In this Box Breaking Matt takes a look at the Gale Force 9 miniature Qesnef for Dungeons and Dragons. The Qesnef box has two models the ogre mage and the halfling.
Check out the line of D&D minis at GF9
In this Box Breaking Matt takes a look at the Gale Force 9 miniature Qesnef for Dungeons and Dragons. The Qesnef box has two models the ogre mage and the halfling.
Check out the line of D&D minis at GF9
In this Box Breaking Matt takes a look at the highly detailed model Drizzt Do’Urden and his companion. Drizzt is made By Gale Force 9 for use with Dungeons and Dragons. If you play D&D with the collectible miniatures don be alarmed; this figure is not the same scale.
Hope you liked it. Check back soon for the Figure Forge on this box set.
Take a look as Matt explores the contents of the game Compounded. Compounded is a game of science that uses the Table of periodic elements as the board. All I can tell without playing Compounded is that it is something like mixing friendships, er I mean making better friends through chemistry.
You can find Compounded at Game Salute.
Matt takes a look at the new party game The Princess Bride Prepare to Die from Game Salute. The Princess Bride Prepare to Die is a game for 3 to 12 players that can be played in less than twenty minutes. So watch as Matt reveals all Inigo Montoya has to offer you; before you die. If you are a Princess Bride fan this certainly something to entertain.
You can find The Princess Bride Prepare to Die at Game Salute.
In this Box Breaking Matt takes a look at the Ruinscape Terrain from Hawk Wargames. He shows you the contents and tests the strength of a building. The Ruinscape terrain is made of a card stock. Watch, to check out the graphics on the building. Once you see the video you will be able to decide if they are for you.
You can learn more about Dropzone Commander at Hawk Wargames.
In this Box Breaking Matt takes a good look at the newest expansion for Mage Wars; Druid vs Necromancer. He spends some time examining the new spells as well as the art. He even gives a pretty in depth overview of the new mage abilities. As usual this expansion looks to be a promising addition to the Mage Wars Universe.
Mage Wars is produced by Arcane Wonders.
In this Box Breaking Matt takes a look at the Dropzone Commander 2 player Box set from Hawk Wargames. Inside you will see all of the minis dice/ tape, buildings, and the play mat.
Stop back later or subscribe to one of the social media links on the right to see our Flip Through on the Dropzone Commander rule book and the assembly videos.
In this Box Breaking Matt takes a good look at the pawns from the Bestiary 2 box set. If you are looking to expand your hoard this might just e the way to add to your collection.
Thanks for watching. I look forward to using many of these monster to give my children’s player characters nightmares. Check back next week and get a look at the Pathfinder Society Primer.
In this Box Breaking Matt busts oen Badlands Rally from Dream Pod 9 for Heavy Gear. Watch as he explores the variant models used for this miniature board game.
Check back next week to see how easy the box goes together in Figure Forge.
You can learn more about Badlands Rally and Heavy Gear at Dream Pod 9.