Role-Play Ramblings 2.5: Spotlighting

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Jan 022017

In this episode of Role-Play Ramblings Matt discusses spotlighting. Which is the art of allowing player characters shine at the right point in time for them to become integral to the story.

I have been GMing for about 30 years and I still find this to be one of the most difficult things to do!

Shadowrun Anarchy

 Catalyst Game Labs  Comments Off on Shadowrun Anarchy
Oct 022016
Shadowrun: Anarchy
Shadowrun: Anarchy is a new way to get into the best cyberpunk/urban fantasy action around. Based upon the rules-light and easy-to-learn Cue System, Shadowrun: Anarchy is a narrative-focused game experience that has everything you need to quickly grab some gear, load up on spells, and get to throwing the dice. With loads of characters and missions, the book makes it simple to get up and running. Immerse yourselves in the Sixth World!


 Gaming News  Comments Off on PATHFINDER TALES: Shy Knives
Sep 222016

The tale of a clever rogue and her angelic partner pit against a centaur army



By Sam Sykes

Tor Books and Paizo are pleased to announce a new and original novel set in the Pathfinder universe: PATHFINDER TALES: Shy Knives (A Tor Trade Paperback; $14.99; On-sale October 18, 2016) by Sam Sykes.


Shy Ratani is a clever rogue who makes her living outside of strictly legal methods. While hiding out in the frontier city of Yanmass, she accepts a job solving a nobleman’s murder, only to find herself sucked into a plot involving an invading centaur army that could see the whole city burned to the ground. Shy could stop that from happening, but doing so would involve revealing herself to the former friends who now want her dead. Add in an aristocratic partner with the literal blood of angels in her veins, and Shy quickly remembers why she swore off doing good deeds in the first place.

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Jun 022016


New Full-Service Science Fantasy RPG Brings Pathfinder to the Far Future
REDMOND, WA (May 31, 2016): Paizo Inc., publisher of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, is thrilled to confirm the development of the new Starfinder Roleplaying Game. The Starfinder Core Rulebook is slated for an August 2017 release.

Set thousands of years in Pathfinder’s future, the Starfinder RPG will be a stand-alone science fantasy game evolved from the Pathfinder RPG rules in which players take on the role of a rag-tag starship crew exploring the countless mysteries of a weird universe. Starfinder’s offerings will include a new monthly Starfinder Adventure Path product line as well as accessories for players and Game Masters.

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Shadowrun: Seattle Box Set

 Catalyst Game Labs  Comments Off on Shadowrun: Seattle Box Set
May 282016

seattle SprawlShadowrun: Seattle Box Set



The core setting of the Shadowrun role-playing game deserves a detailed treatment that gives both players and game masters tools to make using the setting easier and more fun. With geographic details, plot hooks, a large collection of player cards, an innovative modular map system that can easily generate a wide variety of buildings in moments, and more, this box will immerse players in the tumult and chaos of the Emerald City.


Ages 13+

Encounters: Shadowrun

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May 282016

sr encounterEncounters: Shadowrun


Encounters: Shadowrun is a 1-8 player fast-paced, push-your-luck dice and card game.

Players take on the role of Mr. Johnson – a man or woman that arranges for ‘things to be taken care of’ – fixing the megacorps’ dirty work by adding new shadowrunners to their already-assembled teams.

Players then send those ‘expendable assets’ into the shadows of the mean sprawl streets of the Sixth World, fighting past magic, tech and more to collect resources and corporate secrets to defeat their rivals!

1-8 players

Ages 13+

15-30 minute play time

Orc Warfare Review

 Featured, Osprey Publishing, Review  Comments Off on Orc Warfare Review
Sep 282015

510scjhToeL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Orc Warfare

By Chris Pramas

Publisher Osprey Publishing


Orc Warfare is an interpretation of how orcs live and war; the two are very closely related.  Chris starts by taking a look at the social and racial structures.  From there he moves to detailed descriptions of orc troops.  The last section is an anthology on tales of historic orc victories.

Orc Warfare goes over the orc physique for each of the “sub types” – goblins, orcs, and great orcs.  Without spoiling too much, goblins are about four feet tall and amount to roughly twenty-five percent of the population.  Orcs are the dominant of the species and they fill more roles in society.  The great orcs are effectively born  for war.  Being the largest of the species, you can imagine how they might be used, but you don’t have to because Chris gives us more than enough information on them.

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Star Wars: Force and Destiny: Chronicles of the Gatekeeper

 Fantasy Flight Games  Comments Off on Star Wars: Force and Destiny: Chronicles of the Gatekeeper
Jun 202015

Forces of DestinyStar Wars: Force and Destiny: Chronicles of the Gatekeeper



“If you choose the quick and easy path, as Vader did, you will become an agent of evil.”

   –Master Yoda


Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Chronicles of the Gatekeeper, an adventure supplement for the Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game.

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May 232015

Dragon WoodDragonwood



Dare to enter Dragonwood! Deep in the heart of this mythical forest lurk angry ogres, giggling goblins, and even the famed and fearsome fire-breathers themselves!


In Dragonwood, you collect sets of adventurer cards to earn dice, which you then use to roll against your foes. Stomp on some fire ants, shriek at a grumpy troll, or strike the menacing orange dragon with a magical silver sword. Choose your strategy carefully because the landscape of Dragonwood is ever-changing. Only the bravest will overcome the odds to emerge victorious!


2-4 players

Ages 8+

20 minute play time

D&D 5th: Princes of the Apocalypse

 D&D, Wizards of the Coast  Comments Off on D&D 5th: Princes of the Apocalypse
Feb 122015

PrincesD&D 5th: Princes of the Apocalypse



Called by the Elder Elemental Eye to serve, four corrupt prophets have risen from the depths of anonymity to claim mighty weapons with direct links to the power of the elemental princes. Each of these prophets has assembled a cadre of cultists and creatures to serve them in the construction of four elemental temples of lethal design. It is up to adventurers from heroic factions such as the Emerald Enclave and the Order of the Gauntlet to discover where the true power of each prophet lay, and dismantle it before it comes boiling up to obliterate the Realms.

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