Gen Con 2019 Video Blitz 8: Kevin Siembieda Rifts and More

 Featured, Gen Con 2019, Palladium Books, Rifts  Comments Off on Gen Con 2019 Video Blitz 8: Kevin Siembieda Rifts and More
Aug 122019

I ran into Kevin Siembieda @Gen_Con 2019 and we spoke about the Garden of the Gods and how it will feature new deities and god, the Rifts Bestiary which has fantastic beast, and Titan Robotics. Run it’s ARCHIE!

Thanks Kevin!

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Flip Through Review 86: Heroes of Humanity for Rifts

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May 032019

In this Flip Through Matt takes a look Heroes of Humanity for Rifts from Palladium. Books. Heroes for Humanity is a source book for the Coalition Wars Campaign that crosses over with the Minion War and Megaverse in Flames. Since it is a Coalition War campaign book it has a lot of information building up the Coalition army, but it does have a different pitch than “destroy” Tolkeen

This is probably the best source book in the Coalition Wars.

 Posted by at 12:32 AM

Flip Through: Sovietski for Rifts RPG

 Featured, Flip Through, Palladium Books, Rifts, RPG Book Reviews  Comments Off on Flip Through: Sovietski for Rifts RPG
Dec 202018

In this Flip Through Matt takes a look at the Rifts World book Sovietski.  this book contains everything from prerift history to the  present day. There are a lot of new character classes for Rifts in this game, plus bunkers, and a slew of cybernetics. C’mon in!

I really like the approach that was taken with Sovietski.

You can support Through Gamer Goggles by getting your copy here:

 Posted by at 2:52 PM

Flip Through Review Coalition Wars 4 Cyber-knights

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Jan 252018

This is the fourth book in the Coalition Wars campaign. This book may seem out of place for the war on magic, but hosts the most crucial point in Cyber-knight history.


If you are a Cyberknight fan this is a must have book – even if you could careless about the war.

 Posted by at 2:30 PM

Flip Through Coalition Wars The Siege on Tolkeen

 Featured, Flip Through, Palladium Books, Rifts  Comments Off on Flip Through Coalition Wars The Siege on Tolkeen
Aug 112017

In this Flip Through Matt takes a look at the first book of the Coalition Wars Campaign The Seige on Tolkeen for Rifts from Palladium Books.  this starts the story of Tech VS. Magic in the Rifts universe – well I mean makes truly volatile.

Currently running a campaign that is leading up this part of Rifts history.