Counting down to Gen Con T-4 Arena of the Planeswalker

 Road to Gen Con 2015, Wizards of the Coast  Comments Off on Counting down to Gen Con T-4 Arena of the Planeswalker
Jul 252015

planes_mdArena of the Planeswalker is one of those games that is kind a mystery.  There isn’t a lot of information on it but it’s made by Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast.   The fact that it’s mad by both companies kind of worries me, but I will give it a fair shot.   They did good things in my opinion with Heroscape and it looks this game will be using a lot of those mechanics.

Where are my concerns?

My first concern is that Hasbro won’t play nice.  That is if Hasbro asserts too much influence the Magic the Gathering Themed game might loos that magic feel and therefore it’s luster to gamers.

It may never have achieved that magic feel so it’s only a miniatures game made to look like Heroscape.

Magic the Gathering has a very large arsenal of mechanics, I hope they can break it down to a starter level.

I hope the mini’s look good.

It might just be the rebirth of Heroscape, which isn’t the direction I would like a Magic the Gathering Board game to go.

Why I want this.

Magic the Gathering has been a part of my life for years.  I have always desired cool figures and I hope that The Planeswalker Arena gives Magic the feel of  two mages dueling it out.   At this point I believe the two companies probably have a solid foundation to build on.