The Amega Weapon
Published by The Amega Weapon
Designed by Scott Gower
In The Amega Weapon, players race to build the ultimate weapon. This is done by flying through space and collecting parts from various space stations. There are several hazards in the game like navigating asteroid fields, novae tiles, your opponents, and the dreaded Black Star.
You might find this appealing if you like semi-cooperative games, space themes, and if you don’t mind sitting around the table with friends anywhere from thirty minutes to four hours. Since the game’s release at Gen Con 2014, the designer has added a set of tournament rules based off the feedback of people who have played the game.
I was introduced to The Amega Weapon at Gen Con last year and I had fun playing the game. Since then I have played it about fourteen times. I have discovered that it can be repetitive, it’s always fun, and Scott truly cares about this game. We’ll cover all of those in more detail as we move through this review.
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