Gen Con 2019 Video Blitz 9: Kyle with Mantic Games

 Featured, Gen Con 2019, Kings of War, Mantic Games  Comments Off on Gen Con 2019 Video Blitz 9: Kyle with Mantic Games
Aug 132019

I ran into Kyle from Mantic Games @Gen_Con 2019 where we discussed Vanguard, Star Saga, Deadzone, The Northern Alliance, the League of infamy, Kings of War 3rd edition.

I picked up a copy of Vanguard @Gen_Con and I hope to share my experience with you very soon.

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Gen Con Coverage 4: Mantic Games with Ronnie Renton

 Featured, Gen Con 2017, Kings of War, Mantic Games, Warpath  Comments Off on Gen Con Coverage 4: Mantic Games with Ronnie Renton
Aug 222017

Ronnie and I talk about the great stuff going on with Kings of War, Walking Dead and Star Saga.  I have pics on my facebook page.  I hope to separate everything by company this year. Any way I am looking forward to the new Kings of War game.

I hope this king lives for a long long time.

Mantic Games at Gen Con 2016

 Dreadball, Featured, Gen Con 2016, Kings of War, Mantic Games, Warpath  Comments Off on Mantic Games at Gen Con 2016
Aug 152016

I really don’t know where to start.  Ronnie is such a character maybe we should start with him.  It’s short but it’s all the time he had on Sunday.

What did you catch?  Blaine is going on an adventure.  At Mantic Saturday I heard rumors about Dungeon Saga in Space, and a Kings of War skirmish game.  I really can’t wait for that.

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Apr 072016

I caught up with Ronnie Renton of Mantic Games while at Adepticon.  We chatted about, Kings of War, Dreadball, Dungeon Saga, Warpath, and the possibility of an RPG.  I always have a good time with Ronnie.

Maybe I should pitch the RPG and then move across the sea.

Kings of War: Uncharted Empires

 Kings of War, Mantic Games  Comments Off on Kings of War: Uncharted Empires
Nov 092015

KoWKings of War: Uncharted Empires



Since ancient times, the world has been ravaged by war. The wise foresee an age of horror approaching, for the spirit of the earth is sick, tainted by deadly sorcery in a great conflict ages past. Not that the warlords of this bloody era care, not while there is glory to be won, territory to be wrested from the enemy, foes to be slaughtered.


Kings of War: Uncharted Empires is the ?rst supplement for Kings of War 2nd Edition and requires Kings of War 2nd Edition rulebook.

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Aug 092015

Ronnie tells us about Dungeon Saga the Kings of war rules what’s new for Warpath and Daeadzone and the Dreadball ranking system that’s coming soon.

I played Dungeon Saga and it has a good feel to it.  What I mean by that is it’s not like some of the other dungeon crawl games on the market where you feel like your’e playing a board game.  In Dungeon Saga I felt like the mechanics blended well with the story too.   I will definitely be bringing more to you in the near future.

Jul 012015

In this interview Pat from Mantic Games we chat about Kings of War 2nd Ed., Dungeon Sag, and Gen Con.  Actually most of what we discussed was Gen Con.  Mantic has a lot going on this year, here’s a list:

  • Dread Ball Regional event – winner plays at Adepticon plus we talked a little about a world Champ!
  • Deadzone events
  • Clash of Kings
  • Mars attacks
  • Demos at the booth
  • Preorder Dungeon Saga and walk away with Legendary Mortibris.  Details, offer ends July 31st (Friday of Gen Con)
  • Mantic Night at the Colts Grill – Stop by  have a beer and a burger and play a game with Ronnie!

I am so excited about this it’s not even funny.


Here is the interview.

 Posted by at 7:13 AM

King’s of War Dwarf Army

 Kings of War, Mantic Games  Comments Off on King’s of War Dwarf Army
May 032014
KOW: Dwarf Army Set (72)

$79.99 SRP



Dwarfs dwell in great halls under the earth, having carved out a subterranean empire beneath the feet of the surface peoples. They are unyielding in all matters, whether in business or war, and they excel at both.


They march to battle in solid ranks, their shields forming an immovable bulwark against enemy attack. They are supported by ranged fire from both the Ironwatch, with their crossbows and rifles, and the impressive war machines that accompany them to the field of war. Riding ahead of the main advance, Brock Riders, spur their fearsome mounts onwards to outflank the enemy and bring about their downfall.



30 plastic Ironclad

20 plastic Ironwatch

10 plastic Shieldbreakers

10 premium plastic Brock Riders


Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.



2 Ironbelchers

Hellfire and Stone campaign supplement

4 Mantic Points


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