Building 16k Warhammer Fantasy My First Converted Centigor

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Dec 012011

If you haven’t read the first two installments of this article you might want to start there.


I have gone ahead and converted a Ellyrian Reaver into a Centigor.  Since, I am not very artsy I am quite happy with the result.  I even think it is a better representation of the what I believe a Centigor should look like than the actual models.   Below I will give you the step by step instructions that I used followed by a gallery of photos.

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Building 16k Deciding on Centigors

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Nov 152011

If you have not read the rest of this diary you might want to start at the beginning.  When I started building my 16000 point army I knew there would be some challenges. The most obvious challenge is money. I have been looking for ways to curb the cost of this monster for some time now. One of these ideas is to use proxy models when ever I get the chance. I will only do this for the models beyond that of a standard game (3000 points).

Looking at my army I have a need for about two hundred Centigors. Games Workshop charges about 12.00 a piece. That is just way too much money. I guess that leaves me with two options. One is to sculpt them all myself, or make a master mold. The other seems to be converting them. Both the options will take a considerable amount of time and both seem daunting.

About two years ago I started looking for a cost efficient model to convert. I was at a loss and had given up. Then GW came out with the Island of Blood starter set. It contains Elyrian Reavers. A very inexpensive model. You can get 5 on eBay for like 5 dollars shipped. Yes, I had decided it was time to start converting.

Now, that I had chosen the base model for my Centigors, I needed the rest of the pieces parts. You can get everything you need out of the Gors box set. Or if you are cheap, like me, you can find everything on eBay to make five Centigors for under 10.00. Yep, that’s right five 12.00 figs for only 10.00.

Next time around I will either post my how to make the Centigor from a a reaver or I will post some pics of the one I have finished. I am still deciding if this should be a video, written instructions, or both.


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Building 16k the Beginning

 Building 16000  Comments Off on Building 16k the Beginning
Sep 192011

This is my tale of building 16k.  It will include everything from lists, to painting, and maybe more.


Yes, I know you are thinking this is crazy. Who would build a 16,000 point fantasy army. Well, most of think it is, but most of us around here like to play with all of our toys and we do not fall into your standard category of just playing one list. Which we actually believe to be a great gaming crime. So, it actually makes sense for us to play a large game.

I have to thank my buddy for this idea though. About 4 years ago he purchased 16k plus worth of vampire counts. Ever since I have been trying to catch up.

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