Jul 312016

One of the great things about Gen Con is that so many new games make their debut, I suspect around one hundred every year. One of those games this year is Grimslingers from Greenbrier Games.  Stephen Gibson is both the artist and the creator.

Grimslingers is set in an American West kind of backdrop where you play a grimslinger.  A grimslinger is a cybernetic witch that manipulates the elements to cast a variety of spells. If you are playing the narrative tale you’re on a quest to find the Witch king.

There are several ways to play grimslingers, head to head shoot out, multiplayer, teams, and narrative. i find that the head to head version of the game falls short of the narrative. Enough of me talking here is my review.

If you are interested in learning more you can find Green Brier Games at booth 2339.

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