In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Nasier Ashmen for Wrath of Kings. These models are from the Battle of Ravenwood two player starter.
I am torn about how I am going to paint these guys.
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Nasier Ashmen for Wrath of Kings. These models are from the Battle of Ravenwood two player starter.
I am torn about how I am going to paint these guys.
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the PHR’s Nemesis Command. You have to love how clean these models are.
I had some problems with glue drying, but I am very happy with the end results.
In this Figure Forge Matt assembles the Nasier Longhorn with lightning speed. This is one of the last models from the Wrath of Kings starter.
I think this is the last model of the box set.
Watch Matt assemble Rathor from the Wrath of Kings two player starter. This model is super easy to assemble and even cooler looking.
So far this set has been a lot of fun and I can’t wait to play.
Welcome back to another Figure Forge! In this episode I finish off the Gortisi by assembling some Skirmishers from the two player Starter set for Wrath of Kings from CMoN.
I have had a few people ask If I have assembled the Dance master yet. No, I haven’t I will try to pick it one up soon. CMoN is currently sold out – Maybe I will find the kit at Origins Game Fair.
In this Figure Forge Matt tackles the Skorza Shield Breaker for Wrath of Kings from CMoN. This is my second model from the two player starter and it was another easy assembly.
Music and Sound by Syrinscape.
Watch as Matt assembles the Slorza Alpha for Kings of War. This model is part of the two player starter kit from CMoN
What can I say about Wrath of Kings? Well, those of you that know me know I like d10 games. I have only played twice now so I am not ready to give it a review just yet, but the mechanics are easy to pickup. You can buy the starter and be playing in under an hour
Music and Sound by Syrinscape.
Matt assembles the bear bones of the Iguana for Heavy Gear, This is the new plastic.
So, who is going to Origins and do you want to play Heavy Gear Blitz.
Watch Matt assemble the basic Ferret for Heavy Gear. The new plastics are easy to clean and go together in a flash.
I have a lot more Heavy Gear coming in the near future.
In this Figure Matt Shows you the basic build for the Black Mamba.
Hey Who wants to play I’m ready.