Gen Con 2018 Video Blitz 16: Bryan Steele From CMoN

 CMoN, Dark Age, Gen Con 2018  Comments Off on Gen Con 2018 Video Blitz 16: Bryan Steele From CMoN
Aug 162018

I caught (really I had to catch him) Bryan Steele at the CMoN booth during Gen Con 2018. Where we talked about Dark age – specifically where CMoN is at with the Brood (you are the first to learn this).

Thanks Bryan I look forward to the … can’t ruin the exclusive.


 Posted by at 3:17 AM

Figure Forge 102: Dark Age 2 player starter Path to Glory

 CMoN, Dark Age, Featured, Figure Forge  Comments Off on Figure Forge 102: Dark Age 2 player starter Path to Glory
Aug 302017

The Dark Age Path to Glory 2 player Starter is by far the easiest starer to assemble ever! And if you saw the box braking you already know the figs look great.

I will admit I can’t roll low very well, but that doesn’t mean I won’t hurt your head when we play.

Origins Event Coverage 10: Dark Age with Bryan Steele

 CMoN, Dark Age, Featured, Origins 2017  Comments Off on Origins Event Coverage 10: Dark Age with Bryan Steele
Jun 252017

Bryan and I talk about Dark Age. The Master Rules,things that changed and the book swap. New releases from Origins Game Fair 2017, Saint Isaac box set, and Earth Caste models.

I hope you enjoyed it.  I thin the changes made will make things a lot better for game play.

Basing the Skarrd Warbanb

 Army Painter, Dark Age, Miniatures  Comments Off on Basing the Skarrd Warbanb
Jan 012012

This is a simple Basing Video using materials from around the house and some Army Painter tufts.



There is The Skarrd Warband Based.   Basing is something I avoided for a long time because I though it would be a pain.  Now I find it a relaxing end to painting a mini.


If you like what you see retweet us.

Dark Age Demonstration.

 Dark Age, Gaming News  Comments Off on Dark Age Demonstration.
Nov 262011

We learned a lot this time out.

Like how much we really need a new camera or two no make that three.


With that being said we would like you to watch it still and point out our game play faults.



Keep coming back guys these will get better.