In this Role-Play Ramblings Matt discusses the role of death as it pertains to players and their characters. Is it morally acceptable for a GM to kill off PC’s.
This concludes the first season of Role-Play Ramblings. I hope to start season two very soon, check back, or follow us on Twiite and Facebook for the Kickstarer announcements.
In this episode I share several experiences I’ve had over the years, either as a GM or a player. Most of these stories touch on how I felt looking back at the experience. All, of them are great memories, but looking back I have definitely learned a few things.
Special thanks to Owen Stephens for swaying some of my thoughts on this topic. He poked the right nerve clusters to make me a think little bit harder.
Role-Play Ramblings 3: They Ruined My Plans But I’m Not Done
Welcome to Episode 3 of Role-Play Ramblings. Where I talk about things I have done to to fix the stories my creative players have just about ruined.
Stop back next week to hear about overpowering you villains.
Role-Play Ramblings 2 Who’s Story is It?
As GM I love to create and tell the story. but many players invest a great deal of time in maturing their characters. In this episode we explore who’s story it is.
Well, for what it’s worth that’s what I think. Next week we’ll look at some tips I’ve used when my villain dies too soon.
Role-Play Ramblings 1: The Problem Player
I this episode of Role-Play Ramblings Matt Lemke shares his gaming experiences with problem players, some of them include the wallflower, philosopher, rules lawyer and even the instigator. This short message is for Role-players at all levels of experience, but is most beneficial for GM’s. These tips can be applied to any game system.
If you like this please like it please give it a thumbs up on YouTube and if you know someone who would enjoy it please share. I had a lot of fun coming up with this seasons content and I would love to continue.
Next episode (targeted for Thursday) is “Who’s Telling the Story”. Is it the GM’s Story or the players?
Special Thanks to Owen K.C. Sthephens and Ryan Hale for their extra input on this season. I also have to thank all of my backers for making this happen. I wouldn’t have had the drive to do this without their support!