Gen Con 50 Coverage 22: Starfinder with James Sutter

 Featured, Gen Con 2017, Paizo Publishing, Starfinder  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 Coverage 22: Starfinder with James Sutter
Aug 242017

I Did get to talk with James Sutter about Starfinder @Gencon.  I caught him off guard a couple of times with questions that are light years away in development.  But we did discuss societies and organizations a good bit, and his favorite character.

I’m looking forward to Starfinder, I wish I would have picked it up at Gen Con, but they were gone.

Gen Con 50 Coverage 21: Robert Dubois from DP 9 on Heavy Gear

 Dream Pod 9, Featured, Gen Con 2017, Heavy Gear  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 Coverage 21: Robert Dubois from DP 9 on Heavy Gear
Aug 232017

I caught up with Robert Dubois and Dream Pod 9 at Gen Con 50.  We talked about the upcoming kickstarter and Jovian Chronicles.  They have a lot of things in the works and it sounds like they are listening to their fans.

Looking forward to the next Kickstarter?  I am.

 Posted by at 11:35 PM

Gen Con 50 Coverage 19: Game On Tabletop

 Featured, Gen Con 2017  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 Coverage 19: Game On Tabletop
Aug 232017

At Gen Con 50 Laura Hoffman and I talk about Game On Tabletop and how it is different from other crowdfunding platforms.  One of those differences is it’s by gamers! Some of the others include fulfillment and marketing assistance.

I do believe I will be using Game on for my first game later this year, or early 2018.

Gen Con 50 Coverage 17: Paolo Rewards a Dust 1947 Player

 Dust 1947, Dust Studio, Featured, Gen Con 2017  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 Coverage 17: Paolo Rewards a Dust 1947 Player
Aug 232017

Paolo Parente went around the Dust 1947 tournament table. He could have started anywhere, but he started with this guy.  The sound is almost non existent/muffles but the picture is clear.  Paolo thank you for loving your players.

I am fortunate enough to walk away from Gen Con every year with one true gem, I think this is this years!

Gen Con 50 Coverage 16: Randall Bills of Catalyst Game Labs

 Battletech, Catalyst Game Labs, Dragonfire, Featured, Gen Con 2017, Shadowrun  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 Coverage 16: Randall Bills of Catalyst Game Labs
Aug 232017

I caught up with Randall Bills at Gen Con 50 and Wow did we talk about a lot of stuff. Aside from the cool stuff for Dragonfire, We discussed Zero Day, Master of Orion, CBT, Crossfire,  new plastics, and The Duke – Lords of Legacy

There is a lot of good information in here.  Time to bust open Dragonfire! Check back Saturday for the Box Breaking!

Gen Con 50 coverage 14: Gaming Paper with Erik Bauer

 Featured, Gaming Paper, Gen Con 2017  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 coverage 14: Gaming Paper with Erik Bauer
Aug 232017

I caught up with Erik Bauer of Gaming Paper at Gen Con  50.  We talked about paper and the the future of Mega dungeon and the potential for Starfinder.

Any one else looking forward to the vinyl mats?