Crow and the Pitcher From 5th Street Games

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Oct 122012

Crow and the Pitcher

$ 12.00

Available Now

A trick taking game based on the Aesop fable, “The Crow and the Pitcher”. Players attempt to fill Pitchers by playing Stone cards from their hand. However, the highest card played may not always win…

Get this now at 5th street games and  play with your kids, mine can wait till it gets here

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Mar 072012

Well folks, here it is, the final episode of our first Silvervine session.  It’s the conclusion of our battle with Najaris.  Things get pretty messy, and pretty hilarious.

SV Session 1.6

Again, major kudos and thanks to John Arcadian for running this little insane asylum!  I had a blast, so much so that I took the reigns for our second session.  So stay tuned, Session 2 will be coming soon!


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Feb 212012

Here is the next chapter for your listening pleasure!

Due to some logistical issues we did not get Episode 3 post last week as planned.  Therefore we are posting both Episodes 3 & 4 today!  It’s a two-for-one special of Role-Playing action/hilarity/insanity/fun.

In this episode the group runs afoul of the local authorities.  Shocking right?  I mean, how could a three-foot tall anthropomorphic flying squirrel, a mass of worms in its own steam-powered flying tin can, and a drunken elf get into trouble so quickly?  You know, after reading that sentence again, it’s a miracle we didn’t run into trouble much, much sooner.

SV Session 1.4

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Feb 212012

Our third installment is now up for your listening pleasure!

In this episode we form our own vaudeville company, accept our first official job, conduct some player-vs-player skill tests, start a parade, and take Squirm’s Can for a little test-drive.

SV Session 1.3

“Let’s go find this beast,” spoken by Will Powers.  Are these words a mere foreshadowing of the adventure ahead, or a portent of our doom?  Find out next time in our continuing adventure!


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