Mantic Games Presents Battlefield Scenery

 Mantic Games, Terrain  Comments Off on Mantic Games Presents Battlefield Scenery
May 012014

This is one of those Kickstarters that I really wish I had the money to buy into.  These sets are absolutely amazing!


Mantic fort2Battle Zones: Urban Quadrant

$174.99 SRP

Densely-populated cities are often prime targets for attack by aliens, rebels or anyone else who has a cause to stand against the expanding human race. As civilians are evacuated and fortifications are hastily erected, the fighting intensifies around key objectives such as landing pads and communications arrays.


This set contains 46 assorted Battlezones terrain sprues and 8 connector sprues, allowing you to construct a huge range of buildings that will provide plenty of cover for a 6’x4’ area (or a 4’x4’ area of dense urban terrain). You can expand this set using other kits from Mantic’s Battlezones Tile System range.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.


Mantic Fort distBattle Zones: Fortified District

$39.99 SRP


Although any building can be fortified given adequate time, proper purpose-built defense emplacements are vital. Designed to withstand heavy ordnance as well as small arms fire, pre-fabricated bunkers can be fully assembled within an hour of being dropped into position. They can be found in a variety of roles, from command posts to medical centers, but are most often used as the central point of a defensive position.


This set contains eight terrain sprues plus a connector sprue, allowing you to build a single heavily fortified bunker or several smaller ones for use in any 28mm sci-fi wargame. It can also be assembled in a variety of other ways, and combined with other sets from Mantic’s Battlezones Tile System range.


Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.


Mantic battle linesBattle Zones: Defense Lines

$19.99 SRp

As mankind presses outwards into the galaxy, there is an ever-present threat from aliens, rebels and warring factions. Prefabricated defense lines are quick to raise, whether at ground level or atop a building, and offer durable protection from enemy fire. With the addition of a communications array or point-defense cannon, a string of defense lines can become a solid redoubt.


This set contains two Defense Line Sprues and a connector sprue, allowing you to build a single 29.5” Defense Line or several smaller ones. It also contains a laser cannon and comms antenna. This set is compatible with all others in Mantic’s Battlezones Tile System range.


Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.


Mantic landing padBattle Zones: Landing Pad

$34.99 SRP

In the ongoing battle for the galaxy, secure supply lines are as important as the ability to move troops from place to place. Armored landing pads play a vital role; they allow the controlling faction to bring in cargo drops as well as reinforcements. If one should fall into enemy hands the tide of battle can turn in an instant, so they are fiercely guarded and will often be destroyed before they can be captured.


This set contains four Landing Pad sprues, two Defense Line sprues and a connector sprue, allowing you to build a raised landing pad with laser cannon and comms antenna. It can also be assembled in a variety of other ways, and combined with other sets from Mantic’s Battlezones Tile System range.


Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.


Battle Zones: Connectors (5)

$19.99 SRP


Mantic’s Battlezones system is the ideal terrain solution for sci-fi wargamers everywhere, bringing modular terrain to the table at an affordable price. For ambitious projects, you may want to stock up on extra connector clips, so this pack contains five sprues, giving you 128 right-angle (90°) connectors and 64 straight (180°) connectors.


Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Sprueless Plastic requires super glue.


MGCTSCI01-1Battle Zones: Urban District

$39.99 SRP

Mankind’s continuing settlement of the galaxy does not go unchallenged. Alien races do not appreciate others encroaching on their territory, and are not afraid to make strikes against civilian settlers. Frontier outposts can become

the focus of fierce fighting as troopers from both sides set up ambushes and plan counterattacks across the densely-packed streets.


This set contains ten assorted Urban terrain sprues and a connector sprue, allowing you to construct a range of buildings that will provide plenty of cover for a 2’x2’ area. This set is compatible with all others in Mantic’s Battlezones Tile System range.


Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.



MGCTSCI02-1Battle Zones: Urban Sector

$79.99 SRP

Mankind’s push into the galaxy had made it a number of enemies, but it shows no signs of slowing. Settlements can be found on thousands of worlds, from frozen tundra to heat-seared magma fields, and everything in between. Most settlements consist mainly of modular prefabrications, which are cheap to produce and transport but which provide more than adequate shelter for the many colonists that choose to leave the cradle of civilization.


This set contains 21 assorted terrain sprues and 3 connector sprues, allowing you to construct a range of buildings that will provide plenty of cover for a 2’x4’ area. This set is compatible with all others in Mantic’s Battlezones Tile System range.


Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

MGCTSCI22-1Battle Zones: Watchtower

$24.99 SRP

Although sophisticated scanning equipment is commonplace throughout the galaxy, most armed forces still place their trust in watchtowers to give the word that the enemy is approaching. They also act as ideal firing platforms, giving snipers and support weapons a view of the entire battlefield. Transported as pre-fab flatpacks, they can be assembled in less time than it takes to set up a command tent.


This set contains six assorted Urban sprues and a connector sprue, allowing you to construct a watchtower for any 28mm wargame. It can alternatively be used in conjunction with other sets in the Battlezones Tile System range to build larger constructions.


Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

MGCTSCI04-1Battle Zones: Fortified Sector

$79.99 SRP

Certain objectives need to be held no matter the cost. Central command stations, main drop zones, even important landmarks that would strike a blow against morale if lost. These vital locations will usually be fortified, but if the enemy is expected to make a serious assault full fortified emplacements will be set up. These networks of bunkers and strongholds will take a concerted effort to breach, and even if the enemy does get through they will have paid a heavy price.


This set contains twenty terrain sprues plus 3 connector sprues, allowing you to build several heavily fortified bunkers (or a single massive stronghold) for use in any 28mm wargame. It can be assembled in a variety of different ways, and combined with other sets from Mantic’s Battlezones Tile System range for even more options.


Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

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Box Breaking 82 Ruinscape Battlefield Terrain Box Set from Hawk Wargames

 Box Breaking, Featured, Hawk Wargames  Comments Off on Box Breaking 82 Ruinscape Battlefield Terrain Box Set from Hawk Wargames
Dec 052013

In this Box Breaking Matt takes a look at the Ruinscape Terrain from Hawk Wargames.   He shows you the contents and tests the strength of a building.  The Ruinscape terrain is made of a card stock.  Watch, to check out the graphics on the building.  Once you see the video you will be able to decide if they are for you.

You can learn more about Dropzone Commander at Hawk Wargames.

Basic Basing – simple rocks

 MERCS, Miniatures, Terrascaping  Comments Off on Basic Basing – simple rocks
Jun 142013

Matt decides to show  you how easy it is to sculpt basic rocks or rocky terrain.   It just goes to show you that you don’t know what you can do until you try.   Matt has never sculpted rocks before.

Thanks for watching.

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Zig-Zag from Rio Grande Games coming soon

 Board Games, Rio Grande Games  Comments Off on Zig-Zag from Rio Grande Games coming soon
Jun 112012

Zig Zag

$ 19.95 SRP


Each player has his own obstacle course that his figure must run. To run the course, the player must collect the right terrain cards – in the right order! But this is not an easy task, as all players are racing to get the cards they need at the same time. The game is played in rounds consisting of a terrain collecting phase and a running phase, which are repeated until one player’s figure reaches their goal card.

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Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012
May 232012

Today we are going to talk about building some “cracked Earth” desert Terrain.   If you like modular terrain over building tables this is a very simple project that yields high results.    If you want to you can even use this concept as a base for your whole table.

In order to do this project you will only need a few supplies.  They are a putty knife, crackle texture paint,  paint brush, water, brown paint and a can or a container for making a wash in.

HINT:  More often than not people buy more crackle texture paint than they need.   If you have a Restore (Habitat for Humnaity), or a thrift store near by you can find it cheap.  We only paid fifty cents a bottle.  The color doesn’t even matter because you are going to paint it.



The first step is to shape and contour your hills; which was already done for us.



We will start with step 2.  Which is to spread the crackle paint on the terrain.  This is really pretty simple, just smear it on.  We have discovered the best thickness to be about a quarter of an inch.  I suppose that it really depends on the amount of humidity in your work area though.  By putting it on at about that thickness it gave us a nice amount of cracking.   The pieces that had thinner layers seem to dry to quick and the cracks were much closer together.

Continue reading »

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New Malifaux From Wyrd Miniatures

 Gaming News  Comments Off on New Malifaux From Wyrd Miniatures
Nov 302011

These models have an expected release date of December 16th 2011

Arcanists: Ramos (alternative)
Arcanists: Ramos, Avatar of Invention (box)
Arcanists: Rasputina (alternative)
Arcanists: Rasputina, Avatar (box)
Outcasts: McTavish
Outcasts: Sue


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