Drakerys is a miniatures game From Don’t Panic Games. This game demo shows you the basics using the two player starter. It is my opinion that this is the hidden gem of Gen Con. I’m so glad Derek Osbourne pointed it out to me.
I truly believe in the time initiative mechanic they have built, I felt it gave the miniatures game a real time feel.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 21: Starfinder with James L.Sutter
James issthe fiction editor for Paizo, he is also the creative director for the Starfinder RPG releasing at Gen Con 2017. In this interview we discuss Starfinder. We touch upon the character classes and how Paizo plans on making them feel futuristic without loosing their fantasy aspect. We go on to talk about tech and how religion matures in Starfinder. It was a lot of fun and I hope what we discussed doesn’t change too much while it’s on the drawing board.
I have to admit I was skeptical about Starfinder at first, but the more I hear the more I like it!
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 20: Phil Reed From Steve Jackson Games Talks Car Wars and More
Oh man every time I talk with Phil Reed I get a ton of information. We will be talking Moops, Car Wars, OGRE, I hate Zombies and more. Oh they are making a sweet dice tower with lights!
I really like the way they are scaling Car Wars. I think i will get the 4 player box first – how about you?
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 19: MR B Games it’s Sean Brown!
At Gen Con Sean and I chat about these things, Warquest, sold out of Prospectus, Trick of the rail, Days of Ire, Alien uprising card game, and he hints to a a few others.
Warquest Expansion coming in the fall! Will have Expansion packs and special rules.
Trick of the rail is a trick taking card game.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 18: Thon
Thon is one of the newer miniature games on the market. This is an interview and a one turn Game Demo.
Thon has a unique mechanic where initiative is determined by the rank of the troop.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 17: Megcon Games
The Guys from Megacon Games share with me Mercs 2.0 Banner Saga and a sneak peek at the next Myth product.
I really like the new Mercs book. Banner Saga looks awesome and the next Myth product is, I think, going to be a refreshing change.
It’s always a pleasure to see DP9. This year was no exception. They have a in the mixer, Dreadnoughts, Jovian Chronicles, and anpthe HG Blitz KS.
In this interview Robert and I chat about their recent Kickstarter and some of the issues they ran into. Plus we discuss Dreadnoughts, Jovian Chronicles, and the planned Kickstarter for next year.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 12: CMoN Boardgames with Sean
Sean and I talk about everything from Arcadia Quest to The Others. Potion Explosion absolutely rocks!
For those of you that don’t know I’m a huge fan of Acadia Quest and I’m looking forward what is to come.
Gen Con Coverage 2016 11: Eric of Anti Matter Games
Had the chance to meet up with Eric from Antimatter Games at Gen Con. Deep Sea is a miniatures game about underwater combat. You can even get the bends.
Check out the Through Gamer Goggles Facebook page to see some pics of Deep Sea – the shark is awesome.
Gen Con 2016 Coverage 10: Andrew Hackard from Steve Jackson Games
Andrew Chats with me during Gen Con about all things Munchkin, and maybe a few things more. I really think a Munchkin CCG sounds great.
Will somebody get me to BGG so I can share all the SJG releases that they are saving for that show.