Flip Through Rise of Tiamat Review

 D&D, Featured, Flip Through, Wizards of the Coast  Comments Off on Flip Through Rise of Tiamat Review
Oct 232014

In this Flip Through Matt takes a good look at The Rise of Tiamat without spoiling it.  This book is full of content, very few pictures.

The Rise of Tiamat will be available in stores November 4th 2014.   you can also grab a sample at D&D Organized Play.

13th Age: The Book of Loot

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Oct 162014

13th age loot13th Age: The Book of Loot



Yes, the 13th Age Roleplaying Game is all about the story and the awesome action, but we’ve all got a treasure-hungry munchkin inside of us, and it’s time to let that grubby-fingered kid out to play.

The Book of Loot for 13th Age is full of more magic items to be found, stolen, given as rewards or otherwise looted by the player characters. We’ve also thrown in a short chapter on ways to make mundane treasure more interesting, and a selection of new one-use magic items.

Descent 2nd Edition: Journeys in the Dark: Guardians of Deephall Hero & Monster Collection

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Oct 012014

descentDescent 2nd Edition: Journeys in the Dark: Guardians of Deephall Hero & Monster Collection


Leap to the defense of Deephall or ensure the city’s destruction in the Guardians of Deephall Hero and Monster Collection! In this Hero and Monster Collection for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition, players find thirteen plastic figures, previously only available in the first edition of Descent, now reimagined with new figure sculpts and artwork.

In addition to these detailed figures – which include four heroes, two crypt dragons, three wendigos, and four dark priests – players discover two brand-new quests chronicling their battles for Deephall.

WizKids Dragons November 12th Tiamat and Bahamut

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Sep 282014

WKTD&D Fantasy: Icons of the Realms Tiamat



Tiamat, the queen of evil dragons comes alive on the tabletop with this latest release from the D&D Icons of the Realms fantasy miniatures series!

WizKids Games, the industry leader in quality pre-painted plastic miniatures, is pleased to bring one of the best known dragons from the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms universe to life with this latest release, the D&D Icons of the Realms Tiamat Premium Fantasy Miniature Figure!

This fantastic pre-painted premium figure stands several inches tall and towers over all of the other D&D Icons of Realms fantasy miniatures. The perfect adversary for your next adventure, The D&D Icons of the Realms Tiamat Premium Fantasy Miniature Figure is a beautiful display piece as well



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Flip Through Tyranny of Dragons

 D&D, Featured, Flip Through, Wizards of the Coast  Comments Off on Flip Through Tyranny of Dragons
Sep 042014

In this Flip Through Matt does his best not to spoil the adventure while chatting about the Tyranny of Dragons for D&D.



Will the cult of the Dragon succeed in freeing Tiamat from her prison?   Only you can decide her fate!

D&D Next live play at Pax Prime

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Aug 292014

image002Tune-in to the highly anticipated (and hysterical) Dungeons & Dragons live game, Acquisitions Inc. tomorrow night (Saturday, August 30)!


Livestreaming on the D&D site – http://dnd.wizards.com/playevents/conventions/paxprime – the mayhem begins at 8pm PST, and features Jerry Holkins, Mike Krahulik, Scott Kurtz and Morgan Webb as they wade once more into almost certain doom, courtesy of Dungeon Master extraordinaire, Chris Perkins.


Fans attending PAX Prime can watch the mayhem live at Benaroya Hall (seating is first come, first served).


Feel free to share the link to the live stream with your readers, so they too can watch in the awe and amusement!




Words With Scott Morris From Arcane Wonders @ Gen Con 2014

 Arcane Wonders, Featured, Gen Con 2014, Words With  Comments Off on Words With Scott Morris From Arcane Wonders @ Gen Con 2014
Aug 262014

Scott Shares a quick Demo of Sheriff of Nottingham before sharing with us release details in the fourth quarter.  That includes talking abiut the Paladin and Siren coming out next year.


It is always good to see my friends from Arcane Wonders.

Box Breaking 106 Battlefield in a Box Craters from GF9

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Aug 192014

Matt shares his first look of the Battlefield in a Box Craters.  You can get a real good idea of what they look like from this.   I have found my self liking these pieces of terrain.



You can always learn more at GF9.

Countdown to Gen Con 10 days Left Adventure a Week

 Featured, Gen Con 2014  Comments Off on Countdown to Gen Con 10 days Left Adventure a Week
Aug 022014

Another day gone only 10 days left. Where is the time going? Talk about an absolutely nuts day. It started at 4:45 in the morning. My boys had to march in the Football hall of Fame parade. Took the van in for repairs and I cooked dinner for my parents! I’m tired.


Today I’d like to chat about Adventure a Week. If you are a role player in the D20 world this might be worth your time. Every week they publish a new Pathfinder or D&D 3.5 adventure.I’m certainly going to look into it.


In March they finished the Rise of the Drow on Kickstarter. It puts the previous PDF’s into print. Plus the book puts some great people,like Owen K.C.Stephens, Jen Page, and Robert Gulver. to work on the stretch goals. I will admit I’ve never seen the PDF, but after seeing the art for the Kickstarter I really want to take an in depth look at the book. I mean it’s Drow and it has a mushroom forest. Something that I had started designing myself. I love the idea and maybe I’ll be lazy and use theirs.


They Currently have another Kikckstarter Snow White. An adventure for 6th -8th level characters in a fairy tale adventure. If it keeps climbing stretch goals we will see some great additions from Ed Greenwood, Wolfgang Bauer, and Jen Page. I would really like to see what Wolfang has planned for that deep and dark fairy tale magic.


Well it’s late and I’m exhausted. I fell a sleep three times typing this.


Til tomorrow take care


Countdown to Gen Con 11 Days Writer’s Symposium

 Featured, Gen Con 2014  Comments Off on Countdown to Gen Con 11 Days Writer’s Symposium
Aug 012014

The last 24 hours have been fun. I have been hard at work writing the frame work for our Through Gamer Goggles scavenger hunt. It was hard to get through all of that while thinking about all the cool things that the Writer’s Symposium will have going on for the 20th anniversary. Before I go any further I should really share some things with you about the symposium.

Let’s take a look at the program. It starts Thursday at 9:00 A.M. and runs until noon on Sunday, taking a break every night at 9:00 P.M. That is over 120 hours of events. The events come in a variety, panels, seminars, and hands on experience. I have found that they are all beneficial. There will be times when you come away with more knowledge than others. From my experience I believe the key is to participate – engage in discussion with the teachers and attendees. That is how you can get the most from the visit. I highly encourage you to participate in the critiques next year, they are probably sold out already this year. They are your chance to have face to face time with four editors, great elbow rubbing time!

If it were not for several of the friends I made at Gen Con in 2011 through the symposium, it is safe to say I wouldn’t be doing this today. I should also note that if it weren’t for Ryan Hale Through Gamer Goggles would not exist – that’s a different story though. When I first started attending Gen Con it was for the sole purpose of learning about the craft of writing. The symposium gave me so much more. It is a valuable community (most events are free), that gives well beyond the convention.

You meet these authors that are for the most part really easy to talk to and you find them on facebook and bam you get inspired. It works like this. The writers are all about self promotion so you see a great deal of what they accomplish. Which in turn is motivational, at least to me. I figure if they can do it I can too. As a result of the volunteer authors service, I’m currently working on a novel (have to develop the world first), a novella for a very cool game world, and some short fiction. After Gen Con I’m going to pitch some adventures to Adventure a Week and Kobold Press. Oh and because Elizabeth Vaughan suggested I get into a writer’s guild, I ended up as the vice president here in Canton. See what I mean it’s a community that doesn’t end at Gen Con.


I’m indebted to the Writer’s Symposium, out of all of my convention experiences it has proven to be the most valuable. I really can’t say enough about the symposium and how deep it goes. I can tell you it has changed me forever.


Until tomorrow take care.

