos
    • Fiction and technical content
  • My game world                                                IMG_2194
    • Tools
    • Adventures
    • Monsters
    • Magic
    • NPCs
    • Short stories
  • I would like to organize events again!
    • I used to organize events like a mad man and I miss it.
    • I would love to create my very own game con!
    • This is kind of lofty right now.
  • More conventions
    • I would like to make Origins, Gen Con, and Adepticon staples for every season.
    • Gary Con and Paizo Con would be awesome too!

Wow, that’s a lot of stuff!  I currently commit about 20 hours per week to creating content for Through Gamer Goggles with more crunch hours around conventions.  Which for the content I produce is just about right. With some better organization I can do more. Heck, if I had it my way I’d be doing it 40-60 hours a week, but that’s just not realistic right now.



In order for Through Gamer Goggles to continue improving, I need you. I can’t possibly build a community without you. If you would like to help grow the Through Gamer Goggles community please check out our Kickstarter.  It’s full of all kinds of goodies like promos and digital copies!

Final Hours for Through Gamer Goggles Gen Con Media Coverage on Kickstarter

 Featured, Gaming News, Gen Con 2014, Kickstarter  Comments Off on Final Hours for Through Gamer Goggles Gen Con Media Coverage on Kickstarter
Jul 192014

Gen con 014Our relaunched Kickstarter has been funded largely because of what our first attempt taught us.  Even though our first project was a complete bomb it has been a great ride.  Gosh, I really don’t know how much to bore you here with our experience, so I’m just going to jump into the current project that is much more exciting.   I may touch upon some of the lessons we experienced.

Our current project was funded in just under 24 hours.  Why? Because we discarded all of the promotional items that inflated the funding goal.  This was the secret to our success.   We still have a T-shirt, but we felt the backers who were major contributors needed something more than just the media coverage.  All of our backers are major supporters, by the way, the average daily contribution has been about $70.  We can’t thank you enough for that!

For those of you that have backed this project, I’m not sure if you can see what you’re a part of.   The effort you’ve put forth has opened so many doors and taught me so many things it’s not funny.  Our blog and social media has increased nearly 30% in the last fourteen days, and that is because you have motivated me.  My eyes have been opened, because of you, to what the essence of Through Gamer Goggles  media truly is.  Back to that in a minute.

I believe I will have published 300 videos before Gen Con 2015.  That’s over 100 a year, plus reviews, radio shows, and release information.  Through Gamer Goggles is a happening place.  We offer a tremendous amount of content, but I have failed you.  I have failed because the vision or essence of what is Through Gamer Goggles wasn’t realized until we attempted to fund this successful project.  Through Gamer Goggles (TGG) was born with the vision of blending or balancing our gaming worlds with our real lives.  Not only is that a monumental task but it has proven to be a very difficult one.  Especially since very early on, I became nearly overwhelmed with the processing of game reviews.  But this project has made me realize that I have failed at reflecting my personality in the content.  I mean, I’m one of the most passionate gamers you’ll ever meet.  I go out of my way for the gaming community as a whole by organizing events, judging, and blogging.   I probably know hundreds if not thousands of gamers from such experiences.   So where am I going with all this?   The Gen Con Media project has kind of brought all of this to a head.  I have realized that I want to take a very different approach to media.  We have always been a part of the community and have run events for manufacturers (since 2000), but I don’t think it was enough to make me happy.  Now, you are a part of what we do!  That is the change that I was missing before.  More than ever Through Gamer Goggles is about blending our lives with our gaming world.  Which really means connecting with the gaming community in a unique way.  We’re committed to bridging the gap from manufacturer to gamer by being involved with you!  One of the results will be more of my super stunning personality as we continue to grow.  This will include everything we have done in the past plus more demonstration content and regular radio shows.  I might be rambling so onward to excitement!

The Project is all about going to Gen Con and having a blast with you.  There are some really cool concepts we are trying to do.

The Photo Tier – every backer gets their picture taken and more.

The Coupon Book – Every backer of $20 or more will receive a coupon book (similar to the convention book but smaller).  Currently we’re working with these great companies:

  • Academy Games – Kickstarter exclusive items available from Freedom, Rebellion, and Conflict of Heroes, more details to come. Priceless!
  • Adventure a Week – one month free. Worth about $10.
  • DGS Games – Details Pending
  • Hawk Wargames – Spend X dollars (amount to be determined) and receive a bonus mini.
  • Mr. B. Games
  • And the guys from Pure Steam are offering  free music with the purchase of their alternate Pathfinder setting

This is easily worth the $20.

Coffee with the crew – just as it sounds.

The coolest goal is a backer party.  Basically this will be a dinner where all are invited to have a meal at a yet to be determined location.  I have my eyes set on a steak house.   But we will see what happens.  It would be great for all of us to be in the same place at the same time to share our experiences and just get to know each other.

To celebrate our last hours I have come up with some unique ideas.

BoxRender_STE_ForgedInFire-Small-for-Web-Site-InsertionThe first is a backer give away.   For every ten new backers we get from now until the end of the campaign we will give out prizes to a randomly chosen backer. We are currently at 17 backers, so the prize thresholds are 27, 37, and 47.   I currently have 3 prizes to give away:  Combat Barbarossa 1941 German Infantryman Versus Soviet Rifleman from Osprey Publishing,  Scoundrels of Skullport from GF9, and a signed copy of Forged in Fire for Mage Wars.

Second, I have decided to add another stretch goal – a scavenger hunt.  This will be a simple game.  It will involve backers of any pledge level to run around the exhibitors hall and do things like play games and other neat things.   How dumb is that?   At the end of the day we will meet up and have a drawing to award a daily prize.  So far we have two Mage Wars Core Set and a copy of Forged in Fire from Arcane Wonders.   That is two days of dashing from game to game.   Who knows, we may create some other wacky ideas beyond game hunting.  In either case it will be a lot of fun.

Like I said the Kickstarter is a door opener.  It has started several new friendships, given us new direction and realization.  While we’ve focused on Box Breakings, Figure Forges, Flip Throughs, and written reviews, you’re going to see more engagement from us.   Beyond that we are going to strive to connect the manufacturers with you in an engaging way, while we continue to push the pace into news and media in exciting ways.   Will we be perfect?  No, but we have already proven that we learn from our mistakes, and that result means we will see you at Gen Con 2014 AND at Gen Con 2015!   My only question is will you be part of our future?


Matt Lemke



The Convention Experience is Live on Kickstarter

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Jun 092014

Gen con 014I am proud to announce that our Kickstarter project is live!  The project is all about what it means to attend a convention on a media level as well as an attendee.  Which is really pretty loaded.  But it is really so much more than those simple words.  The project reflects who we are at Through Gamer Goggles.

It will go beyond just footage of the convention and create personal experiences of backers.  It took me quite a bit of time to figure out a way that I could give this project back to those who support it with a little more meaning.

Check it out on Kickstarter!

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The Convention Experience a Project by Through Gamer Goggles

 Featured, Gaming News, Gen Con 2014, Kickstarter  Comments Off on The Convention Experience a Project by Through Gamer Goggles
Jun 062014

Gen con 014Hey Friends,


Real soon we are going to launch our Kickstarter project the Convention Experience.   While most of the details will be brought to you by the project I wanted to take some time and share with you why this is personal to me.   Sometimes I feel that the blog is too impersonal and you don’t get to see how passionate I am.  That is something that bothers me.   This is my opportunity to share something with you that goes beyond mere coverage and start to make the change.

When I was challenged to start this blog by my friend, Ryan Hale, it was intended that the coverage was going to be news, reviews and the blending of real life with gaming.   I think I’ve had some great successes and that I am still trying to find my footing in some areas.  With almost 300 YouTube videos published it is clear where I’ve succeeded.   But I feel a need to do more,  I am going to return the original vision and add more real life to the blog.  I really can’t think of a better place to start than Gen Con.

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Hordes 2 Player Battle Box coming in September

 Gaming News, Hordes, Privateer Press  Comments Off on Hordes 2 Player Battle Box coming in September
Jun 122012

This is exciting news.  Privateer Press announced the 2 player battle box for hordes.


From Privateer Press

“In a World Ravaged by Warfare, Fury is Your Greatest Weapon!

From the frozen northern wastes the Legion of Everblight descends upon Immoren, defiling the land with taint and corruption. Dependent upon nature but fueled by its raw and ancient power, the druids of the Circle Orboros clash with the dragon Everblight’s forces to halt the spread of the dragon’s blight. The irrepressible Kaya the Wildborne, flanked by her trusted pack of beasts, leads the Circle’s vanguard against twisted and bloodthirsty ogrun and dragonspawn led by the deadly Lylyth, Herald of Everblight.


Complete HORDES: Primal Mk II rules in a travel-sized booklet (88 pages), an introductory guide, dice, a ruler, and 20 plastic HORDES models with corresponding stat cards.”

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Jun 052012

Mage Wars®: The Customizable Card-Driven Tactical Board Game of Dueling Mages!

This is an Interview with the creative director and writer from Arcane Wonders. They discuss some background information on Mage Wars and explain what has been going on for the last two years. Then we move to a Mage Wars box review.





We should have have demo filmed of the first couple of turns for you in a couple of days.  I hope you enjoyed thathese guys tooks some time out of their very busy schedule for you.  Check them out on Facebook here.

Mage Wars is expected to release in August of 2012, from Arcane Wonders.

Thanks again.  Look forward to seeing you again at Gen Con.

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May 282012

In this video Don demonstrates the simplicity of moving your your model for Heavy Gear Blitz locked and Loaded around the table.  If you are thinking about Heavy Gear or your’e a beginner this video will help you out.




Dream Pod 9 is giving away a two player starter in conjunction with our Heavy Gear Week. Just like them on facebook. The giveaway lasts until June 3rd 2012.

As always Thank you for taking the time to watch our video; we appreciate you.


Hey Guys this one slipped through the cracks.  We did this video wrong.  Read the comments below.  We will have a new one up shortly after the convention.


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May 272012

In this Tutorial Don demonstrates the simple nuances of the Heavy Gear Dice system. If you are thinking about starting Heavy Gear this is just about the first thing you need to know.




Dream Pod 9 is giving away a 2 player Heavy Gear Starter all you have to do is go here and like them on facebook


And as always if you want to follow us on social media the links are on the right of your screen.

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May 252012

In this Figure Forge Mike assembles the Models for a PRDF Fire Support Squad from Dream Pod 9 for Heavy Gear.  He makes it look easy.

Dream Pod 9 is giving away a two player starter in conjunction with our Heavy Gear Week. Just like them on facebook  here. The giveaway lasts until June 3rd 2012.


DP 9

3 minute Pop Songs

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May 142012

Through Gamer Goggles announces Heavy Gear week May 27th – June 3rd. The week will have videos and tournaments at Origins Game Fair along with Pod Squad members.

The Week will be media rich including articles, videos and Battle reports.


Thanks for watching and  remember to Visit Dream Pod 9 on facebook and like them.  If you want to follow us our social media links are on the right side of the screen

Music by
Black Black Hole by 3 Minute Pop Songs
Thanks Music Alley

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