Origins 2017 Event Coverage 7: Hawk Wargames with Andrew Chesney

 Dropzone Commander, Featured, Hawk Wargames, Origins 2017  Comments Off on Origins 2017 Event Coverage 7: Hawk Wargames with Andrew Chesney
Jun 232017

So I caught up with Hawk Wargames at Origins 2017. We spoke about Dropzone of course. But we also talked about some of their plans for gaming at cons.  Good stuff inside.


I really like the direction they are moving the “approved” play in – it means I will get some more players in the are.

 Posted by at 10:08 PM

Figure Forge 76 Gharial for Dropzone Commander

 Dropzone Commander, Featured, Figure Forge, Hawk Wargames  Comments Off on Figure Forge 76 Gharial for Dropzone Commander
Dec 202016

Watch as Matt assembles the Shaltari Gharial Command Grav Tank for Dropzone Commander from Hawk Wargames.

For those of you thinking about DZC I highly recommend it.  Super easy to learn and next to no clunk in the rules.

Gen Con Countdown T-3 Dropfleet Commander

 Featured, Gaming News, Gen Con 2016, Hawk Wargames  Comments Off on Gen Con Countdown T-3 Dropfleet Commander
Aug 012016

3c6c05f4b9b113d27bdc6e85eb758f36_originalThis one is a little bit unusual, the game will not be at Gen Con for sale. What! Whoa! Let’s back up. Dropfleet  Commander was kickstarted by Hawk Wargames, the makers of Dropzone Commander, and it was a huge success. Of course it was, Dropzone Commander has a great community, one of the best, plus Hawk Wargames doesn’t seem to make mistakes.  I mean they put out great models, have good rules and they love their community even if they did make mistakes major mistakes they’d be forgiven. With that kind of support they shouldn’t have been surprised by the success – they were.

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