Amber From Rebel Publishing

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Mar 082013


Release Date: Coming Soon

$ 26.60

In Amber, players take the role of the barons, and their goal is to build trade routes that connect their castles to the villages where the amber is collected, and to the other barons’ castles where it is traded. To this end, players build roads through the wilderness – placing one tile each turn in the shared playing area – which will allow their buyers to reach the sources of the amber. Since all buyers can use the roads, however, it’s important to have suitable connections with the road networks built by others. The baron whose castle is connected with the greatest number of villages and castles will become the richest and most respected Lord of the new land.

This looks like a nice easy game to sit down and play with the kids thanks, Rebel Publishing for giving me more family time.

Slavika From Rebel Publishing

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Mar 072013


Release Date: Coming Soon

$ 23.80


In Slavika, players are the heads of powerful families in the fantastic world of Slavika. Each player has six heroes, who will be sent to different regions, where they will fight monsters threatening the villagers. The more a player’s heroes help defeat the monsters, the more glory is won for their family. The game lasts several months, until the princess is able to complete the ritual and renew the power of the amulet. At that time the family with the most glory points earns the right to the hand of the princess and wins the game.

This sounds like a great game to play with some friends Rebel Publishing gave me another reason to have a game night.

Crude: The Oil Game from Stronghold Games

 Board Games, Stronghold Games  Comments Off on Crude: The Oil Game from Stronghold Games
Nov 112012

Crude: The Oil Game

Release Date: Nov 2012

$ 69.95

James St. Laurent’s classic oil game is back after nearly 40 years! Crude: The Oil Game allows players to play as the C.E.O. of an oil company, seeking their fortune by drilling, refining and selling oil and gasoline to a hungry market. But the economy can be difficult to predict and players must contend with sudden changes in demand. The first player to reach $750 Million is the winner! Enjoy this classic game once again courtesy of Stronghold Games!

You all know you have thought you could do it better them the pros so here is your chance Stronghold Games gives you the chance to play a big roller and rule the oil market.

New Munchkin Goodies from Steve Jackson Games

 Card Games, Gaming News, Steve Jackson Games  Comments Off on New Munchkin Goodies from Steve Jackson Games
Nov 092012

Munchkin Apocalypse

Release Date: Nov 2012

$ 24.95

In Munchkin Apocalypse, every possible natural (and unnatural) disaster has happened. You are a rugged survivor in a world full of people – and things – that want to kill you and take your stuff. So do it to them first! And what’s with all these seals running around? Don’t they know the world’s about to end? You should keep an eye on that seventh one in particular . . . Tell the Players • Kill the monsters, take their stuff, and survive the end of the world. • A new card type: Disasters! You want them to happen to the other players. • Just to keep things interesting, there’s an alternate victory condition!


+6 Bag o’ Radioactive Munchkin D6

Release Date: Nov 2012

$ 6.95

These are 6-siders, and there are six in the package. Three of them match the Munchkin Apocalypse die. The other three do not. They are scary green and orange. They have the Munchkin head in place of the 1. Your customers will buy them so they can kill monsters and take their stuff. Tell the Players • You can never have too many dice! Half of them match the Munchkin Apocalypse die. The others are the same colors in reverse. • They actually work with other games, but why would you play anything else? • It’s Munchkin. It’s dice. What more do you need to know?

I don’t know about you all but I love a good game of Munchkins and if you never played it you need to get some and play a game Steve Jackson Games has so many version you will find one you like and you can mix all of them together to make a fun mess of a game for a great game night.

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