Matt shares his first look of the Battlefield in a Box Craters. You can get a real good idea of what they look like from this. I have found my self liking these pieces of terrain.
You can always learn more at GF9.
Matt shares his first look of the Battlefield in a Box Craters. You can get a real good idea of what they look like from this. I have found my self liking these pieces of terrain.
You can always learn more at GF9.
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Hun. Which is a tank for the the Southern Army in Heavy Gear Blitz from Dream Pod 9. It is a pretty straight forward build. It shouldn’t take more tha 10 minutes.
The Hun is a light tank with a standard load out.
At Gen Con 2014 I had the chance to speak with Chris Badell from Greater Than Games about everything over the last two years. We briefly discuss the Sentinels of the Multiverse expansions, Galactic Strike Force, and Sentinels of the Universe.
GTG has some great plans for Sentinel Tactics. You can learn more at Greater Than Games.
In this Flip Through Matt takes a good hard look at the Inner Sea Gods for Pathfinder. Matt spends some time chatting about this books application as well as its contents.
This could very well my favorite Pathfinder book.
John Lemke from chats with Nicole Beach from Cheese Waesel about Con Quest at Gen Con 2014.
Cheese Weasel runs a free to play game at Gen Con that sends players on a quest. This quest takes players on a journey into the exhibit hall. Attendees delve through the crowds, hunting pieces of information to get their map punched (game card). Every day Cheese Weasel holds drawings for great prizes like a VIG pass for the next year at Gen Con.
Nicole is already planning great things for 2015.
I had the Chance to look at the New Heavy Gear Blitz Beta Rules for Tabletop Wargaming. These will debut at Gen Con. Matt chat a little about the changes he noticed. DP9 is at booth 1904.
After thinking about the game on my drive to Gen Con I really think the game is going to play a lot better.
In this Box Breaking Matt yakes a look at the Hoplite APC for Heavy Gear Blitz.
Thank you Music Alley
Black Black Hole performed by 3 Minute Pop Songs
Well it’s the last day til Gen Con. It is going to be an amazing show. If you’re a Heavy Gear fan or interested in Heavy Gear I have one more thing to say. Today August 12th I will bring you a handful of videos on Heavy Gear including a Flip Through (4:00P.M. E.S.T.D. on YouTube) of the New Heavy Gear Blitz Beta Rules for Tabletop Wargaming. The Heavy Gear Blitz Beta Rules are the most anticipated event of the show for me.
Heavy Gear is a combined arms game that is set in the future, where humans pilot armored battle suits into battle. The settlers of Terra Nova have been cut off from earth and they struggle for political power. This often creates hostile actions that can lead to war.
The planet of Terra Nova isn’t too different from our Earth. It has jungles, forests, mountains, lakes, and a vast desert that runs through the center of planet that separates the north from the south.