For the official Day 2 coverage to GP Lincoln go here. To read about the winner and the top 8 go here.
Grand Prix Lincoln was the first Modern event I have judged. It was an interesting experience. Here is my summation.
The players were an interesting mix of professional, competitive, and casual, which made for a fun event. It didn’t make the rules questions ludicrous, but it did keep them coming at a nice pace. I am sure that modern helped with that scenario. The field is loaded with deck archetypes which just adds to the fun as a judge. I believe that Modern is hear to stay.
Some of the interesting and fum rulings that happened at the event.
- A player attempted to appeal a slow play warning during the posting of the pairings for the following round.
- electrolyze with making an illegal target occured a few times.
- Most of the the time though it was simple stuff like sorting out whether or it was legal for Mutavault ( or some other man land) to activate.
- They were not a lot of corner cases.
Both Dan Scott, and Ron Spencer were there. They were both a lot of fun – thanks for coming. Ron has an interesting background, and we hope to interview him very soon.
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