D-Day at Peleliu: 15 September 1944 From Decision Games

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Sep 172015

DdayD-Day at Peleliu: 15 September 1944



D-Day at Peleliu is a solitaire game simulating the amphibious invasion of Peleliu in the Palau Islands. The Marines assaulted with the primary goal of capturing the airstrip nestled amid jungle and overlooked by forbidding mountain terrain. Though Maj. Gen. William Rupertus, commander of the division, predicted a quick four-day victory, the battle was instead a two-month ?ght to the death against some 10,000 tenacious Japanese.

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Battle for Normandy

 Board Games, GMT Games  Comments Off on Battle for Normandy
Jun 082013

normBattle for Normandy Expansion: June – August 1944

$59.00 SRP



This expansion set for The Battle for Normandy allows players to extend the campaign game to the end of August, but most importantly includes the area for the Mortain and Falaise Pocket scenarios. Counters are included to fill out Allied and Axis Order of Battles to the end of August, and also include specific breakdown counters for AT, SP AT, and mechanized infantry.


The Full Color Rules & Scenario books are updated and comprehensive, and include all original rules and scenarios plus all optional rules, and 6 new scenarios.

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