Marvel Legendary Deck Building Game from Upper Deck

 Deck Building Games, Gaming News  Comments Off on Marvel Legendary Deck Building Game from Upper Deck
Nov 262012

Marvel Legendary Deck Building Game

Coming Soon

$ 59.99 

Marvel Deck Building Game Game consists of nearly 600 cards, Full color Game board & Color Rule Book Like the Avengers or X-Men, players build their own super-team of spectacular Marvel superheroes, including Spider-Man, Iron Man, Wolverine, Hulk, and Thor! Players create their own powerful combos on the fly, combining their heroes’ awesome abilities to take down nasty Marvel supervillains like Venom and Mystique. Over the course of the game, recruit increasingly powerful Hero cards to add to your deck, building a stronger and stronger deck of the ultimate Marvel Superhero combinations. Easy to learn, with fast-paced gameplay. Features incredible original artwork of Marvel heroes and villains. Innovative “Mastermind” mechanics allow the game itself to fight back against the players: If players aren’t careful, villainous Marvel masterminds like Magneto, Loki, and Dr. Doom threaten to accomplish dark schemes and defeat all the players at once!

Any chance to play a marvel game I’m in and Upper Deck has made it into a Deck Building game Bonus.

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Box Breaking Giant Man from WizKids

 Box Breaking, Gen Con 2012, HeroClix, WizKids  Comments Off on Box Breaking Giant Man from WizKids
Aug 282012

In this Box Breaking Matt busts Giant Man out of his prison. This box breaking is a little longer than most because we take a look at the dials.



Thanks for watching.  Let us know if you think we could have done something different.  The height of the figure in relation to the dial was a bit of a challenge.

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LT Gordon From Wizkids

 Gaming News, WizKids  Comments Off on LT Gordon From Wizkids
Apr 252012

So Wizkids is getting ready to move into another DC expansion for the Heroclix game system. Before I say anything here is a picture







I really like where WizKids is going with their sculpts.  I believe they have increased the quality of their figures since their original conception.  I also like the fact that they seem to be personifying the movies more than they used.


They are also giving away away a free Thor on Free Comic book day, at participating locations.  If you haven’t seen him yet here he is.

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Avengers for Heroclix From Wizkids

 Gaming News, WizKids  Comments Off on Avengers for Heroclix From Wizkids
Jan 052012

Bursting with action, the Avengers Movie HeroClix Starter brings all of the fast-paced excitement of the Avengers movie to your HeroClix games! Battle evil as the Avengers or split the starter into two teams and play with a friend! Featuring six figures with new dial designs not found anywhere else, the Avengers Movie HeroClix Starter also includes two maps, the HeroClix rules book, the Powers and Abilities card, dice, and tokens, and an exclusive code to unlock content for HeroClix Online!


Sugested Retail is 24.99

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