Ryan Hale

Ryan T E Hale was born and raised in Ohio, until college when he stepped through a Rift and landed in a world of infinite possibilities. While completing Bachelor's and Master's degrees, becoming an ordained minister, husband and father of four, he still made time to play RPG's.

Mar 072012

Well folks, here it is, the final episode of our first Silvervine session.  It’s the conclusion of our battle with Najaris.  Things get pretty messy, and pretty hilarious.

SV Session 1.6

Again, major kudos and thanks to John Arcadian for running this little insane asylum!  I had a blast, so much so that I took the reigns for our second session.  So stay tuned, Session 2 will be coming soon!


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The Chronicles of Loth Interview

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Mar 062012

Do you like webcomics?  We at Through Gamer Goggles sure do, especially when those webcomics are based on Role-Playing Games!  And that is why we reached out to J.E. & E. Flint, the creators of The Chronicles of Loth.

I first met J.E. through the website “Explorers Unlimited,” a play-by-post site dedicated to Rifts and other Palladium Books games.  So what goes into the creation of a weekly webcomic?  “Mostly spite,” they say.  Listen in and find out more.

TGGN Player

A big THANK YOU to the Flint brothers, for taking the time to sit down with us.  You can find The Chronicles of Loth by clicking here:  http://lothonline.com/ (the only thing you have to loose is a lot of time).

Feb 282012

Wherein we continue to make “friends,” get healed, shakedown a corrupt cop, flash some dwarven-gang signs, become legends (in our own minds), and finally arrive at our destination – the Original/Old Thieves’ Guild!  No doubt the party has learned a lesson and will behave in a more rational, civilized, and polite manner.  (And if you believe that one, I own this sweet bridge in Brooklyn that I’m looking to sell real cheap.)

SV Session 1.5

Oooh, a cliffhanger ending.  Bonsai and Najaris are trading hits and insults while Will and Squirmy keep the guards entertained.  How will it end?  Tune in next time and find out.

And in case you missed it, here’s my favorite line from this episode:

                SQUIRM: I do believe I will strut in as ten chickens.

                WILL: Why ten?

                SQUIRMY: Ten seems like the appropriate number of chickens to make up a human body.

(Heeheeehaaahahaaa. O Mike, you so crazy!)

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Feb 212012

Here is the next chapter for your listening pleasure!

Due to some logistical issues we did not get Episode 3 post last week as planned.  Therefore we are posting both Episodes 3 & 4 today!  It’s a two-for-one special of Role-Playing action/hilarity/insanity/fun.

In this episode the group runs afoul of the local authorities.  Shocking right?  I mean, how could a three-foot tall anthropomorphic flying squirrel, a mass of worms in its own steam-powered flying tin can, and a drunken elf get into trouble so quickly?  You know, after reading that sentence again, it’s a miracle we didn’t run into trouble much, much sooner.

SV Session 1.4

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Feb 212012

Our third installment is now up for your listening pleasure!

In this episode we form our own vaudeville company, accept our first official job, conduct some player-vs-player skill tests, start a parade, and take Squirm’s Can for a little test-drive.

SV Session 1.3

“Let’s go find this beast,” spoken by Will Powers.  Are these words a mere foreshadowing of the adventure ahead, or a portent of our doom?  Find out next time in our continuing adventure!


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“Character” Creation: More than Mechanics

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Feb 112012


This is the first in a series of articles about “Character” Creation?  What do I mean by that?  (Especially the part with “Character” inside quotation marks.)  I mean, all the parts that are not covered in the basic mechanics of a particular RPG’s character creation system.  I mean the creation and development “universal” aspects of an RPG character – personality, attitude, behavior, motivation, psychology, etc.  I mean those parts that are at the heart of the “Role-Playing” experience (as opposed to the “roll-playing” experience). Continue reading »

Feb 092012

Howdy gamers!  And welcome back to Through Gamer Goggles.  This is the second episode of our first Silvervine game session, led by THE John Arcadian..

In this week’s episode we describe our characters (and learn a little too much about Matt).  After that we try to determine if worms are kosher, and discover that Squirmy will work for his can.

So what will the group do next?  Will they seek employment from the Thieves’ Guild? Will they go see the folks that dared attack the Thieves’ Guild in broad daylight? Will Bonsai get distracted by something shiny? (Well, that’s a guarantee.)  Or will they do something totally random?  Find out in our next episode!

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Feb 032012

Here it is, part one of our Silvervine Game Session with John Arcadian.  Stay tuned, as more parts will be uploaded in the the coming days and weeks!

Campaign Player

Things covered in this audio podcast:

  • Making Skill Checks
  • Making Attacks and calculating damage
  • Absorbing Damage and armor rolls

The Cast:

  • John Arcadian – Game Master / Storyteller / Ring Master
  • Matt Lemke – Will Powers
  • Mike Swonger – Squirm
  • Ryan T E Hale – Bonsai

And check out Silvervine Games http://www.silvervinegames.com/

D&D 5th Ed Announcement Reaction

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Jan 122012

In case you missed it, Wizards of the Coast is working on a 5th – that’s right, Fifth – edition of Dungeons & Dragons.  You can read the announcement articles from the NYT http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/10/arts/video-games/dungeons-dragons-remake-uses-players-input.html?pagewanted=all and Forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidewalt/2012/01/09/wizards-announce-new-dungeons-and-dragons-an-inside-look-at-the-game/, as well as the press-release from lead designer Mike Mearls http://www.wizards.com/dnd/Article.aspx?x=dnd/4ll/20120109.

We here at Through Gamer Goggles, however, would like to share our initial reactions and thoughts to this news, and gather your input as well.  Is this a good thing or a bad thing? for D&D? for WotC? for the RPG industry in general?  Would you buy the 5th edition?

No matter your answer to those questions, I believe that the BIGGEST QUESTION is this: Will a new edition unite the players, or will it divide them even further? Continue reading »

RPG Book Review: Grimtooth’s Traps

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Dec 122011


Paul Ryan O’Connor, ed.
Steven S. Crompton, illus.
Flying Buffalo Inc., pub.
First Printing 1981
Digitally Remastered 2011
55 pages
Ryan’s Rating: 17 out of 20
MSRP 14.95

The Review

I’ve been into D&D 4th Edition for a while now, and while I have been thoroughly enjoying it, one thing that seems to be lacking are traps.  D&D4e is great at tactical combat, but players can become a bit overconfident as they gain levels.  Other systems (notably my favorites: Rifts and Silvervine) seem to have no traps at all! (at least, none detailed and statted out in their publications).

So, if you’re a DM, but you aren’t an incredibly inventive trap-maker, or if your group is getting a little cocky and you want to instill some paranoia, then Grimtooth’s Traps is for you! Continue reading »