Role-Play Rambling 4.1: Final Thoughts Pathfinder Playtest

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Jul 232019

In the first episode of season 4 on Role-Play Ramblings Matt shares his final thoughts on the Pathfinder Playtest. He shares where he had hiccups in the playtest and what he liked about it.


What I didn’t mention in the video is that every player I’m playing with is sold on the game and have preordered the core book. My two boys were so fired up that I now have a full blown campaign based on the creation of their characters. I have never based an entire story on the how the players worked together during character creation that is just out of this world.

I didn’t go into spells that much either, but my players love the way the work and Joshua  – who always plays a Rogue – has made ten spell casters since the start of the playtest!



Flip Through Review 86: Heroes of Humanity for Rifts

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May 032019

In this Flip Through Matt takes a look Heroes of Humanity for Rifts from Palladium. Books. Heroes for Humanity is a source book for the Coalition Wars Campaign that crosses over with the Minion War and Megaverse in Flames. Since it is a Coalition War campaign book it has a lot of information building up the Coalition army, but it does have a different pitch than “destroy” Tolkeen

This is probably the best source book in the Coalition Wars.

 Posted by at 12:32 AM

Flip Through Review 83: Book of the Damned for Pathfinder

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Mar 212019

Book of the Damned

In this review Matt looks at the Book of the Damned for the Pathfinder role-playing game. The book does contain information on demons, devils, daemons and the worship so the content might not be for everyone.


Knowing that, The Book of the Damned contains a lot of information about the biggest and baddest fiendish divinities.  Reaching into the deepest and darkest crevasses of the Abyss you learn about their worship,  and the realms they live in. For player characters there is information the players can use to worship the fiends. Giving you tools like obedience, and sample structures for cults.


I think the best part of the book is the section on contracts. As a G.M. I found this to be exhilarating! It is a great tool for trapping players who want to be tempted, or who can be duped into bartering with the devil. What makes the section so good is that they give you all of the parts of a contract and stress the importance of each one, more importantly it even gives you way to break the contract. It’s just too much fun!


If you want to add demons and devils to your campaign check this out.

 Posted by at 10:46 PM

Flip Through Review 82 : Faiths of Golarion for Pathfinder

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Mar 202019



In this Flip Through Matt takes a look at the Faiths of Golarion campaign setting for Pathfinder.  This book includes ten lesser gods of Golaria. It offers up a a complete write up that includes their domain, sub domains, favored weapons, and an obedience. While these deities are not the major players in the pantheon of Golaria don’t think that they aren’t influential to their believers!


Characters of any class can perform the obedience of their deity to be granted an ability that lasts for the day – if they have the Divine obedience feat. Further characters with the feat will be granted more power if they have at least 12 hd – sooner if they are of the right prestige class.  Faiths of Golarion brings us 5 new domains and 4 sub domains plus new feats and spells.


What I love about the Pathfinder faith books is that they take the idea of faith and break it down so any player character can believe as much or as little as the character would like.

This is a nice supplement for the Pathfinder system, helping players and G.M.s round out their stories.

Flip Through Review: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything for D&D 5e

 D&D, Featured, Flip Through, Wizards of the Coast  Comments Off on Flip Through Review: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything for D&D 5e
Mar 072019

In the Flip Through Matt Reviews Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. This is a compilation of content from Unearthed Arcana for Dungeons and Dragons 5e. DnD5e

There are plenty of little goodies spread throughout the entire book for players and D.M.s

Flip Through: Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica Dungeons and Dragons D&D 5e

 D&D, Featured, Flip Through, Wizards of the Coast  Comments Off on Flip Through: Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica Dungeons and Dragons D&D 5e
Dec 272018

In this Flip Through Matt takes a serious look at the Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica . He starts by bringing you up to date with the history of Ravnica and the tenth district before focusing on guilds.


I’m so happy to see the world of Magic the Gathering infiltrate Dungeons and Dragons!

 Posted by at 8:17 PM

Flip Through: Sovietski for Rifts RPG

 Featured, Flip Through, Palladium Books, Rifts, RPG Book Reviews  Comments Off on Flip Through: Sovietski for Rifts RPG
Dec 202018

In this Flip Through Matt takes a look at the Rifts World book Sovietski.  this book contains everything from prerift history to the  present day. There are a lot of new character classes for Rifts in this game, plus bunkers, and a slew of cybernetics. C’mon in!

I really like the approach that was taken with Sovietski.

You can support Through Gamer Goggles by getting your copy here:

 Posted by at 2:52 PM

Flip Through: Outbreak Undead

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Nov 222018

In this Flip Through Matt Takes a look at Outbreak Undead. The Zombie survival RPG that brutally shortens your life. Published by Renegade Games Studio.


If you must play a survival game this is probably the right one to play if it’s a good day to die.

 Posted by at 10:23 PM