Ultimate Werewolf: One Night From Bezier Games in January

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Dec 212013

ultimate wereUltimate Werewolf: One Night



One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a fast game for 3-10 players in which everyone gets a role: one of the dastardly Werewolves, the tricky Troublemaker, the helpful Seer, or one of a dozen different characters, each with a special ability. In the course of a single morning, your village will decide who is a werewolf…because all it takes is lynching one werewolf to win! There is no elimination and each game last about ten minutes.


Because One Night Ultimate Werewolf is so fast, fun, and engaging, you’ll want to play it again and again, and no two games are ever the same!

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Power Rangers: Rise of Heroes Action Card Game from Bandai

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Apr 222013

power rangerPower Rangers: Rise of Heroes Action Card Game Display

$79.92 SRP


Take control of your destiny and defend the world in the Power Rangers Action Card Game! Players call upon the legendary guardians by assembling them in their own unique deck and calling upon them in battle. Summon countless heroes and villains in this fast and exciting game that spans across the entire Power Ranger’s legacy. Summon rangers, zords, megazords, and even villains as you set out to prove to other challengers that you have the courage and power to save the world!

Individual Theme Deck: 40 Cards (Two 20 Card Decks)

1 Die

1 Game Mat

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George Takei – Happy Birthday

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Apr 202012

This is just one of times that Real Life rushes into the gaming world.  What kind of gamer would I be if I didn’t post this?

The guys at Five Year Mission have made George Takei an awesome birthday video.


Happy Birthday George.



Thanks to Five Year Mission for celebrating in style.  You can visit Five Year Mission here

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Mar 202012

This week’s episode does a lot of jumping from “in-character” playing and “out of character” conversation.  Granted, much of that conversation is about the game itself as we try to figure out just what in the heck we want to do (and there is a bit of character development); so I apologize for the lack of awesome action.  But, the group does have a meeting with the Lord-Mayor of Rumi, which will open up all sorts of adventure possibilities.

Oh, and never mind the shuffling sound towards the end; that’s just Danny playing with his deck.  (Snicker)

SV Session 2.2

So what is the next step for the group?  Do they put the “Writ of Theft” to use?  Stay tuned and find out in next week’s episode!

Comment Poll:  What’s your favorite line from this week’s episode?
1.  “Well gentlemen, as your GM, I have no firckin’ idea what to do next!” – Ryan

2.  “My staff fits in my pocket” – Matt.

3.  “Do you even have an alignment?” – Ryan.  “Me and my can” – Mike

4.  Other


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