Gen Con Coverage 13: Arcane Wonders W/ Bryan Pope and Jerome

 Arcane Wonders, Featured, Gen Con 2017, Mage Wars  Comments Off on Gen Con Coverage 13: Arcane Wonders W/ Bryan Pope and Jerome
Aug 232017

I sat down with Bryan Pope of Arcane Wonders at Gen Con 50 and we take a look at Sheriff of Nottingham merry men, Academies warlord, and viral. Plus we talk about some upcoming Mage Wars Products.

The monk will most likely be my favorite mage.

Gen Con 50 event Coverage 10: Shadows of Esteren

 Featured, Gen Con 2017  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 event Coverage 10: Shadows of Esteren
Aug 222017

At Gen Con 50 I caught up with Lil ian (I think I spelled it wrong) from Shadows of Esteren.  We went over the core of the game, which is about characters and storytelling.  Character creation is the largest chapter.

Shadows of Esteren certainly sounds like it’s a game for storytellers!

 Posted by at 10:01 PM

Gen Con Coverage 8: Sean Patrick Fannon of Evil Beagle Games LLC.

 Featured, Gen Con 2017  Comments Off on Gen Con Coverage 8: Sean Patrick Fannon of Evil Beagle Games LLC.
Aug 222017

I caught up with Sean Patrick Fannon at Gen Con 50.  We talked about Savage Rifts And Evil Beagle Games LLC.  Some cool info in this one like Freedom Squadron and the omniverse.

I am looking forward to seeing Sean at Con on the Cob in November.

Gen Con 50 Coverage 7: Level 99 with Brad

 Featured, Gen Con 2017, Level 99  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 Coverage 7: Level 99 with Brad
Aug 222017

Brad and I talk about Millennium Blades, Sell Swords Olympus, and I Can’t Even Monsters.  I suspect there is even more.

I can’t wait to to play Sell Swords Olympus.  I loved the first edition and I was told this is the perfected version.

Gen Con 50 Coverage 6: Dized app for learning games

 Featured, Gen Con 2017  Comments Off on Gen Con 50 Coverage 6: Dized app for learning games
Aug 222017

At Gen Con 50 I had the chance to sit down with the Dized team and discuss the inner workings of their app. This is a very promising app that will teach us all how to play faster.


This could become the best learning tool ever.

 Posted by at 5:42 PM

Gen Con Coverage 4: Mantic Games with Ronnie Renton

 Featured, Gen Con 2017, Kings of War, Mantic Games, Warpath  Comments Off on Gen Con Coverage 4: Mantic Games with Ronnie Renton
Aug 222017

Ronnie and I talk about the great stuff going on with Kings of War, Walking Dead and Star Saga.  I have pics on my facebook page.  I hope to separate everything by company this year. Any way I am looking forward to the new Kings of War game.

I hope this king lives for a long long time.