Box Breaking 130 Post Human Republic for Dropzone Commander

 Box Breaking, Dropzone Commander, Featured, Hawk Wargames  Comments Off on Box Breaking 130 Post Human Republic for Dropzone Commander
Sep 132014

In this Box Breaking Matt takes a good look at the Post Human republic for Dropzone Commander from Hawk Wargames.  The Post Himan Republic is a society of humans that left civilization generations ago.  Now they highly sophisticated cyborgs and other technolgies that represent them as a race.





Chec back soon for our demo series on DZC,

 Posted by at 11:41 AM
Sep 132014

In Part 2 of the PRDF Box Breaking Matt goes over the details of the PRDF GP Squad.  This task force features 1 Cheiftan and 4 Warriors Heavy Gear is made an produced by Dream Pod 9.



In part on, linked below,  Matt discusses how the task force can be applied to the beta rules.  Check back soon for our How to play HG series.

 Posted by at 11:10 AM

Flip Through Space Conspiracy

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Sep 112014

Space Conspiracy is the humorous conspiracy theory  RPG that is set in space.  In this RPG it is the job of the mutated aliens to uncover conspiracies, and other lunacy,  while discovering their potential truths.



Blackclaw Games publishes Space Conspiracy and it can be found on Drivethru RPG and at Space Conspiracy.

 Posted by at 7:58 PM

A Fistful of Kung Fu from Osprey Publishing

 Featured, Miniatures, Osprey Publishing  Comments Off on A Fistful of Kung Fu from Osprey Publishing
Sep 112014

9781782006381-th2A Fistful of Kung Fu is a 28 mm miniatures skirmish game that puts Hong Kong fighting films in the game world. Yes this game allows you to do cart wheel kicks! The system offers an array of unique mechanics that can easily be adapted to the D6 systems. We’ll get into that in a little bit.

The Book

Published by Osprey Publishing

Written by Andrea Sfiligoi

It is a bout 70 pages. It follows an easy to follow path that teaches an experienced player how to play in only minutes. There are plenty of charts and easy ti follow diagrams inserted where they belong.

The Game

A Fistful of Kung Fu introduces that skirmish wargamer several new mechanics. The two most important are Quality Q and Chi..

Quality Q is an attribute that basically combines everything physical (strength, and agility for example). You use this to make a variety of checks in game, like combat or acrobatics. Q is also the base for morale checks.

Chi is an ability that comes into play by spending it. It can be used for a wide variety of things.

Ignoring turnover (remaining the aggressor)

Reduce a combat effect

+1 to a single combat roll

Chi Leap

Chi abilities

Motivate extras

Before you start playing you must build a force which is also different from most wargames. In A Fistful of Kung Fu your gang is structured with one protagonist, a first student (mini boss in video games), and minions (kobolds). Your protagonist is a real bad dude. When you create your force you also make your protagonist. He is a lot more expensive than the rest of your team, because he is what your team is really about. While designing him you select several extra skills and chi abilities.

Your first student is just a few notches down from the protagonist so don’t get too cocky with him.

When you finish building a force you will have a gang of 10 to 15 mini’s.

Once your forces are built, the defender will deploy terrain. The attacker will deploy his protagonist. This will alternate until all models are deployed. Then initiative is rolled. The active player will activate all of his models until there is a “turnover”. Turnover is basically the reflection of the two gangs struggling for the upper hand. When one gang fails a check the mechanics might dictate the possibility that the active player can loose initiative. I love this mechanic. It isn’t the simple I go you go method, nor is it the alternate activations system; but it can be both. It does an excellent job of grasping the chaotic spirit of combat.

Combat works pretty much like it does in any other game, except that you can use more than one action at a time. Each player rolls a d6 for the model and adds the C (combat ) score to it, The difference between the two gives the victor an amount points to spend on the effects table. As you might imagine outnumbering can be quite beneficial. Outnumbering grants the larger force a +1 to the roll, a protagonist can’t be outnumbered by a force without a protagonist.

When we played we had a blast. Of course it helps if one player rolls dice well and the other poorly. I managed to pull off feats like disarming, and killing minions with single blows. It didn’t seem fair. But my opponent’s protagonist was a one tough dude. It took me forever to take him down. Especially since he excelled at gun fu. He managed to shoot most of my minions. Heck in the end he nearly killed my model as well. But I ended the game with a combination of aerial techniques worthy of any movie.

A Fistful of Kung Fu is a pleasant surprise that offers a wide variety of game mechanics that are simple to learn. With the crazy activation sequence you always have something to do and never have to leave the table because your’e waiting for your turn.

 Posted by at 5:32 PM

Our Kickstarter T Shirts

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Sep 112014

ooshirts email(10)

I have had a lot of people ask me where we had our T-shirts made.   So I felt the need to share.   Lisa Lemke, my wife,  started with a photo taken from Gen Con 2011.   She put the image in Gimp and took out the background and the layered in some textures.   Andy Hopp actually pointed me to 00 shirts.




I really couldn’t be happier than I am with them.  The reached my door in less than two weeks.

Box Breaking 127 the Relic Knights Shattered Sword Battle Box

 Box Breaking, Featured, Relic Knights, Soda Pop Miniatures  Comments Off on Box Breaking 127 the Relic Knights Shattered Sword Battle Box
Sep 092014

In this Box Breaking Matt looks at the Shattered Sword Battle Box for Relic Knights from Soda Pop Miniatures. He chats a little bit about the game too.  I honestly can’t wait to get these paladins put together and swinging their swords.






You can learn more at Soda Pop.

 Posted by at 9:58 PM

Box Breaking 125 Dark Gothic DBG from Flying Frog

 Card Games, Deck Building Games, Featured, Flying Frog Productions  Comments Off on Box Breaking 125 Dark Gothic DBG from Flying Frog
Sep 092014

Matt Delves int the DBG Dark Gothic an takes a look at the card from Flying Frog.  Dark Gothic is based on the sett colonial American horror.  The game allows for 2-6 players have some fun.





You can learn more at Flying Frog.

Box Breaking 124 Tide of Iron from 1A Games

 1A Games, Board Games, Featured, Historical  Comments Off on Box Breaking 124 Tide of Iron from 1A Games
Sep 092014

Matt busts open the New Tide of Iron box set.  He takes a look at all of its contents.   Sharing with you the tiles, pieces, and rules.  This World War II game is a relatively fast paced for the complexity of rules you’ll discover.



Check back soon for our demonstration of a game.

 Posted by at 8:14 AM

Bloodshot Review free PDF

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Sep 042014

Valiant Bloodshot


This is the second free pdf for the Valiant RPG. It focuses on the story event the Harbinger Wars. Which inevitably pits Bloodshot against Harbinger Foundation, the renegades, and the Hard C.O.R.P.S. I haven’t read the story, but a friend of mine put it in to a context I would understand. He said take squirrels on crack, add the octagon and kung fu theatre effect – bam The Harbinger Wars!


I get that and it set some pretty high expectations for this adventure.


Before we start you should know a few things

  • you need the QSR or valiant RPG rules to play this supplement
  • You and your friends get to play Bloodshot
  • This is an adventure



The adventure is broken into 4 parts; the prelude,Horada Protocol, Promise broke, and Showdown on the steps.


I’m going to be my best and keep this brief. I really don’t want to spoil anything for you.


The prelude is what sets the stage. The players are Bloodshot and psiots. Bloodshot gets a bad wrap by the psiots and must convince them he’s innocent. When we played this was quite an exciting part of the game. We caused so much trouble we nearly killed each other off, but good story telling prevented an untimely death.


After a short rest, we ate dinner, we moved into the Harada Protocol. Which turned out to be my favorite part for two reason. It was almost non stop action of some sort – you fight Harada. We had all kinds of crazy thing going down that forced us to focus on game mechanics. I found this chapter to be a tutorial on great game play and the mechanics of the Valiant RPG system. Who said learning can’t be fun.


In the third part you’re supposed to recover from the battle fought in the Harada Protocol. It’s more like run for your life while you try and regain your health. The chapter is Blood shot trying recover while fending off the minions.


The last chapter is exactly what you would expect. It is the final battle. Where Bloodshot faces off with Toyo Harada. This portion of the adventure went badly for us and Bloodshot ended up loosing. But it was a tremendous amount of fun.



The adventure was an insane amount of fun. This and the QSR are a free download so there is no reason why you shouldn’t try this with your friends. It’s a super quick game to learn and it is very social. I mean your’e going to sit around with beer and pretzels anyway why not tell a story too?


If you are interested you can get Bloodshot at DriveThruRpg

 Posted by at 11:12 PM

Flip through The Occult Mysteries for Pathfinder

 Featured, Flip Through, Paizo Publishing, Pathfinder  Comments Off on Flip through The Occult Mysteries for Pathfinder
Sep 042014

Matt flips through the book Of Occult Mysteries from Paizio.  We go over things like the secret societies, numerology, and  the exodus of the gnomes.




This is an interesting book.   Paizo took a different path than I was expecting.


 Posted by at 3:12 PM