Gen Con Coverage 2016 11: Eric of Anti Matter Games

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Aug 102016

Had the chance to meet up with Eric from Antimatter Games at Gen Con.  Deep Sea is a miniatures game about underwater combat.  You can even get the bends.

Check out the Through Gamer Goggles Facebook page to see some pics of Deep Sea – the shark is awesome.

Retailer Alert

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May 042016
Everett, WA (May 4, 2016) – Headquartered in Everett, WA, GTS Distribution announces today that it has entered into an agreement to purchase Global Enterprises, headquartered in Hauppauge, NY.
Global Enterprises is a respected distributor with a long history, a talented team and above all, a trendsetter in bringing cutting edge products to their customer base.  Over the years, they have developed an excellent reputation for providing industry-leading customer service and product knowledge.  Excellent customer service and product knowledge are core tenants at GTS, and retailers who have been working with Global Enterprises can expect to receive the same stellar customer experience they have grown accustomed to throughout the transition and in years to come.
With an industry-leading 11 locations across the U.S. and an unparalleled depth of products, we are certain that all of our existing and future customers will continue to benefit from GTS’ dedication to providing the best service and cutting-edge products to help your business succeed and grow. “The customer comes first at GTS, and we’re confident this acquisition will further our ability to not only serve our current customers better, but also partner with and build some new relationships with fantastic retailers in the area,” said GTS President, Steve Snyder.
The GTS management team is very pleased to announce that all of the existing staff of Global Enterprises will be joining our team – we look forward to having them become part of the GTS Family. “We would like to thank all of our customers for their loyalty, friendship and support over the years,” said Ed Storey, Owner of Global Enterprises. “My staff looks forward to continuing working with you as part of the GTS team.”
GTS would like to thank our existing customers for their continued support, and to all of our new customers, we can’t wait to begin servicing your needs!
New customers can find all of the necessary paperwork and information on the GTS Website:

Review 1 Yashima from Greenbrier Games

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Jun 252015

In this video Matt and David play through their idea of a Yashima Demo game.  Then they share their thoughts on what is good or bad.

If you visit Tony Gullotti’s Facebook page you can get a look at some of the newer things they have planned.

Through Gamer Goggles Season 4 Kickstarter Funded!

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Mar 272015

Have you heard the news? Our Season 4 Kickstarter has reached its funding goal and is in its final days. It has been a rough journey though; more on that in a moment. I just want to thank all of you who have pledged and shared this on different social media groups.  Without you this wouldn’t have happened.  Now that it’s almost over I want to really make it fun, but first I’m asking that you read the story and then I’ll share what is in store for the rest of the journey.

When the project first started I was all fired up to do all of the social media and post updates that needed to be done. Then it hit.  I lost my hard drive and before I knew it a week had gone by, without any work on my Kickstarter being done.  In that time my wife managed to fix it up for me.  But the time I had to work was short lived, I was summoned for jury duty.  Which is nothing like you see on television, but it is time consuming.   I hoped and prayed that I wouldn’t be selected, but I was. It caused me to move my work schedule around a bit and I lost three days of good social media and posting to the Kickstarter project.

On my last day of jury duty I weighed the potential of canceling the Kickstarter.  I went back and forth measuring the pros and cons of what the better choice would be. This carried on late into the night, until I decided I’d cancel it in the morning and relaunch in a week or two.  Tired, I went to bed. I didn’t sleep well.

In the morning I woke to a nearly funded campaign. Instilled with excitement, I rushed to Hootesuite and hit my social media network calling out to all gamers.  It wasn’t long before Marc Tassin finished funding the project. (A quick side note, Marc is the current mastermind behind the Gen Con Writer’s Symposium and the Pathfinder setting World of Aetaltis: The Temple of Modren.)

I’ve spent the last 24 hours totally distracted from my “real” life by the Kickstarter.  I have been both distraught and ecstatic at the same time. Distraught because I haven’t really accomplished all of what I set out to do and I kind of feel like I failed.  I know the situations that arose weren’t really my fault, but I still feel responsible. Not to mention that I haven’t really had fun with it, which is always a part of  my plan. Ecstatic because, well, we’re funded and I’m about to have some fun.

I mentioned I was constantly distracted by this Kickstarter.  Well, the result of my distraction is that I’m going to shake it up a bit.  I’m reworking the stretch goals (actually changed some yesterday) and how they are obtained.

First I’m going to ask you for your help and in return I’ll add new unique stretch goals.  What is cool about this is that you get to be a part of the idea without even pledging.  Here is what you can do to participate.

  1. Visit the Kickstarter.
  2. Click Share – a pop up box will open.
  3. Find the Facebook icon and click it.

At 150 shares I will unlock a road to Gen Con 2015 living article.  Well a page really that will document not only my endeavors of this journey, but stories that exhibitors, publishers and game designers who are planning to attend the show are ready to share.  The first of these will be my thoughts about Gen Con and this whole Religious Freedom Bill.

I will unlock another “share” stretch goal every time the number doubles (300, 600, 1200).  I really don’t know what they will be yet, but they will be blog page related or an improvement to the functionality of the blog.

Next up we will be adding supporter related stretch goals.  You don’t have to pledge a lot to be involved, heck a dollar gives you a “number”.  These stretch goals will be 25 and 45 for now, I’ll add more if needed.  The first will open up the next stretch goal waiting to be unlocked.  Will you be number 25 or 45? I hope so!

There are only four days left, but I know we can blow some of these stretch goals out of the water, especially with these new and unique stretch goals.

Again I’d like to thank all of you for being a part of this community.



Coming soon to Kickstarter Capture

 Board Games, Game Salute, Kickstarter  Comments Off on Coming soon to Kickstarter Capture
Feb 012015

Frome Game Salute


Londonderry, NH – 2/1/2015: Andrew Hunzicker designed Capture – A Medieval Wargame in the 1980s, when he was in his early 20s. The story of the game is quite an extraordinary one, as the now 50 year old first time designer details in a video on the game’s Kickstarter page.

Capture isn’t a “War game” it’s a family strategy board game, with a simple but timeless game play that feels like a classic game, that we just never got to play! Capture grew from Andrew’s desire to make a next generation strategy board game in the 1980s, and the elegant replayable design certainly seems to have stood the test of time; though it has never been published (after some very close calls!)

The kickstarter for the game is launching February 3rd at 9am EST and will run for 32 days. Below is a link to the page, which has interviews with the designer and a lot more information.

If you would like any more information email us:

Act Too from Asmodee Editions

 Asmodee Editions  Comments Off on Act Too from Asmodee Editions
Jan 232015

actAct Too


Ready to have a laugh with your family and friends?  Laughter is a guaranteed result from this fun party game!  Still in doubt?  Think how your best friend would look while trying to act out “a rabbit with the hiccups”.  I dare you not to laugh!


In teams, Players choose a Character card, identified by “I AM” and an Action card, identified by “WHO” and without saying any words players will attempt to act out what they are doing.


4-10 players

Ages 8+

25 minute play time


25 “Character” cards

25 “Action” cards

1 Sand timer

1 Set of game rules